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Coalition Troops Launch New Afghan Offensive

Three cheers for both our troops and those of our allies.​

Stay safe, work hard and kick some @$$​
R.O.S said:
So how many Canadian troops are there in Helma? With that in mind how many are also in Kandahar and Kabul? I know the total, just want to know amount of troops in each particular area.
MikeM said:
Nfld Sapper said:

OPSEC, my ass. So you all wanna be jerks to a new guy?

Its all right here on the open source DND website:


OP Athena: 2000+ mostly in KAF, roughly 75 in Kabul, 250 pers elsewhere
OP Archer: 30 pers most in Kabul
OP Argus: 15 pers in Kabul

BTW most of the force generating units are mentioned on the site too.

There are no Canadian troops in Helmand province, that is a British area of operations. Thats why the British are spearheading this op.
Quote from here:
As part of the effort, the Canadian soldiers will be tasked with setting up a blocking position in the Maywand district inside the northwestern border of Kandahar province.

for the rest of you,
If you have a problem with this, pm me, I'll be more then happy to sort you out.
I did hear a point of view from the other side of the fence the other day.  The general gist was that if the British were coming into an area it was to burn the drug crops, if the Canadians were coming they were coming to kill, and the Americans usually stirred the pot up with their Humvees.  They also don't like the LAVs, and call them Dragons as they spit fire in the night.

I honestly can't say on how accurate this pov is with regards to the British and Americans as the British have been very very busy as of late doing more than crop burning.  My hat is off to all the boys/girls in the field.  I hope they stay safe
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
There are no Canadian troops in Helmand province, that is a British area of operations. Thats why the British are spearheading this op.
Quote from here:

On the news last night it stated that it was a Dutch Commander spearheading the operation?
Quag said:
On the news last night it stated that it was a Dutch Commander spearheading the operation?

No, the RC South units are commanded by a Dutch general. The lead units, the ones who wil be doing th most maneuvering, fighing and dying will be British in the Helmand river Valley.

Check out CTV news web site, they have a couple good graphics that, with google earth or MSN maps, will show you were everything is.

The biggest mistake the Taliban can do is raise a team and bring their boys out to play.  Guerilla tactics is their game & they're real good at it.... organised unit to unit fighting is our game & we're real good at it...
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
No, the RC South units are commanded by a Dutch general. The lead units, the ones who wil be doing th most maneuvering, fighing and dying will be British in the Helmand river Valley.

Check out CTV news web site, they have a couple good graphics that, with google earth or MSN maps, will show you were everything is.

Thanks for the Clarification SMMT!
They are not weak and poorly trained at all.  In fact, they apply principles of warfare quite well, and thier propaganda machine , although not effective on Canadians, works wonders on the people that count, the Afghans.  To suggest that they useless only serves to reinforce complaceny. Anybody that has been in fight with them can testify to this. And 10,000 is a lot of dudes.  The body counts, as stupid as they are, are misleading.  1000 enemy KIA in Medusa?  How many people saw 1000 dead bodies? Its not confirmed unless you kick the body.  Otherwise it is guesstimation.  For all our boys over there this summer, they can expect some hard and dirty fighting from an enemy that knows how to fight, and doesn't care about dying.  Good luck to them all.  Nobody should comment on the fighting skills of the enemy unless they have been in fight with them.  Simple.
Kiwi99 said:
Nobody should comment on the fighting skills of the enemy unless they have been in fight with them.  Simple.

I've never been in combat versus the Wehrmacht, yet I feel confident in making accurate comments on their fighting skills.  Having said that, your point of bravado for the sake of bravado is very well taken and should be noted by many who "assume" things when they know nothing.