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Communicator Research

PRETC for every non-combat arms trade is in Borden. Read around, there is a whole thread on it somewhere here.
Ah ok, wasn't sure if it was for everyone, or if PRETC was wherever their MOC was.  Either way I am still stoked at recruiting.
gelan said:
Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time in PRETC to do the pre QL3 math pack. The CQ at PRETC issues them to all comms research.

To get an idea did most 291'er excel at high level math in school? I was told by a Sgt. in the trade not to worry about it and that its starts very easy and is built upon slowly. However, but I dont always trust recruiters... I have been told I have a good ability for Int type stuff, but the trade isnt available to me at the moment. I really want to give 291 a shot... could anyone pm me an example of the hardest math I'd do?

popnfresh said:
To get an idea did most 291'er excel at high level math in school? I was told by a Sgt. in the trade not to worry about it and that its starts very easy and is built upon slowly. However, but I dont always trust recruiters... I have been told I have a good ability for Int type stuff, but the trade isnt available to me at the moment. I really want to give 291 a shot... could anyone pm me an example of the hardest math I'd do?

Let me put it to you this way...

i suck at math.....i mean i am math retarded.  I went to navigation school being a math retard. The school took me from doing 1+1 to trig and on the final exam i got 80%.  I am sure that for the 291 course its the same way......very progressive.

Dont sweat it...just do the work and put in the hours ...the results you get are a reflection of the effort you put in
CDN Aviator said:
Let me put it to you this way...

i suck at math.....i mean i am math retarded.  I went to navigation school being a math retard. The school too me from doing 1+1 to trig and on the final exam i got 80%.  I am sure that for the 291 course its the same way......very progressive.

Dont sweat it...just do the work and put in the hours ...the results you get are a reflection of the effort you put in

CDN Aviator,


I'm dedicated to the CF before anything, so if its possible, I will do it. I want to be a career NCM, and what you mentioned is what I seek...to get results that reflect my effort. Thanks for the reassurances, much appreciated.


popnfresh, My math skills arnt retardely high, bout 80% i got back in HS, but math is a subject that I enjoy and like, if you would like I can try and help you in some areas that you may not be comfortable with, or at least point you to locations that can help :). I as well strive to be a 291
CDN Aviator said:
Let me put it to you this way...

i suck at math.....i mean i am math retarded.  I went to navigation school being a math retard. The school took me from doing 1+1 to trig and on the final exam i got 80%.  I am sure that for the 291 course its the same way......very progressive.

Dont sweat it...just do the work and put in the hours ...the results you get are a reflection of the effort you put in

This is all according to when I did it a couple of years ago so take it for what it's worth.

The 291 math package is self-paced and taught with instruction available on request but it's not a step-by-step walkthrough (very similar to the AES Op PIP). With that in mind, the 291 math package is a fair deal easier than the AES Op version as less material is covered.

But you are correct, it's not unpassable and you'll get what you put into it.

Don't stress the math. Just focus and work hard and you will pass. The course isn't designed for people to fail.
JBoyd said:
first, i was told that after BMQ and SQ(if i choose army element) that they will have me start my QL3, although that the second part can take some time to start due to the long wait in getting clearance. is this correct? or will i still be put into PRETC for a long period of time?
I guess this kinda answered my question. I was wondering if you go navy in this trade if you have to do SQ as well.  It doesn't stipulate on forces.ca that only army has to do it but my recruiter told me you only have to do SQ if you go army in this trade. Conflicting information..but oh well....
lateralus said:
I guess this kinda answered my question. I was wondering if you go navy in this trade if you have to do SQ as well.  It doesn't stipulate on forces.ca that only army has to do it but my recruiter told me you only have to do SQ if you go army in this trade. Conflicting information..but oh well....

The info on that site IMHO is generic for certain info. As for SQ it is a Land Environment Course but I think (could be wrong) that the Navy and Air Force has their own Environment Course.
Thanks sapper. Hopefully someone just finishing BMQ or has just started QL3 can clear this one up for good.
lateralus said:
Thanks sapper. Hopefully someone just finishing BMQ or has just started QL3 can clear this one up for good.

Ask and you shall receive! You will have to do your SQ, regardless of element. You may have to do the NETP later on in your career, should you be posted on a ship. Also, the math pack is self directed, but from my experience there will be at least a couple of 'mathies' in your class to provide help. It's not impossible with enough work, and should you fail there are rewrites provided you can demonstrate that you have put in the effort.
franklincomesalive! said:
Ask and you shall receive! You will have to do your SQ, regardless of element. You may have to do the NETP later on in your career, should you be posted on a ship. Also, the math pack is self directed, but from my experience there will be at least a couple of 'mathies' in your class to provide help. It's not impossible with enough work, and should you fail there are rewrites provided you can demonstrate that you have put in the effort.

My recruiter insisted countless times that i won't have to do SQ since i will be going navy, but i'll be doing NETP.  I'm merit listed right now for comm. research(navy). I was told there were 6 openings(navy element) that they need to fill by the end of march.  Not that i have a problem with doing SQ if necessary, just seems kind of pointless if you're offered that position with the navy. I guess i'll just have to wait and see!
lateralus said:
My recruiter insisted countless times that i won't have to do SQ since i will be going navy, but i'll be doing NETP.  I'm merit listed right now for comm. research(navy). I was told there were 6 openings(navy element) that they need to fill by the end of march.  Not that i have a problem with doing SQ if necessary, just seems kind of pointless if you're offered that position with the navy. I guess i'll just have to wait and see!

You have been offered a position as a COM RESCH wearing a Navy uniform....not a position with the Navy.
CDN Aviator said:
You have been offered a position as a COM RESCH wearing a Navy uniform....not a position with the Navy.

Ahh i see. Wish my recruiter would have told me that.  I was hoping to go navy with this trade, though i haven't been offered anything yet.
lateralus said:
  I was hoping to go navy with this trade,

And you may very well find yourself employed in the Navy. But then again you may not. The uniform you wear has little bearing on your place of employment. You will find that ,through the course of your career, you will serve with more than one (if not all 3) of the environments. If you wish to start out working with the Navy, make sure you mention that everytime you chain of command asks for your preferences.
Just to elaborate a little more on what Aviator said. The uniform actually has NO bearing on what you will be employed doing. There are army (and airforce) people on ships, and navy (and airforce) people in Afghanistan. You will go where your skills are required. Having said that, you definitely picked the coolest looking uniform  ;)
franklincomesalive! said:
Just to elaborate a little more on what Aviator said. The uniform actually has NO bearing on what you will be employed doing. There are army (and airforce) people on ships, and navy (and airforce) people in Afghanistan. You will go where your skills are required. Having said that, you definitely picked the coolest looking uniform  ;)

I'm kinda surprised i'm hearing about this on here and not by my recruiter. Guess he doesn't really know much about this trade.  Anyways, how long have you been a 291?  I'm kinda happy they at least ask for your preference of where you'd like to be.  Where have you spent most of your time so far?  And yea, the uniforms are nice aren't they? :)
lateralus said:
I'm kinda happy they at least ask for your preference of where you'd like to be. 

They'll ask but don't expect to actually get your choice.