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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

Piece of Cake said:
I remember seeing the preferred and minimum requirements for Intel Ops recently. If my memory serves me correctly, the preferred education for the trade is an university degree. This struck me as strange, given that it is for a NCM.  But as always, the CFRC is the best place for recruitment 'intel'.

Basic knowledge is no NCM occupation asks for a minimum of an university degree. A single and simple search gives you the answer:


Required education

The minimum required education to apply for this position is the completion of the provincial requirements for Grade 12 or Secondaire V in Quebec and an English or French course at the Grade 11 level or Secondaire V level in Quebec. Foreign education may be accepted.
OceanBonfire said:
Basic knowledge is no NCM occupation asks for a minimum of an university degree. A single and simple search gives you the answer:



Please re-read my post again. Note the difference between preferred and minimun.

Thank you.
Buck_HRA said:
Don't look at your choices as #1, #2 and #3 (i.e. #1 is your favourite, and you'd consider doing #3).  You have be as willing to do job #3 as you are doing job #1.  The selections for occupations are not staggered; the selections are grouped (i.e. ROTP selections happen together, DEO selections happen together, and NCM selections happen together).

How the selection happens though is that with your score (CFAT, TSD, Interview) in occupation #1 you might be listed as the 60th person; in occupation #2 (same score but different trade) you're 89th; and occupation #3 (same score different trade) you're the 10th. In that case you're going to be selected for trade #3 as you're best suited for that occupation according to your score and the other individuals applying for that occupation.  So yes your name will show up on all 3 lists, but you'll be selected for the one you're scored highest in.

Thanks for clearing this up. I have not come across this knowledge either on this forum, online or through a recruiter. I would consider sticky-ing this post at the top of the recruiting forums.
Piece of Cake said:

Please re-read my post again. Note the difference between preferred and minimun.

Thank you.

Then again, if the minimum were to be high school education and having an university degree a preferred bonus, how do you find that strange?
Kram222 said:
My apologies for my lack of clarity. Want I meant to ask was, how many openings are there for the Int Op position?
No worries, for FY 17/18 the CAF had an intake number of 59 Unskilled Int Op, of which 15 are still remaining; for FY  18/19 the projected intake as of today is 29 for Unskilled Int Op (this number <b>will</b> change).

Piece of Cake said:
I remember seeing the preferred and minimum requirements for Intel Ops recently. If my memory serves me correctly, the preferred education for the trade is an university degree. This struck me as strange, given that it is for a NCM.  But as always, the CFRC is the best place for recruitment 'intel'.

Piece of Cake said:

Please re-read my post again. Note the difference between preferred and minimun.

Thank you.

Piece of Cake; this is the 2nd time today I'm correcting you on Entry Standards.  Please do not post what you "think" the Entry Standards are or what you may have "recalled" seeing "somewhere".  When I post the Entry Standards on here it is directly from the DGPR Website which is what Recruiting Group/Centres are bound by.

Here are the ES for Int Op

Option 1. Secondary school graduation certificate or a secondary V certificate of Quebec including English or French course at the Gr. 12 or Sec V level in Quebec <b>AND</b> one of the following:
a. Deployed operational experience (international or domestic) of at least six (6) monts cumulative; <b>OR</b>
b. At least one (1) year of part or full-time experience working in an intelligence or security position at a government or security position at a government agency/department (e.g. CBSA, CSC, CSE, CSIS, DFATD, DND, CAF, FINTRAC, OPP, PCO, PSC, RCMP, SQ, TC); <b>OR</b>
c. Has attained the Source Handling Operator Course (AIMC)
Option 2. Any baccalaureate degree or post-secondary diploma (no minimum experience required for these education sets);

Grade 11 high school, secondary V certificate of Quebec or equivalent secondary school education, including English or French at the Gr 11 or Sec V level in Quebec and No minimum experience required.

Roger123 said:
Thanks for clearing this up. I have not come across this knowledge either on this forum, online or through a recruiter. I would consider sticky-ing this post at the top of the recruiting forums.

I'm sure mariomike could find my threads (or they might be in the graveyard from when the Officially Supported Recruiting Forum was taken down) but I know I've explained this in the past on this forum; and I do explain it when I'm out at Recruiting Events.  It was also taught on my Recruiter Course and I'll be teaching it on the upcoming Recruiter course that I'm teaching :-) 

But point taken, I'll think about making a stickied FAQ and that will be one of the FAQs.
Do I get informed when I'm on the merit list or do I have to keep going in to check on the process
Trueprince2 said:
Do I get informed when I'm on the merit list or do I have to keep going in to check on the process

It's a good idea to continue going into your local CFRC until they confirm you are on the merit Competition List.
Is their any problems or anything I have to do if i want to go on a 2-4 week vacation while waiting on the competition list?
Trueprince2 said:
Do I get informed when I'm on the merit list or do I have to keep going in to check on the process

I had to email my file manager to get confirmation that I was on the competition list. Having said that, if you have other questions or want more clarification on something, a stop by your local recruiting center is the best way to go.
Trueprince2 said:
Is their any problems or anything I have to do if i want to go on a 2-4 week vacation while waiting on the competition list?

No, that should not be a problem at all. I’ve done that a couple times in the past and about to do it the third time in a few weeks. Putting your life on pause based on an uncertain possibility of getting a call someday is not a good way to win the waiting game 😊 You just keep living your normal life and let the rest unfold naturally. Sometimes, being on the competition list can, literally, take years. I personally know a guy who waited for about 5 years before he got selected. For myself, it’s been 7 months so far with no change in status or end in sight.

