Our crew from Lahr: Al Mantel, Dorin Vinneau, Raef "Jamaica" Douthwaite, Jim Roberts, Ernie Carrol, TJ O'Connor, Don Hogan, Ron Elvin, Terry MacDonald, Jack Duquart, Rick Crooks, Wayne Chapman, Tiny Boyd, Dan Kelly, Paul Dover, Pete Hannah, Rick Marcioni, I'll think of some more later. Sadly, a bunch of these guys are gone. Some of our bosses were Russ Berry, Dick Turner, SSM Ronny Alt. Our Sqn Flying Maint Crew, Bung Murdock, Sir Rodney Ellis, Billy Weins, Roger Gallant.................and then there was the infamous Watchpig, a Regimental fixture, if only for a few weeks.
and Benny Paquin