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Comm Research

Define new people? I've been here since early '10 and have both interviews, still the average wait after both is 6 to 8 months.
Our hope (and I'm guessing 2SQN's) is that after the morse code course, we'll have our clearances, or enough to hold a phase 2.
New people I mean new recruits off the street.  You mean average wait for clearance 6 to 8 months? That's pretty good I would say. Been more than that for me and they just did my update. I've been told I got another year of waiting for the SA.
6 to 8 months after you get both interviews. Time to get those interviews for me was 8 months alone (pretty much all comm rsch I know got theres around sept-oct 2010, 2 massive interview weeks)
I'm currently waiting for Ottawa to approve (I'm guessing)... that's what seems to take 6 to 8 months (based on ppl we know that got their SA or TS this year)

I've come to know both extremes.. fresh out of St-Jean and couple weeks later he's SA/TS cleared, another's contract is up (4th year) and still no news..
4th year of waiting? No one trying to find out what's happening with him? I'm surprised someone can wait for so long and not do a reassignment.
That's where all the OTs come from in PAT, people tired of waiting. Or they get their TS and find out some of the jobs you get stuck doing really aren't that cool.
meni0n said:
4th year of waiting? No one trying to find out what's happening with him? I'm surprised someone can wait for so long and not do a reassignment.

This is 4sqn we're talking about. And you have no idea how secretive clearances are for PATs, we don't get access to the website where you can track process (missing infos, interviews, etc).
One person manages clearances and he's doing his best I'm sure.
But people aren't always told their interview timings on time (friend was told 5 days after his, thankfully again, I told him about his).. that's 4sqn's fault from what I've seen.
So they go back under CSIS's pile, as we were told by their agents and guessing that's what happened with people with more than 2 years of wait.

The MWO in charge of 291'ers of the school found out about the long waits (2+ years) early december, to give you an idea of the situation.
He said he would have the security officer review everyone's clearances with more than 2 years of wait, even took a list of names from the 20-30 ppl we were at the brief.
But again, as the past as proven to me, they talk a lot... nothing really happens. The morse code is the first thing to really happen (and there were never any rumors about it, it just happened).
About morse code.. how bad do we need morse code operators? A friend suggested this could be a one-time course to "trick" a bunch of us into that job..
And for those that know guys who have gone through that course or worked as a morse code operator (no clue if it's a full-time job or what)... is it that bad? Anything unclassified about it?
What the USS going to do is go on the database, check and it will say clearance pending, maybe he would email DPM SECUR and they would email back 1 sentence saying clearance sent to analyst for review and that would be the end of that. 

I don't think I will be waiting another year or more.
Spectrum said:
This thread makes me thankful to still have another 2.5 weeks of leave.

Hate. I have to go back a week from Monday.
meni0n said:
What the USS going to do is go on the database, check and it will say clearance pending, maybe he would email DPM SECUR and they would email back 1 sentence saying clearance sent to analyst for review and that would be the end of that. 

I don't think I will be waiting another year or more.

See, that's more info about the process than we're told, thanks.
Delays I've witnessed were: missing/correcting information on forms and missing interviews.
How can a PAT miss an interview knowing it's their TS/SA:
- E-mail notifications to the pers... not knowing the pers doesn't have DWAN access yet.
- Asking other PATs to hunt down the pers since they lost or can't reach him (lost tasking infos).
- E-mail sent simply after the interview. (yeah.. wtf)
- Member is on leave (outside country)

On our end, we blame 4sqn, obviously they are overwhelmed hence the whole sending PATs to different units after holidays.
Let's hope that move improves pers management! God knows my current tasking's CoC is quick and effective..

freakerz said:
See, that's more info about the process than we're told, thanks.
Delays I've witnessed were: missing/correcting information on forms and missing interviews.
How can a PAT miss an interview knowing it's their TS/SA:
- E-mail notifications to the pers... not knowing the pers doesn't have DWAN access yet.


A Clearance is done from a DWAN acct email address.  How can a pers not have one?  Once again I will venture into this explanation:  A member must have a DWAN email address for the USS to send them the Password to access WebSPCS where they will fill out the TBS/SCT 330-60e and TBS/SCT 330-23e.  Those forms, once they are verified complete with the Global Completeness Check are submitted to the USS.  The USS checks them, prints them, has the member sign the hard copies, and for a Lvl III will also take photos (passport size/signed by member) and submit the electronic copies to DPMSecur 2, as well as mail off the hard copies with original signatures to DPM Secur 2.  After that has been done, everything is now under DPM Secur 2 control.  All the USS can do is check if the file has been moved to Ready for QC and then Processing at QC.  Eventually the USS will get back a notice that the member is due for their Initial Briefing and they will print off and sign a TBS/SCT 330-47 (3 copies).  Then the member will have their Clearance.

freakerz said:
- Asking other PATs to hunt down the pers since they lost or can't reach him (lost tasking infos).