If you are reasonably worried that you might get a call while on vacation outside a cell coverage zone and with no e-mail access, I would recommend touching bases with your local CFRC to let them know that you are away for the next few weeks. Also, send a polite e-mail your MCC. I don’t know for sure, but I hope that CFRCs have the capability to put notes on applicant profiles. I doubt they will, but you might get lucky. After you come back, it won’t hurt to pop in at the recruitment centre again to double check that an offer didn’t miss you.
Hope this helps 😊 and have a great vacation!
Living the Dream said:
No, that should not be a problem at all. I’ve done that a couple times in the past and about to do it the third time in a few weeks. Putting your life on pause based on an uncertain possibility of getting a call someday is not a good way to win the waiting game 😊 You just keep living your normal life and let the rest unfold naturally. Sometimes, being on the competition list can, literally, take years. I personally know a guy who waited for about 5 years before he got selected. For myself, it’s been 7 months so far with no change in status or end in sight.

If you are reasonably worried that you might get a call while on vacation outside a cell coverage zone and with no e-mail access, I would recommend touching bases with your local CFRC to let them know that you are away for the next few weeks. Also, send a polite e-mail your MCC. I don’t know for sure, but I hope that CFRCs have the capability to put notes on applicant profiles. I doubt they will, but you might get lucky. After you come back, it won’t hurt to pop in at the recruitment centre again to double check that an offer didn’t miss you.
Hope this helps 😊 and have a great vacation!
That 5 year comment is a scary one, hopefully it isnt that long but thank you for the information!
Trueprince2 said:
Is their any problems or anything I have to do if i want to go on a 2-4 week vacation while waiting on the competition list?
No problems; however it is best to email your Recruiter / File Manager to let them know.  This way if you are selected while you are gone there is a note on your file stating that there will be a delay in your response.

Living the Dream said:
I don’t know for sure, but I hope that CFRCs have the capability to put notes on applicant profiles. I doubt they will, but you might get lucky. After you come back, it won’t hurt to pop in at the recruitment centre again to double check that an offer didn’t miss you.

Yes, CFRIMS has the ability for Recruiting Staff to place notes on your Applicant Log; this is what makes it so that no matter who looks at your file there is a clear indication of who has done what.  Everytime you call they will also put a note on your file stating that you called for an update.  "I doubt they will" ... they are mandated to put a log on your file if you ask for information or you ask for information to be put on your file :-)
deleted said:
Hello All

I am a recent university graduate and I'm applying for DEO for Intel O, Signals O, and Logistics O. Yesterday I did my CFAT rewrite, and they said I passed for all Officer Occupations except Armour O (for whatever reason), but not with great success (40/60). The Captain said that I was competitive (average to slightly below), but that sounds kind of shaky to me. I was wondering if there was anything I could do in the meantime to improve my competitiveness on the Competition List, and how much the other parts of the recruiting process count towards my competitiveness for an Officer Position? Any input helps.


The "score" that you are given on the Competition List is comprised of (1) Your CFAT score; (2) Your TSD score; and (3) Your Interview.  There are several apps and websites out there that boast that they help improve your scores - I've heard mixed reviews of said items, but that is an option if you wish to attempt a rewrite of your CFAT.
I kind of wanted to ask, just based on the previous thing. Are we allowed to ask what we scored on our CFAT? And if so, who do we ask?
SomeCodingNobody said:
I kind of wanted to ask, just based on the previous thing. Are we allowed to ask what we scored on our CFAT? And if so, who do we ask?
after my cfat i had to talk to a recruiter and they told me the percentile i got and talk a little about your trade options
SomeCodingNobody said:
I kind of wanted to ask, just based on the previous thing. Are we allowed to ask what we scored on our CFAT? And if so, who do we ask?

My interview officer gave me my score when I did my first interview years ago (when I applied for ROTP) without me asking because I thought we weren't allowed to know back then.
Buck_HRA said:
The "score" that you are given on the Competition List is comprised of (1) Your CFAT score; (2) Your TSD score; and (3) Your Interview.  There are several apps and websites out there that boast that they help improve your scores - I've heard mixed reviews of said items, but that is an option if you wish to attempt a rewrite of your CFAT.

So is it hypothetically possible to be merely average on the CFAT and TSD and do sufficiently well on the interview stage to eclipse both?
deleted said:
Hi Buck
This was my 2nd Attempt, so I'm kind of stuck with my CFAT score. That's why I was asking about anything else to improve on aside from the interview. Is a less than stellar CFAT score something that I can come back from?
You can do a 3rd attempt; but you have to do some sort of academic upgrading; plus I believe the wait time is 6months / 1 year for a 3rd attempt.  I'm not 100% sure on the time restriction for a 3rd attempt as I'm not at work right now - but I'll double check and post on Monday/Tuesday.

Xylric said:
So is it hypothetically possible to be merely average on the CFAT and TSD and do sufficiently well on the interview stage to eclipse both?
The weighting may have changed but last it was explained to me is that the CFAT/TSD carry the majority of the weight of the score; and although the interview counts towards the score it doesn't carry as much weight.  I will double check at work this week and post to verify the information.
I'll admit that I suspect my CFAT results were negatively influenced by the emotional turmoil caused by the passing of both of my grandparents within the past 6 months, but I'm actually happy with my score - I passed enough to qualify for the trades I was interested in, after all.