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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

  • Thread starter Thread starter brad_dennis
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I have been told by a recruiter, Michael, that french Canadians applying to be an infantry officer are traditionally sent to the R22R...any truth to that ?
Without stats to back it up, I would suggest that most ask for the R 22e R.
Sh0rtbUs said:
My father always said, if he hadnt been posted to London, he'd likely still be in today. 

For London was an excellent base for your time off in the city. Lots of things to do & lots of active bars.
Only one problem - with no training area you where constantly gone to Ipperwash, Meaford, Borden or Petawawa for training & courses. On top of this there was other Canadian Ex's. Also when the Batallion held an AMF role no UN tours but Nato Ex's.
For an infantry soldier you spent very little time at your home base.

Best Wishes

Ps:ShOrtbUs from your age in your profile I may have known you father & been in London around the same time.
silverbach said:
I have been told by a recruiter, Michael, that french Canadians applying to be an infantry officer are traditionally sent to the R22R...any truth to that ?
All in all... it will be a matter of how capable the individual's French/English happens to be.
If you are only barely functional in English - going PPCLI/RCR would not be a great idea. If you are only barely functional in French - going R22R would not be a great idea... but you can do it anyway.

a fella from Nfld did his entire career (thru LCol) in the R22R and never regretted it.
Plenty of francophones from QC have done same elsewhere...

Your choice IMHO
I can only speak for the quality of life for RCR choices of Petawawa or Gagetown (actually Oromocto).


Ontario taxes are a few grand cheaper than NB.  Gas is about 5-7c/litre cheaper.
Ottawa is two hours away.
Pembroke is 20 minutes away, but add 15 minutes of driving through lights just to get to Walmart and Canadian tire, which brings me to the main point that nothing is in Pet.  If you want a new car or Pizza, feel free to come here, but it's empty.  Your wife will also go insane because there is no excitment or employment.  Want to go see a movie in a theatre made since 1950?  Two hours to Ottawa.  Want to buy some non-Canex anything?  Two hours to Ottawa.
Want to eat?  Hope you like Kelsey's or driving the 30+ minutes to get to anything else.

If you're 18-25, there are plenty of clubs filled with students.
The mall is Oromocto 5 minutes away is better than the Pembroke mall 30+ minutes away from Pet;
Fredericton mall is 20 min away, including a good theatre.  Downtown is 30 min, and it's a real downtown with several bars, pubs, restaurants, etc.
Your wife/gf will have more to do, and can get a job.
The biggest complaint is that Fred isn't really that big, and if you need something in a big city, it's 4 hours to Halifax, or maybe 1.5 to Saint John.

In terms of the work environment, Pet has 1 and 3 RCR, Gagetown has 2 and the Inf Sch.  Training areas are comparible.  NB is a bit more swamp, but Pet still has plenty.  NB a bit more rock, Pet more sand.  Lawfield in NB better for LAVs, DZ in Pet better for jumping.
At the end of the day, you will have difficulty finding a girlfriend/spouse in a small town where there is a large army presence. Seeing as one of the number one concerns of most young men is the "availability" of attractive partners, and this also seems to be the number one complaint from places like Shilo and Pet. In my experience, most troops in this position substitute booze for girls - never a good combo.

For more substantiation, consider the number of Royals who manage or try to re-badge as opposed to the numbers of Patricias going the other way - no contest - most prospective troops would prefer to reside in or near to a major city - and this is one thing that the Patricias had going for us until 2VP moved to Shilo. This was, by all accounts, an unpopular move with the troops, and will cause greater levels of attrition due to the nature of that particular posting.

On a more positive note, Stephen Harper has promised to put reg force troops in every major city - so perhaps there is hope yet! (praying for 3VP to go back to Work Point...)
Go west my son!!

