I realize that there would be different lists for different occupations but for example how many people would be on the infantry merit list? and how many people would be selected at selection times?
Shulaev said:Mav im on the same wave length as you man , I read your post in the "is this a good idea "thread, i've pretty much the same motivation for infantry , I gave up 2 letters of intent (Cal State and USC (south Carolina) to be in the position that I am now , I too figure that a university life is the choice of the mainstream up and coming "adults" , I'd rather get down and dirty then be a white collar employee if you get my drift . Its true with a degree you get the $$$ but do u get the personal satisfaction that only you can feel once you go over the top . I chose Infantry to be around people whom I can trust , im just kinda tired of the superficiality of our generation . Long story short, I'll apply myself entirely to be an elite infanteer .