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Component Transfer (CT) - Regular to Reserve [MERGED]

kolkol said:

So out of curiosity, and I know it isn't too common, is there a way, as a Pte to switch from the Reg Force to PRes?? Not that I don't like the RegF or nothing  :P Its just I want to know if there's a way to still serve and pursue my own goals (ie. school on my own time [without having to sign a longer contract])?

Thanks guys.

PS. Anyone know if, not only RegF to PRes, but can you go Navy RegF to Army PRes??

Short answer, yes. Some of my friends have done it. It makes things easier to get into the reserves after you leave reg force to CT rather than just release. Put in a request as your contract's coming up.

As for Navy RegF to Army PRes, yes, you can. What's your trade? If you're OTing, you'd have some hoops to jump through, and my point of reference would be a buddy who joined PRes after release rather than as a CT. Went from cook to supply tech. Joined the unit with the understanding that he would OT asap. Timeline was about 6 months for him to get from getting paid for parading at the unit to when BPSO approved the OT.

If you're a purple trade, and you're keeping that trade, there's none of the OT hassle.
Would it ultimately be better to just VR and reapply with the Army PRes instead of OT and CT, with BMQ already under my belt and what not?
kolkol said:
Would it ultimately be better to just VR and reapply with the Army PRes instead of OT and CT, with BMQ already under my belt and what not?

No.  If you have any sort of Security Clearance, that would be considered a Break in Service, which it is, and your Clearance will be reduced to ERC.  The time taken up in the Release process and then the Application and Enrollment process would double or triple your time waiting to get in.  Use the Release process as your CT process and eliminate having to apply and wait for acceptance to a unit.
Thanks George.

I know this is probably an impossible question to answer precisely, but could anyone ballpark the time length for a CT + OT??
I have nothing to add to the CT vs OT discussion, however, another point to consider when talking about VRing is that PRes units, especially land force units, are really really tight on recruiting numbers right now. So to be recruited in from being a civi is very difficult. Units do have space on their nominal role, however, so they have space for you to transfer in with no problems and it is a lot easier on that end of things.

kolkol said:
Thanks George.

I know this is probably an impossible question to answer precisely, but could anyone ballpark the time length for a CT + OT??

If you know where you are going on "Release", scout out the local Reserve units and talk to them.  If you find one that will accept you, it may be a good idea to get a letter from them and contact info so that you can pass that all along to the Release Section.  The Release Section will then have the info to do the CT for you as opposed to a Release.  I waited to long in the Release process to do that myself and landed up being Released and then having to go through the CFRC and Reserve unit to enrole in the Reserves and the unit that accepted me.  That two months caused a 'Break in Service' which affected my Security Clearance, as well, I landed up having to see a PSO for an OT and do the CFAT as when I joined way back when, there was no electronic CFAT.  So my recommendation is that you get this information as soon as possible, and have it when you start your Release and the Release Section will do everything for you.
What exactly is the process to do an OT from Reg to Reserve? I'm thinking of going back to University. Ideally I'd like to leave the reg force and join a local reserve unit. There would be no change in trade since I'd like to stay Medic. Just don't have any idea how to begin this process or how long it would take?
MediPea said:
What exactly is the process to do an OT from Reg to Reserve? I'm thinking of going back to University. Ideally I'd like to leave the reg force and join a local reserve unit. There would be no change in trade since I'd like to stay Medic. Just don't have any idea how to begin this process or how long it would take?

If you are going to post a question in a thread, you should at least read the thread you are posting in.  Now, if this thread had been twenty pages long, I may have thought you too lazy to read the whole thing for your answer, but this thread is only one page long (at this date) and your answer is in the post immediately above your question.......Now that is a real defining moment!
I read your post George. I guess my question wasn't clear. What I meant was do I need to write a memo to request the OT or what? Does this go through my CoC and off to the release section or do I contact them directly? Sorry for the confusion.
MediPea said:
I read your post George. I guess my question wasn't clear. What I meant was do I need to write a memo to request the OT or what? Does this go through my CoC and off to the release section or do I contact them directly? Sorry for the confusion.

