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Combats Needed - Please Help

Most of my Cadets in the Corps have it, the CF released 2000 pairs in Novermber/Decemberish; it was in most of CanWests major papers I believe, at least in the west. Try searching Edmonton Journal if you feel so inclined... (I tried after I posted this initially and had no success, however the store that recieved the CADPAT was http://www.celsurplus.com/ The CF tried to get it back at first but realized they had no legal mechanism to do it, despite peoples belief "it's illegal to sell CADPAT." So, point a. is invalid, and point b. is wrong.)

Secondly, OD Drab doesn't come in useful at Cadets either, but it's the same price for new OD as new CADPAT.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: CADETS DON'T NEED CADPAT! simple, end of story.
condor888000 said:
Another question, what's retro CADPAT?? ???
I'm guessing retro CADPAT is the first generation fady stuff, and civi CADPAT is like the stuff CPGear sells.......just taknig a stab
Hey jackson,Id sell you mine,i got them for $80  $20 for garrison boots....MAN THOSE THINGS ARE PAINFUL :crybaby:
The CF has done away with Garrison Dress entirely...Combat boots are not shined and I pity the fool err...CO that has their cadets wear "garrison" Its not garrison it is blousing your dress pants in combat boots...
They still call it Garrison Dress...or at least, thats what they called it, in Vernon last summer
But it isnt garrison dress....dont argue the point...its not in any diagrams at all.
There is no need for slang...If you want slang for that dress I call it..."That retarded form of dress"
well its easier to just call it garrison, even if it is technically incorrect

- Shawn
I admit I'm mearly a pigeon, but take a look at this link, particularly annex B. It's old but still, provides some interesting insight...

There you go..combat boots may be worn if garrison boots unavailablee...however..the garrison tunic and pants have to be garrison style.
If you notice the lack of tunic lower drawing, Its still considered Garrison Dress