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Close Protection Training

So my question on this is would you be attached to a unit in Ontario for the duration of the three years or would you just be on call from your regular units. So if for example you are posted to a ship or field unit, you could just be called up last minute and deploy? The Canforgen doesn't say.
For anyone interested, here is a video story shot by us (Army News) on General Ray Henault´s close protection team last summer in Brussels.


I am here to help clear some of the fog regarding CP.  First off, if you haven't looked at the CANFORGEN, Pls do.  It does provide a great deal of information into the selection of prospective Operatives.  Also, take a look at the VCDS-Military Police website (http://www.vcds.forces.gc.ca/cfpm/pubs/rm/cpp_e.asp).  Here is a brief history of CP within the MP trade.  We were tasked to train a team to protect a General in a command position while stationed in Europe.  This took place in the 80s and various taskings lasted into the 90s until being absorbed by the JTF.  Simple... since then, the CF has become operational with Afghanistan and the JTF were loaded with doing their primary missions which was not to perform CP duties.  The CF then tasked the Provost Marshal (PM) to establish some type of selection and training system in order to deploy MPs on specific CP duties.  Since the birth of this new CP program, there has been a considerable need for new operatives and thus the PM made the decision to open this specialized qualification to MSE Ops but there was little success in recruiting the required numbers.  The latest decision, which dates back to 07, has opened the doors to all trades BUT not all ranks (Private - Sgt only).  Will this change? I do not know.  This is a priority tasking and all individuals who are interested may apply.  They are required to submit a memo to their CoC and pass "phase 1" which is done at their respected bases.  This phase consists a CF Express but a higher standard; the swim test no longer applies.  The mbrs application is then passed onto a selection board which may potentially lead to an invitation to the CPAC (close protection assessment centre).  Here, the candidate is put through a series of tests in order to determine their suitability for CP employment.  Should the mbr be selected, HE or SHE is then be invited to attend an intense 6 week high risk protection training crse.  Keep in mind that this is a high tempo training environment and there is little downtime.  Mbrs are expected to be in top physical condition and more importantly, ready to push themselves on a daily basis.  Once this training is completed, the mbr is required to attend PDT and then is deployed into a theatre of operations.  What is the final end state?  Unkown, but at this point we have established a unit now known as the Canadian Forces Protective Services Unit.  Will you be posted to CFPSU?  I do not know.  The mbr may return to their respective units for a year or two before any decision is made.  The mbr may not be interested in continuing with this role or the unit may not be interested in keeping the mbr as an operative. 

I hope this helps... If you want to know what it is really about, apply.  It is a small team environment, very challenging and very rewarding.  We work closely with other CP/SF units WorldWide and we are regarded as being very professional and extremely well trained.  If you have any questions, pls reply.  I will not divulge any specifics regarding selection or cp training. 
Thanks for the post.  I have a collegue who just entered the CP.  I hope you continue to visit this site and check for future replies to your post and offer.
I have a question. How would a guy hovering around 10.5 on the beep test do on the selection.

Is this a sufficient level for the amount of cardiovascular demand during selection?
It's a very good start, go look at the links I left in my last post.  They will be able to give you a good indication of where you need to be physically.
I can do the official fitness test in well under 18.

By "good start" do you mean I shouldn't bother attending the selection in January? Like are most of the guys selected in the 12 range on a beep test?

Thanks for your response though.
torunisfun said:
I can do the official fitness test in well under 18.

By "good start" do you mean I shouldn't bother attending the selection in January? Like are most of the guys selected in the 12 range on a beep test?

Thanks for your response though.

If your invited to a selection, then I suggest you go, from guys I know who have attended, its NOT All about running.  That and don't forget "selections" also have a mental component, just because a person is a fitness god, doesn't mean they have the mental fortitude to get through it.  At the worst you fail, but get a sense of what to expect and can better prepare, and you can still say at least you made it to selection (as opposed to those hot sh*t ninja snipers, who can talk alot of game, but don't have the stones to even apply).
Hatchet Man said:
If your invited to a selection, then I suggest you go, from guys I know who have attended, its NOT All about running.  That and don't forget "selections" also have a mental component, just because a person is a fitness god, doesn't mean they have the mental fortitude to get through it.  At the worst you fail, but get a sense of what to expect and can better prepare, and you can still say at least you made it to selection (as opposed to those hot **** ninja snipers, who can talk alot of game, but don't have the stones to even apply).

I definitely see this point.  My problem is that it would involve taking a week off school.

The positive part is that if selected I would just defer my degree to after course/tour...the negative is that if I'm not selected Ill be a week behind.

This is why I'm trying to sort out whether my chances are worth taking the risk of being behind in school, as well as taking work off for a week.  However I think I will end up going either way, just trying to break down the options.

Thanks for the advice.
Life is a risk, you just have to decide if this is worth the risk of possibly failing.

My advice take the risk.
Don't go through life always asking yourself "What if..."
From someone that wished that he had done more...
torunisfun said:
I can do the official fitness test in well under 18.

By "good start" do you mean I shouldn't bother attending the selection in January? Like are most of the guys selected in the 12 range on a beep test?

Thanks for your response though.

Not at all, I strongly suggest that you apply and attend selection.  By "very good start" I simply mean that you are on the right track.  The selection involves a battery of testing not limited to just physical abilities.  It is not impossible to pass but remains a challenge.  Good luck with CPAC and should you pass; we'll surely cross paths.
Hey guys, does anyone know if there is a clothing allowance for guys that get into the cp unit?  And Ive heard theres a unit but no posting?? hows tha work is it like a secondary duty kind of thing whee thy call you up when they need you? are they planning on having a real unit?
Yes you get a clothing grant and a clothing allowance.

Yes there is a "real" unit in the process of standing up, see the Maple Leaf article here:  CFPSU.  Right now the tasks are split.  Some are done by the pers already at the unit, some are done by pers who are trained but not at the unit.  Once the unit is fully operational, the intent is to have the unit do all the tasks.
where are they going to stand up the unit? I heard someone say Borden because of the MP school and I heard Ottawa because of HQ.
pickledmoped said:
where are they going to stand up the unit? I heard someone say Borden because of the MP school and I heard Ottawa because of HQ.
Glad you took the time to read the article at the link...

These are just a few of the criteria personnel need to be part of the CF Protective Services Unit (CFPSU), a new Canadian Operational Support Command unit that held its stand-up ceremony recently at its Shirleys Bay, Ottawa location.
Any word on the latest dates for CPAC/ application due dates etc.

Either the provost website hasn't been updated or my internet isnt updating the webpages...