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Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation: 1PPCLI, 1RCR & 3R22eR


When are they going to start mailing these out to all those who released and or went militia?
haha, ya I'll have to stop buy the local surplus store and see if they have any! ;D
Hi all, there seems to be much confusion as to who is entitled to the CnC.  RHFC Piper - unfortunately you are inccorect. 

"With this said; if I am incorrect, that means members of A Coy, 1 PPCLI, who were a part of the 1 RCR BG are also not entitled to the citation...  But, somehow, I doubt that's the case. " - RHFC Piper

A Coy 2 PPCLI members attached to the 1 RCR battle group as long as they were serving there from the period Aug - Sep 2006 will be entitled to wear it for life (including the Coy Signallers, clerk etc).  These members are also entitled to wear the insigna awarded to 2 PPCLI for the Medak pocket while they are on unit strength at 2 PPCLI.

So here is the deal, if a member was attached posted to UIC 6426 TF Afghanistan Inf BG (this is what will show up on your MPRR) for the applicable period of the citation then they are entitled to the insignia.  So specifically

UIC 6426 TF Afghanistan Inf BG - 1 PPCLI Task Force Orion Battle Group from January - August 2006, this includes B Coy 2 PPCLI, RCHA Sqn pers and 1 CER pers who all belonged to battle group - same goes for the battle groups below

UIC 6426 TF Afghanistan Inf BG - 1 RCR Battle Group from August - September 2006 (note, if a mbr joined the BG as say an OP Replacement in October 2006 he/she would wear it on their right breast pocket as they were not there for the specific action noted in the citation or during that timeframe)

UIC 6426 TF Afghanistan Inf BG - 3 R22eR Battle Group from July 2007 to February 2008

The Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation was created by the Governor General on 7 November 2000 and, according to the criteria, may be awarded to any unit or subunit of the CF, or to any similar organization of a Commonwealth or foreign armed force working in conjunction with the CF, that has performed an extraordinary deed or activity of a rare high standard in extremely hazardous circumstances. These commendations are restricted to war or warlike conditions in an active theatre of operations.

The wearing instructions are explained in the A-AD-265-000/AG-001, CF Dress Instructions and so, in accordance with these instructions:  "The insignia will be worn for life by members of the unit or persons attached to the unit, on duty and directly involved in the action for which the Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation has been awarded. Individuals posted to the unit after the award of the Commendation may only wear the insignia during their period of posting with the honoured unit.»

In other words, the CinC Unit Commendation follows the same principle of most Canadian service medals in that the recipients must have been :

-deployed in an active theatre of operations,
-on the strength of the particular unit being recognized, and
-directly involved when the action which is being recognized took place.
These recipients are the only persons entitled to wear the insignia on the Left Breast Pocket for life.

Others who did not deploy into the theatre at the time the action took place or who subsequently joined the unit are also entitled to wear the insignia; however, these persons must instead wear the insignia on the Right Breast Pocket and only for as long as they are on the strength of the unit.

Hope that helps.... Congrats to all members of all the battle groups!
Fusilier said:
UIC 6426 TF Afghanistan Inf BG - 1 PPCLI Task Force Orion Battle Group from January - August 2006, this includes B Coy 2 PPCLI, RCHA Sqn pers and 1 CER pers who all belonged to battle group - same goes for the battle groups below
Except, the CS Engr Sqn and the Bty each had thier own UIC.
MCG said:
Except, the CS Engr Sqn and the Bty each had thier own UIC.

Yeah, there are a lot of units who were not BG UIC but were on integral to each of those BG's successes. I know I spent my tour OPCON to the BG but my parent formation was a building in KAF. I don't even think the C-IED teams are included in these awards, hopefully those guys get their own though.
So we didnt want people "left out" with that combat insigina badge....then they come out with this..?
dogger1936 said:
So we didnt want people "left out" with that combat insigina badge....then they come out with this..?

Apples and monkey wrenches. The two have nothing to do with each other.
ModlrMike said:
Apples and monkey wrenches. The two have nothing to do with each other.

How do you figure?  Singling out certain rotations for what? What about those other roto's? What about those not attached to the BG?

Sounds a lot like the issues they were having with that other chunk of metal.....only they actually done this one!
Whatever happened to Battle Honours? Rather see that than more stinkin badges.
dogger1936 said:
So we didnt want people "left out" with that combat insigina badge....then they come out with this..?
AJC said:
Whatever happened to Battle Honours? Rather see that than more stinkin badges.
The unit commendation was around before talk of the combat action badges, and it is distinct from a battle honour as units have received this recognition for performance in peace operations as well as the current awards for Afghanistan.
MCG said:
The unit commendation was around before talk of the combat action badges, and it is distinct from a battle honour as units have received this recognition for performance in peace operations as well as the current awards for Afghanistan.

I understand. Fact is if your read what they were being awarded that for...explain how any other battle group didnt do the same. We were all worried about the combat badge leaving people out......yet here we are.
Just going to mention that all 3 battalions of the PPCLI have been awarded this commendation. 8)
dogger1936 said:
I understand. Fact is if your read what they were being awarded that for...explain how any other battle group didnt do the same. We were all worried about the combat badge leaving people out......yet here we are.

I don't think you get it.  Every tour is different, based a lot on the dynamics of the unit on tour.  To sit there and moan and bitch about who gets what and why others don't  and so on is completely silly.  You don't know what those selected Battle Groups did on their tours, so who  are you too judge their award.

Really, i am sick and tired of people like you whose sole purpose it seems is to complain about why you or others don't get something that other people did.  If you feel that your achievements are worthy of recognition then initiate the paperwork.  If not, sum up!
PuckChaser said:
Yeah, there are a lot of units who were not BG UIC but were on integral to each of those BG's successes. I know I spent my tour OPCON to the BG but my parent formation was a building in KAF. I don't even think the C-IED teams are included in these awards, hopefully those guys get their own though.
At the time the EOD/C-IED teams were part of 11/23 Fd Sqn, ergo part of the BG.
Kiwi, I agree totally.  We could give every type of metal and badge to everyone, but some people would still cry for more.

Congrads to my PPCLI bros and the guys from the "other" units.

dogger1936 said:
What about those not attached to the BG?

For the Health Services Unit* for TF 1-06, they are looking at the Role 1 Coy medics as being eligible and the Role 3 mbrs ineligible. There is going to be a lot of hair splitting (ie, Role 3 medics who back filled Role 1 guys on HLTA, Role 1 guys that never left the KAF UMS, etc).

* I don't think the HSU got it's own UIC until Roto 5. It will make the Roto 6 C-in-C eligibility even harder to determine as the Role 1 Coy was part of the HSU, not the BG, and as such was considered a TF asset. At least according to CFTPO. I'd hate for some deserving medics to not get this recognition because the letter of the law put them in a different unit, when the reality was they were out with the BG.
GINge! said:
I'd hate for some deserving medics to not get this recognition because the letter of the law put them in a different unit, when the reality was they were out with the BG.

Its not just medics. If they were going to award this CiC commendations, they should have gone to the whole TFA, IMO. You can't single out a small group of people on the pointy end, when there was massive levels of support behind them.
PuckChaser said:
Its not just medics. If they were going to award this CiC commendations, they should have gone to the whole TFA, IMO. You can't single out a small group of people on the pointy end, when there was massive levels of support behind them.

  Do all the supporting units in the TFA meet the criteria for the award?