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Cleaning Thermos vs Buying a New One


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As a new member of the CF, I recently received my kit. In my kit was a lot of wonderful, clean, new items. Also in my kit was one very unclean, fuzzy, black and white mouldy thermos canteen. My question...is there a way to clean this canteen that I'm unaware of (I've tried hot water, vinegar, etc, however I cannot get inside to the bottom. Or is there somewhere that I could purchase a new one? I've looked about but can only find the plastic ones. I'm in need of the metal one. I'm in Vancouver, BC. If one is in town, great, or even if I can order one online, that's great too!
macniven said:
As a new member of the CF, I recently received my kit. In my kit was a lot of wonderful, clean, new items. Also in my kit was one very unclean, fuzzy, black and white mouldy thermos canteen. My question...is there a way to clean this canteen that I'm unaware of (I've tried hot water, vinegar, etc, however I cannot get inside to the bottom. Or is there somewhere that I could purchase a new one? I've looked about but can only find the plastic ones. I'm in need of the metal one. I'm in Vancouver, BC. If one is in town, great, or even if I can order one online, that's great too!

Have you tried CLR......You know that TV advertisement that shows how it cleans showerheads, coffee pots and coffee makers, etc.?
Some more cleaning discussion here.

Cleaning 1qt Canteen 
Don't know first hand, but slow morning here today after two hectic days (life of a retiree LOL)
Anyhow, another suggestion (Google was my friend) is to use denture cleaner
Good Luck

I'd go with this reply....get it exchanged.

Pusser said:
If it's an issued item that is unfit for use, return it to Supply and they'll give you another one.
I concur with PMedMoe, and I would also suggest that once in a while you clean your canteen/camel bak/2 qt canteen/thermos with a solution of Water and Bleach (15:1)
Pusser said:
If it's an issued item that is unfit for use, return it to Supply and they'll give you another one.

I'll add to this.  The Supply System is obligated to provide you with usable kit.  It doesn't have to be new (other than next to skin items) and it doesn't have to be pristine, but it does have to be functional.  The Supply System doesn't just store things; it also repairs and disposes of them.  So, if you are being issued something that is broken, unusable or otherwise in need of repair or maintenance, then you don't have to accept it.  You can ask for another one and if they don't have another one, they can order one for you and you can pick it up later.  If your unit stores people are storing and trying to issue unusable kit, then they are not doing their job properly.  As soon as a Supply Section receives something back, they are supposed to inspect it and anything that is unusable or in need of repair is supposed to put it into the repair/disposal chain and a new one ordered (although the one they receive back could be used).

Having said all this, I'm not advocating being a a$$ at the Stores counter (that seldom works anyway).  When drawing stores, everyone needs to be reasonable.  Although everyone is supposed to return kit in a clean and ready-to-issue state, sometimes crap happens.  If an item only needs to be cleaned (using normal, reasonable methods - you shouldn't have to boil it in acid) or only needs a minor repair which you can do, then accept it and move on.  Anything beyond that though and the item needs to go back into the system for repair/disposal.

A thermos that cannot be cleaned using NORMAL methods is not only disgusting, it's unsafe and needs to be disposed of.  It should not be issued to soldiers.  I think your local PMedTech would back me up on that.

Id also likely to think the members unit dropped the ball.

Any time our unit is receiving new members for a kitting, we always do out best to make sure Somone experienced is sent along with them (usually the recruiter but could be anyone).

Why? Because stuff like this is frustratingly normal. Broken and unserviceable kit being issued. I don't really blame the sup techs, if someone turns in broken kit and doesn't mention it's broken, then it's going to get tossed into the pile with the good stuff and reissued.

Any new recruit isn't going to have a clue what to look to when they're receiving their kit and even I they did spot a deficiency, they're usually to nervous to speak up.
I did bring it in and mention it, however was told to buy a bottle brush and clean it. I'm happy to do that..but in the off-chance it doesn't work is there somewhere one can purchase a new one?

It was mentioned that there is a place where you can buy new items(name tags, clothing, etc) but I don't recall the site. Would that perhaps be a suitable place to find one?
This is unacceptable . Did your unit tell you this or the clothing stores pers?
macmar said:
I did bring it in and mention it, however was told to buy a bottle brush and clean it. I'm happy to do that..but in the off-chance it doesn't work is there somewhere one can purchase a new one?

It was mentioned that there is a place where you can buy new items(name tags, clothing, etc) but I don't recall the site. Would that perhaps be a suitable place to find one?

IF ALL OTHER VENUES FAIL- Get some antibacterial dish soap, some boiling water, and about 6 feet of small link brass chain. Put a squirt of soap in, top it up with boiling water and close it up for an hour to loosen the gunk. Pour off a small amount, insert the chain, seal it up and shake the guts out of it for as long as you can stand it. Dump, rinse, repeat at least twice more, then sanitize as per NFLD Sapper's post.  If that fails, put a hatchet through it and exchange it.
For plastic. Denture cleaning tablets work well, overnight work best (in Camelbak's too, 5 miniute type) for stainless powdered automatic dishwasher detergent a couple of tablespoons fill with hot water & let sit an hour or 2, the bottle brush good kit to have for regular cleaning.
Denture tabs:
cheaper than Camelbak clean tabs
takes away the old gunky water taste (unless it is really bad: reapeat)
1 for a canteen snap in half to fit in
3 in a Camelbak
Denture tabs:
cheaper than Camelbak clean tabs
takes away the old gunky water taste (unless it is really bad: reapeat)
1 for a canteen snap in half to fit in
3 in a Camelbak
I hope that issue was dealt with in the last 8 years.
Helmets on.

Once upon a time I left hot chocolate in my army issue green thermos after a winter ex. I forgot about it for two weeks or so.

Afterwards I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. Couldn't understand why.

So I used my teeth for extra grip.

It worked and loosened off, so I kept twisting it with the cap in my mouth.

Violent decompress of curdled hot chocolate sprayed into my mouth.

Surprise pichau face ensued.
Helmets on.

Once upon a time I left hot chocolate in my army issue green thermos after a winter ex. I forgot about it for two weeks or so.

Afterwards I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. Couldn't understand why.

So I used my teeth for extra grip.

It worked and loosened off, so I kept twisting it with the cap in my mouth.

Violent decompress of curdled hot chocolate sprayed into my mouth.

Surprise pichau face ensued.

puke GIF
rather than starting a new thread it seamed like a good place to put the tips for anyone with the need to know

In the good old days the standard thermos had a removable glass liner (which used to break, sadly).

One good thing about this was that you could change the liner, every now and then, if it was stained or otherwise unsuitable for human consumption.