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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

I realize that there would be different lists for different occupations but for example how many people would be on the infantry merit list? and how many people would be selected at selection times?
The lists vary in length depending on how many people have past their testing and made it onto the list. As for the number selected it depends on how many openings there are for Basic Training and then for trade specific training courses. This is how it goes, as far as I know, but it's best to ask someone at a recruiting center to make sure.
get a load of this boys , I received a phone call from the DND about a few minutes ago , so Im like this is it man the wait is over . The guy is like bla bla ummmmm what was your first choice we dont have it marked down , I am like OMG this is gonna set me back another year , but then he said that its not a problem yeah right , in utter shock basically .
ha another phone call this time he ask me if i filled out a security clearance form i told him that i was told i didnt need to as the circumstances were set in my favour thus avoiding the lengthy clearance . This is a total meltdown of what was a smooth recruiting process at a one time , anyone have something similar. :rage:
My medical was sent away on May 28th after it was "mishandled" for about 3 months, but I found out this morning through my bi-weekly call in that my medical file has been received from Borden  :o  ;D ;) 8).  I'm obviously happy about that.  Yet I also discovered that there is 1 more snag holding up my file :(.  It seems that after transfering CFRC's a file needs to be reviewed by (in my case) a Captain, to determine what stage of the recruiting process it's at.  I tried to tell them that if they review it for much longer that both my medical and fitness test are going to expire and set me back another minimum of 3 months.

I was met with the response that my file was with the person it needed to be with, but that since she's been away she has a mountain of work laid out for her and it could take some time to get to my file.

So now after becoming almost indifferent due to 6 months of waiting, I'm back to the high stress, crossing my fingers, and trying to will things into happening kind of waiting.

But really, my medical file returning is pretty exciting, so I'm going to forget about the other stuff for today and just enjoy the fact that my file made another baby step forward.
Next step (knock on wood) the Merit List.
Graham sorry to hear of your troubles , makes my probs seem rather puny in comparison . I am already apparently or so they told me merit listed and I hope they fix you up with a spot as well
ya man sorry to hear you went through so much man... make it worth it.  :salute:

Im still waiting for med to come back this week hopefully and then merit listed, hopefully everything gets done before septembers selection for infantry and ill be on my way.... please please please  :crybaby:

Good luck all in the next few weeks.
Mav im on the same wave length as you man , I read your post in the "is this a good idea "thread, i've pretty much the same motivation for infantry , I gave up 2 letters of intent (Cal State and USC (south Carolina) to be in the position that I am now , I too figure that a university life is the choice of the mainstream up and coming "adults" , I'd rather get down and dirty then be a white collar employee if you get my drift . Its true with a degree you get the $$$ but do u get the personal satisfaction that only you can feel once you go over the top . I chose Infantry to be around people whom I can trust , im just kinda tired of the superficiality of our generation . Long story short, I'll apply myself entirely to be an elite infanteer .  :army:
Shulaev said:
Mav im on the same wave length as you man , I read your post in the "is this a good idea "thread, i've pretty much the same motivation for infantry , I gave up 2 letters of intent (Cal State and USC (south Carolina) to be in the position that I am now , I too figure that a university life is the choice of the mainstream up and coming "adults" , I'd rather get down and dirty then be a white collar employee if you get my drift . Its true with a degree you get the $$$ but do u get the personal satisfaction that only you can feel once you go over the top . I chose Infantry to be around people whom I can trust , im just kinda tired of the superficiality of our generation . Long story short, I'll apply myself entirely to be an elite infanteer .   :army:

Personally I wouldn't have turned down scholarships. Free school,the partying, the beer and the women   ;D I mean by the time your done school your still only 22/23 and like the reserves here maybe down south is the same that alot are students. Maybe ROTC also. So best of both worlds.
They're alot of enlisted people that have degrees in the CF. When you get into the CF you should look into futuring your education. (everyone should) CF does pay for such a thing so take advantage of it. Free education, and once your done, your done and have it for life. None of us should  be bias on the education level someone has or doesn't have...we are all idiots when we are drunk but mean well LOL ;)

I'm off on vacation for a while so everyone goodluck with the merit lists, I am sure you will all hear soon.
Naw Belkin dont get me wrong man , (needless to say my parents were less then pleased ) my recruiting officer also was like what are you doing man , to tell you the truth it just feels right . As for school I will definetely upgrade upgrade and upgrade once Im in , I do look at RMC as a  definite possiblity down the yellow brick road . Have fun on your vacation .
I think it was said best in Blackhawk Down the movie - sorry, no im not joining because of movies like some ppl i know - but at the end the Delta guy said, when ppl ask me why i do this, no matter what i tell them they dont understand, or something along those lines.
I had my chance at a degree, full scholarship...
I havent lived with my parents since i was 12 and do not get a long with them, they do not support anything i do so i just dont talk to them..
I worked my a$$ off to get into university, but once it became the time to pay my res off, i stopped the cheque and said... think about this.