This is why the member must have a valid DWAN email address.

freakerz said:
- E-mail sent simply after the interview. (yeah.. wtf)


freakerz said:
- Member is on leave (outside country)

Unforeseen circumstance out of everyones control.  Member will have to wait until they come back to sign their Initial Briefing.  Too bad.  So sad.

freakerz said:
On our end, we blame 4sqn, obviously they are overwhelmed hence the whole sending PATs to different units after holidays.
Let's hope that move improves pers management! God knows my current tasking's CoC is quick and effective..

Now you are blaming someone/many who have absolutely nothing to do with the process.

If you don't know how the process works, please don't make up a rant until you do.
George Wallace said:
A Clearance is done from a DWAN acct email address. 

The process can be completed without a DWAN, the member is given a blank form and they complete with a pen. USS types in the fields on the member's behalf, then has the member sign the forms before they're submitted.

Its not as common anymore, but I had to do it this way as a young reservist because LFCA didn't give email accounts to people with only a year in.
In my case, I filled paper forms in St-Jean, pictures and finger prints were taken there too.
And those were the forms they used in my TS interview (I asked the agent since a lot of ppl were saying they use the ones you refill once you get to Kingston).

Unless this has changed over the holidays, DWAN accounts are not handed out in St-Jean but when you get to Kingston and fill out an Annex G (don't know the form number).
It used to take months to get one, no clue if it still takes that long. And also, keep in mind a lot of people don't do it at all and get theirs on course (happened on my phase 1 to several ppl).

As for people on leave, wouldn't it make sense for the USS to warn CSIS so your file isn't put under the pile for another 6+ months?

By the way, my rant is mainly about 4sqn losing track of its pers.

And I know how the process is done once you're out of PAT... we don't have access to the "WebSPCS" website you refer to.
So there are delays when processing is stopped for missing info, errors, updates, etc... pers has to be contacted through their CoC
freakerz said:
As for people on leave, wouldn't it make sense for the USS to warn CSIS so your file isn't put under the pile for another 6+ months?

Two things:

One: The USS does not keep track of when you or any of your friends goes on Leave.

Two:  CSIS works on their own schedule, independent of DND and the CF.
freakerz said:
The first morse course starting this month was voluntary hoping they'ld get the minimum 20-24 people they were looking for. They came short because a bunch (8+) are going on SLT, so they voluntold several from the database and of course, poorly notified the surpervisors, friend of mine found out through me.. typical 4sqn.. and they scheduled a guy I know who's currently doing SLT..  :blotto:

And of course, you have the usual weasels. Thankfully the class has several Cpls and no names from my shitpump list! Very optimistic!

In case you guys didn't know, they're planning to "dissolve" PAT... sending them to their trade base units (sig ops to edmonton, valcartier, etc., comm rsch to 21ew, atis/lcis no clue/pet?)... PAT would only be for the orientation week then it's off to a unit... sounds like a lot of TD  :-\
Sig Ops to edmonton?

great, the wife is just going to love that. Seeing how she's in school for the next 2 years near Kingston.
Altair said:
Sig Ops to edmonton?

great, the wife is just going to love that. Seeing how she's in school for the next 2 years near Kingston.

Did the CF issue her to you or did you pick her out on your own?

Sorry.  Some military Black Humour there.  You have joined the CF and will likely spend long periods away from your family throughout your military career.  If you want to remain in a situation where you will never be separated from you spouse, then the military is not for you.  Quite simple really.  And yes, no one likes it (99%), but it is something that we all have to deal with.  Be glad that you are going to get some training and experience out of it. 
Altair said:
Sig Ops to edmonton?

great, the wife is just going to love that. Seeing how she's in school for the next 2 years near Kingston.

Don't quote me on the bases, but you may have the choice of Edmonton, Petawawa and Valcartier. (main ones grads are sent to)
Petawawa would be ideal, I spent 6 months there as a PAT doing some OJT, and was able travel to see the better half on weekends.

seeing how this is the army though, I wouldn't really get a choice, just told to show up.

As such is life I suppose.