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Colourful characters in the Corps (Past / Present) ???

Groovy Kean..throwing tools at people in K-17...or one of my fav's was xxxxxxxxxxxxx when he was our RSS WO.  Doing a trace and hit the Wheatley River "octopus" which went FUBAR very quickly.  Pulled the Tp over...Rick Jamer asked him this big long question about tactics and what was best if we were 5 or 7 car Tp...we had the map out on the hook of the A c/s...WO xxxxxx paused, looking very deep in thought...took a haul off his smoke, and said...

"You know, I can't smoke a cigarette in my office, but I could suck a xxxx in there if I wanted to according to government regulations".

And we mounted up and carried on with the trace.  Never forget that answer!

Or xxxxxxxxxxxx who started as our 6A Crse WO in...97? at the School...during his Crse WO address, his first question was

"Alright, how many of you f--kin guys in here are queer?"

And '92, Linden Grant had come over as SSM D...he was making signs for the biv with Rick Jamer, held one up and said "There Jam, what do you think of that?"  (he had mis-spelled PEIR, believe it or not PIER) and Rick said "You mis-spelled it sir"  and SSM Grant said "WELL THEN HOW THE F--K DO YOU SPELL PEIR???????".

I think a full page ad in the Globe and Mail saying that "the following people are homophobes:" may have been a little more effective, and I'm sure the people who you name (some of whom are still currently serving) appreciate the attention brought to them. When the fella's in the black stealth helicopter with "SHARP Team" on their backs come and take them away, they'll know who to thank ::)

Leave the names out of the stories please gents.

As Al alluded to.....

Roger...new to the forum...didn't think anyone would mind the stories...comical if you ask me.

Funny, the RCD WO I work with thought they were funny.

tough crowd
No worries. I know the WO (probably SSM right now or shortly will be) and yeah he'd laugh until the press picked it up.

BTW got your PM....ACK!


Now there was a man I seen him crawl over multiple Centurions on a moving train in 1976 to get a canister of black velvet and a box of green bullets he left in the drivers compartment of a tank. He made it back and lived to tell about it although he probably does not remember the trek.
He was my friend and always will be Dwight had a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone.
So many names so many stories I bet you a million some of of these new soldiers could not even dream of some of the things we have done. Our legacy will live never be matched.

Mike R
RBD.. funny you should mention WO and press in the same sentence.  Has anybody out here seen the picture of Dean Jones 'recceing' the voluptuous hills of a certain guest?  I can't tell where it happened but I have seen it on a couple of sites. And I am talking of non-official sites.
Mike Rochefort said:

Now there was a man I seen him crawl over multiple Centurions on a moving train in 1976 to get a canister of black velvet and a box of green bullets he left in the drivers compartment of a tank. He made it back and lived to tell about it although he probably does not remember the trek.
He was my friend and always will be Dwight had a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone.
So many names so many stories I bet you a million some of of these new soldiers could not even dream of some of the things we have done. Our legacy will live never be matched.

Mike R

If this is the same Groovie that was in the tool crib at TSS in '94, I remember him loosing it when some Res Infantry or whatever type would get sent down to him by one of the Reg guys to get "blinker fluid", left handed screwdrivers or a gallon of camoflague paint...I was in 1 Tp that summer, and you could hear him flippin out and stuff and saying "you dumbass militia f$$ckers etc etc etc" while I was learning the fine art of breaking track under the guidance of Roger C and a few others guys...

It was a good time.  I loved that summer at the Sqn there.

And the summer of 2003, TJ was our Crse MWO for our 6B.  He used to call us "you WB's!"....those who know TJ might know what I am talking about...

The one and the same Groovie..skyhooks were another great item...Skin..!!! he would say how can they be so Fu&*&^ stupid we are not in the same army he loved officer cadets just as much someday I,m gonna have to call it sir and salute it WTF. I remember a RSM that I worked for giving his new Officers a lecture warning them not to piss him off and that he had more power than an SSM at times and he would go mexican on them.

I cant believe no one has mentioned a SSM A SQN loved his chain saw we called him Crusty ..lol Around 1996-1998
Have we mentioned Al Barr?  "f**k.. f**k..f**k.."  Or Sgt Owens.. Bill I think it was.
How about Daisy Delschnider and Lue Tellis.....the "MOB".

Rob Rama is here in Comox with me...quite a few old blackhatters here in Comox. 8)

A few points to remember to some "Mud-Slingin", Regt bon fire, warm bockie....good times!!! :o
Sorry the list would not even be complete without the legendary Gunny Stairs!
Where is Groovie these days? I remember him with his pizza in his back pocket!
Just came across this post and boy does it bring back memories (suddenly feel old)

Anyone remember John Darlington who wanted to get out so bad he started his "Release for Peace" campaign?  Went AWOL, turned up in Windsor and was hauled back to Pet by the MP's.  Turned out his parents were my wife's god parents ::)

One of my favourites, though, had to be Denis Labelle going off to his room in barracks at lunch time and burning incense to cover a certain smell.  Never fooled anyone though.  One time B Sqn was on the parade square prepping for Sqn photo when SSM comes out (Routledge IIRC) and asks Labelle how high the TV antennae is on F16?  When Labelle says he doesn't know, the SSM asks him where he goes to smoke his ****
George Wallace said:
Even funnier was when he and Billy Burn first met....."Are you making f f f f f funn of m m m me Cpl?"  "N N N N No!  W W W W Warrant!"

Anyone remember Steve Bailey?

Hi George I also remember the story of when he met Col Cox who also stutterded the same thing yyyy ou mmmaking ......
Disbanded said:
I cant believe no one has mentioned a SSM A SQN loved his chain saw we called him Crusty ..lol Around 1996-1998

That was Big Al Dalton if i am not mistaken.
xdragoon said:
That was Big Al Dalton if i am not mistaken.
Right you are.  What about that Jeff Draper guy?  He was a character.  Lived upstairs from me with his 400 watt roommate, I mean stereo.  Just kidding Jeff.  Great to hear from you again, hope everything going well.
Unknown C/S said:
After LCol O'Conner it was LCol Addy. LCOL Dean follwed and was into martial arts.......

SSM Rothenburg was with Recce in 80' perhaps you may be thinking of SSM Alt? (81? 82?)

After the 22 hour tank train ride, and a little partying we would arrive in Bergen Hohne, ready for some serious bar hopping. I remember the Bar in Celle (Stardust or something) always good for a recreational fight with the brits. Don Berry would move the giant stone in the basement and impress our foes...........
SSM Turner was B Sgn80-82
Who could ever forget the MicMac Bar in Bergen. I remember a time with Mike Gagdos and Dave Tofts scrapping with brits....what a scrap....LOL