If being a LEO is your desired end state you might want to consider armoured recce as it has several transferable skill sets:
1. Patrolling in vehicles.
2. Using radios.
3. Drinking coffee while patrolling in vehicles.
4. Looking cool as f*** while patrolling in vehicles.
Putting my HR consultant hat on here now.
The hard skill sets you gain in the CF won't transfer well into civilian occupations. The police recruiter doesn't care about your intimate knowledge of Warsaw pact anti-tank mines, the differences between a BMP-1 and a BMP-2, or the right way to wrap det cord around C4. What they will care about are the soft skills you've gained through your experience in the CF. Soft skills such as:
1. Working in teams.
2. Personal drive and work ethic.
3. The ability to learn fast.
4. Working in stressful environments.
5. Looking cool as f*** while patrolling in vehicles
You should also look at the CF as an opportunity to build a professional reputation for yourself, get some awesome references for when you do apply to be a LEO, and do some networking.