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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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ONT said:
Hey everyone,

I've searched the forum for my question but haven't been able to find anything relating to it so I'm hoping that someone could help me out. When doing a component transfer from primary reserves to regular force how is the regiment/battalion that you will transfer to determined? i.e if I was transferring from 4RCR would I have to stay with one of the battalions from RCR or would I be able to switch to PPCLI?

Thanks in advance

Unless things have changed drastically over the years you could "request" PPCLI, RCR or R22R.
2 Cdo said:
Unless things have changed drastically over the years you could "request" PPCLI, RCR or R22R.

Why would anyone want to request ppcli or r22r....i dunno..lol.
Being ex-4 RCR myself, I was wondering exactly the same thing.

There has to be a cure for this unfortunate condition.
ONT said:
A little bit of sarcasm I'm guessing?

Genuine concern.

Not that there's anything wrong with the Other Two Regiments.
I've just received my CT offer ( Pres inf. to Reg inf.) and I'm told i have to redo my DP1. How long would i have to be in to skip this step? I hate the thought of leaving my family for about 3 months to relearn everything again.

I have 3 years in, qualified IPSW(DP2A w/e it's called now) and received my basic mountain ops.


*From the way it sounds I might not get my requested battalion... whats in it for me now?  *rant off*
M.hutch said:
I've just received my CT offer ( Pres inf. to Reg inf.) and I'm told i have to redo my DP1. How long would i have to be in to skip this step? I hate the thought of leaving my family for about 3 months to relearn everything again.

I have 3 years in, qualified IPSW(DP2A w/e it's called now) and received my basic mountain ops.


*From the way it sounds I might not get my requested battalion... whats in it for me now?  *rant off*
Given that you have three years in, that's irrelevant (you could be a class B ranger to a pure one-weekend a month dude with a full time job, etc and so forth).  It's all about qualifications.  Platoon support weapons course is good to have, as is basic mountain ops.  Now, I can tell you a story from WAY back when, but the 'rule of thumb' was to drop two ranks (when I went CT, I dropped from Sgt to Cpl. OK, technically one rank, but MCpl was being counted as a rank for all intents and purposes).  I assume that you are Cpl, three years in.  Most likely you have never served class C, no?  So, in that case, most likely, you'll have to go DP 1 (Meaford, Wainwright, Valcartier or elsewhere) then on to a unit.  It sounds as though this three months means that you will get to "bypass" St Jean.  Hey, take what you can.  When I went Officer, I was already a MCpl (In The RCR), with small arms, etc, but still had to "start over" at basic officer training.  Just put a positive spin on it, and you'll do fine.  Consider it a challenge.
another option is to do a tour first from the reserves. After tour you get a contract offer for the same rank and pay as you proved yourself capable in overseas.
IIRC, also factored in is actual course you took.  How many times did the Res Armd BTT/TQ3/QL3 course TP/QS change over the span of the years?  POs added, dropped, changed, etc.  Certain courses meet the criteria to not repeat the training, certain ones do. 

If you take the offer, redoing DP1 will have some benefits;  you'll get to know the guys and gals you'll be serving with, you'll get in great shape, you'll get paid, you'll have a chance to show some Junior Leadership skills and the like, by helping with the true FNGs to the Inf, and things like that.

I know of one guy in my old Res unit who went Res Armour to Reg Armour; he had more than one Res QL4 qual and on his CT, he redid his QL3.  It happens sometimes.
BigRudy said:
another option is to do a tour first from the reserves. After tour you get a contract offer for the same rank and pay as you proved yourself capable in overseas.

Yup... great option... instead of being away from your family for 90 days, you'll be away from your family for going on 12 to 18 months.... Lead up training & deployment being bundled into the equation.... then again, once you are CTd and into your new unit, you'll be scheduled for a ROTO over yonder.

All in good time my man, all in good time. :warstory:
geo said:
Yup... great option... instead of being away from your family for 90 days, you'll be away from your family for going on 12 to 18 months....
I noted that too; however, his point was that he would be away for 3 months to re-learn stuff.
I figure that, once you are on course, you're going to be training with people who are going to be posted to your Regiment (if not your specific batallion)...
It's better to learn with everyone else VS showing up at the unit and be expected to know some material that you don't
RetiredRoyal said:
Why would anyone want to request ppcli or r22r....i dunno..lol.

To avoid rock-painting and pounding the parade square. 8)

Being ex-4 RCR myself, I was wondering exactly the same thing.

There has to be a cure for this unfortunate condition.

The only cure for the unfortunate condition of being RCR is to go PPCLI or VanDoo! 8)

Not that there's anything wrong with the Other Two Regiments.

Or anything right with that one regiment! 8)
2 Cdo said:
To avoid rock-painting and pounding the parade square. 8)

The only cure for the unfortunate condition of being RCR is to go PPCLI or VanDoo! 8)

Or anything right with that one regiment! 8)

don't get me wrong..i have some good friends who where pickly...they rebadged to RCR...and of course, RCR and PPCLI do have one common enemy....vandoo's...lol
RetiredRoyal said:
don't get me wrong..i have some good friends who where pickly...they rebadged to RCR...and of course, RCR and PPCLI do have one common enemy....vandoo's...lol

It's all in good fun. I have friends in all 3 regiments and we routinely give each other a hard time.

BTW most of our remusters to the RCR are the guys we didn't want! We'd have taken a puck bag in return for them! 8)
Vandoos are ennemy?

Naw - say it ain't so Joe...

Everyone loves the R21+1R 8)