What you wish to do is not an OT.

OT = Occupational Transfer ( i.e. going into another trade..."remuster"). What you wish to do is a CT - component transfer - going from one component of the CF ( the regular force) to another component ( primary reserves). Getting the terminology right increases the odds of getting an accurate answer.

Further more, you have been in the CF long enough to know that career issues such as this must go through your CoC.
Yes she wants to CT

Yes she is aware that this process requires her CoC bing in the loop. The questions becomes and one I don't know the answer to either is it a memo to up thru the CoC to start the process or do you contact the PSO office and once the paper work is complete you add to it the memo and then send it up thru the CoC.

Not having seen this done from this end before I am not sure in which direction to point her nor is there anyone I know who can.
BulletMagnet said:
The questions becomes and one I don't know the answer to either is it a memo to up thru the CoC to start the process or do you contact the PSO office and once the paper work is complete you add to it the memo and then send it up thru the CoC.

Memo to the CoC. This has nothing to do with the PSO.
My personal confusion is the CoC has no decision making in this process they can't say no only slow the process..... We all know the Avg CoC and how they react to these things. Knowing that all the paper work stems from the PSO office as they handle all these things I fins it hard to believe why someone cannot just contact the PSO office get the paper work fill it out then hand it all up thru the CoC with memo attached.

BulletMagnet said:
Yes she wants to CT

Yes she is aware that this process requires her CoC bing in the loop. The questions becomes and one I don't know the answer to either is it a memo to up thru the CoC to start the process or do you contact the PSO office and once the paper work is complete you add to it the memo and then send it up thru the CoC.

Not having seen this done from this end before I am not sure in which direction to point her nor is there anyone I know who can.

There is no need for a separate memo for a CT nor is there a need to go to the PSO as she isn't changing trades.  On the application for release there is a spot to check off CT to reserves.  Then find a unit that has a spot for you.  My wife is in the process of releasing Reg F/CT Res right now and is at that spot.  As we get info or find what works for us I will update the thread.
BulletMagnet said:
I fins it hard to believe why someone cannot just contact the PSO office get the paper work fill it out then hand it all up thru the CoC with memo attached.

This is not a PSO job. Remusters, CFR, UTPNCM, etc.... Thats whats PSOs do.
BulletMagnet said:
Thank you for the answer MJP

No Prob.  PM me an email addy and I will even send you the application for voluntary release
For those wishing to transfer from Reg to PRes, make sure you contact the unit or units you are interested in applying to first and foremost.  You can only transfer if there is a position available in your target trade.  This is one of the differences between the Reg Force and the Reserves.  There needs to be a position available in your trade and you need to be selected for that position.  Each PRes unit will have a Trg O / Recruiter (usually a WO) whom you can contact for information.  I don't think it is even possible to start the process of tranferring unless and until you have a solid job offer.  The exception to this is transferring to Supp Res.  (Highly recommended to those considering release if they believe they may re-enrol at some point...your security clearance will then not be terminated, just put in a holding pattern.)

You should also consider which environment you want to work in (assuming this is an option for your trade) because there are some pretty big differences between army, air, and naval units.  Work conditions, days and hours you will be allowed to work, availability of short and long-term contracts, obligations (parades, routine BFTs, etc) may be factors to consider, for example.  Do a lot of research before jumping the Reg F ship. :)

Just a couple of quick questions on this subject since I'm considering the same. Do you keep your spec pay if you CT to Pr Reserve in the same trade? Also, I presume no move or expenses are paid if you join Prim Res in another City and Province?
According to DGCB, only the following trades in the PRes get Spec pay:

Helicopter Shipborne Sensor Operations
Maritime Patrol Sensor Operator
Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer - Junior
Search and Rescue Technician
Aerospace Control Operator - Radar Control
Aerospace Telecommunications & Information Systems Technician
Aviation Systems Technician
Avionics Systems Technician
Aircraft Structure Technician

Link: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/je-ee/faq/otguao-mjgpmga-eng.asp