I have lived an extrordinary life up until now, no point in going with the norm. I want to serve, help, and be known as someone who did it for his friends, family and all the things in life. University woulda got me a lot of money, nice house, nice car... but if i work at this i can be proud of what i did, and since i do have a beautiful girlfriend and a car, and pretty much my own house... and im only 19. I am going all the way... my way.

The brotherhood you find in the armed forces has only been known as legendary, even in the worst of times, we stick together, not competing for the highest grades but helping eachother out to be equal. Having a few brews afterwords when we have a good day, thats what its all about.

I do not believe in God, never have since i understood it. I believe in myself and thats all i need.  :army:

No one will ever understand why we do it...
maximum reespect mav !!!!!!!
I look forward to meeting you at our "hopefully" same bmq
Good for you Maverick!

I did the same sort of thing, worked hard to put myself through college, got myself a fast car, then I start to realize I can't do the same old thing as everyone else, I need something real.  I'd rather listen to my 80 year old uncle talk about his time in world war II then listen to my 30 year old cousin talk about making $85000 a year sitting at a desk with his feet up. If I can't be proud of what I do then the job cant pay me enough to do it.

I hope to see you guys some time this fall for basic training

keep positive and like Maverick says "I believe in myself and thats all I need"
Wow another setback , my file has been transferred  from Missassauga to Toronto so there is now a bunch of new people handling it . Asked for an update the girl told me that the med file has just come in even though Missasauga has told me it came back on the 5th of this month , damn very hard to restrain yourself on the phone gotta remind meself that nothing will get accomplished if I bust out a bucket of shite for them to eat ... keep on top of them people . :army:
May I ask out there who else is finished with this process and is on the merit list?????

I was merit listed May 13 2004

my choice was regular force

1 infantry
2 combat engineer
3 aircraft structures tech

how about you? reg/reserve? choices?
I'm at about the 14/15 month mark in my process right now and the last time I actually spoke to someone about my file was a month or so ago, I asked at that time about the merit list and was told there is no such thing. I am awaiting a return call from the recruiting centre today hopefully, and will definately ask once again.

I applied for Reg force- Combat Engineers, seems each time I speak to someone I get different answers to the same questions.
Trav if they told you their is no such thing as a Merit list, they are pulling you chain.
Start calling your recruitment office every week to two week's and asking questions.

And yes i know how you feel when you say you always get a different answer,
I went through all the Malarcgy for 13 months before i got my offer, the wait was worth it.

their is a serious serious flaw in our recruitment system, No one ever seems to know whats going on, infact the day before i got my offer i was in the CFRC barrie and asked about where i stand.

I was told, that i would not hear anything at least untill september, the next day i got my call.
that just goes to show, they really have no clue other then the higher ups that you dont ever speak to.

Make sure to tell them your concern, that you have been waiting 14 months already and any other concerns, these RO's are not getting paid to feed you false info, they are getting paid to manage your application and answer every question you have the best they can, and thats somtimes still not good enough.

good luck it will be worth it in the end.
I'm going reg for Supply Tech #1 then MseOP #2 then Traffic tech #3 and waiting!!!!!
I think that you have to remember that the recruiting system is not in place as an employment agency, you are not the client, the Canadian Forces is.  If you expect the CF to fall over itself to offer you employment you might be at the wrong place.  After 20 years in the CF and four of them in recruiting, I can confidently say the the CF has its' own interests in mind, not yours.

If you waited 12, 13, 18 months or more, there might be more to it than "they lost my file" or "it sat on someones desk."  You just might not be the best candidate for the job.  During the selection process it might be determined that you posess average military potential (MP5) and the Infantry will only hire someone at MP7 or higher, you wait untill the cows come home for an offer, in the mean time you can bitch and complain how you were mistreated or you can try to improve your military potential.

If you are waiting for an offer, you should ask your Interviewing Officer what you can do to improve your potential and suitability, it might be as easy as playing sports or going to the gym, volunteering in your community, or upgrading your education.

Also remember that the CF is understaffed, that also includes the recruiting system, sometimes you just have to wait your turn.