Edmonton is a hell of alot better than Pet. Or if wearing cowboy boots and stetsons isnt your thing go to  Valcartier ( if your francais is up to snuff). Its close to Quebec City ( which has an awesome nightlife and gals) and far enough from the Citadel garrison ( whom  have ALOT of chicken shit details, extra duties and other misery). As for Shilo..... good hunting and fishing but nothing around for miles, a western version of Pet, my heart and condolences go out to the brothers who had to give up Winnepeg.
GO would that ever be nice 3VP back at Work Point, I would even move back there. But then when they left there was a significant reduction in numbers as in the 2 VP move. Not only would the trops in 3 VP be happy but I can think of allot of bar owners that will too. But the navy will fight the move tooth and nail.
zishka said:
... and far enough from the Citadel garrison ( whom  have ALOT of chicken crap details, extra duties and other misery).
Actually, 2R22eR now has a Garrison Coy to take care of the Citadelle. This is why the 2nd Batt has a larger authorised strength then the other Batts in the R22eR. It is mostly composed of old Cpls looking for a cushy posting away from the Batts, as in the kit shop, regt'l association, ceremonial clothing stores etc...
BTW, the summer "Garde en Rouge" are now almost entirely in the form of summer taskings for reservists.
The rest of 2R22eR are stationned in Valcartier.
Having an Inf Bn in or very near a major City is great... finding same said unit stranded a couple of miles away from decent training areas is another...

I can do without the 1, 2 or 3 hours in a bus

As I understand it, the reasoning for not moving 1 CMBG to Wainwright is the community doesn't have the water or sewage infrastructure to sustain that many people and although there is a bit of commute to the ranges from Edmonton, Im sure those posted there would prefer to stay in a major city and commute over living in the sticks with no commute.
Quality of life was also a major decision in moving the Brigade to Edmonton vice Wainwright.
geo said:
Having an Inf Bn in or very near a major City is great... finding same said unit stranded a couple of miles away from decent training areas is another...

I can do without the 1, 2 or 3 hours in a bus


Good god!

Were you EVER young? How would you like to be 18 and posted to Wx?

I know, I know, back in the days of the legion, when you were a young sapper and campaigning accross Gaul and Germania, you would have given your best catapult for a base half as good as Wainwright... :D  ;D

Seriously though, retention is difficult enough - why aggravate the problem by adding a "misery" posting to an already demanding job? 2VP is experiencing a major loss of recruits after 3 years, and senior soldiers are often loathe to go to Shilo as well, due to the lack of opportunity for their spouses.

We deserve a high quality of life, our spouses deserve jobs that do not involve cleaning the MFRC. The CF will not be able to recruit and retain the best and brightest if the practice of banishing bases continues. With the job market the way it is now, especially in AB, the military is not a great option, in terms of pay, so adding a guarantee of 3 years of celibacy in Wx is not a great choice, when first year apprentices can make 40-45K/year, and not have to worry about CSMs and Garisson routine.
[ 2VP is experiencing a major loss of recruits after 3 years, and senior soldiers are often loathe to go to Shilo as well, due to the lack of opportunity for their spouses.

Same happened when 3rd moved from Work Point. Will they ever learn?
Have been young and have all the lumps to show for it.
I know all about bases / training areas in the middle of nowhere and the mischief the Sappers & Infanteers get into when left to their own devices (been there, done that).

There is an obvious need for balance between service life and family life.
I have been rather fortunate throughout my career - everyone should be as fortunate ;)
Should London ON or Workpoint barracks be part of the picture?.... not my call
but I still find those 2-3 hr bus rides to the training areas a bit tiresome.
also about workpoint barracks .. i know it wwas rough to hold an ex i mean , here on the island the closet training base is south of the border . and in order to train there you have to get the Bn . off the island. the would mean getting a ferry or two . then in order to take hazardous material  ie explosives its another ferry .. what a chore ... chilliwack was good .. kinda city kinda redneck land
Will always be home to old sappers ;)
geo said:
Should London ON or Workpoint barracks be part of the picture?.... not my call
but I still find those 2-3 hr bus rides to the training areas a bit tiresome.

London is not an option unless they find a new place. Most of the old base has been turned over to the city. Definitely no room left to post a Battalion.