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Civies take it all for granted-Do You Hate Peace Protesters?

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I think so much anger agains the peacenicks stems from the fact that for years their orthadoxy has ruled the west. As well, they have a tendency to silence anyone who disagrees with them by throwing around words like racist, homophobic, intolerent, and sexist, even when they are completely unwarrented.

Personally, their naivety and hippocracy pisses me off to no end. Yet I still respect their right to free speech and now is still the time to question our leaders.
Here is why protestors piss me off....

We are sure of Allah’s victory and our victory against the Americans and the Jews as promised by the prophet peace be up on him: “Judgment day shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, whereas the Jews will hide behind trees and stones, and the tree and the stone will speak and say ‘Muslim, behind me a Jew come and kill him’, except for the al-Ghargad tree, which is a Jewish plant.”
We are sure of our victory. Our battle with the Americans is larger than our battle with the Russians. The Americans made a very stupid mistake that no one has made before. They attached the Muslim symbol, the Kibla, of 200 million people. The reaction was very encouraging by the Muslim scholars and the youth.
We predict a black day for America and the end of the United States as United States, and will be separate states, and will retreat from our land and collect the bodies of its sons back to America. Allah willing.

Osama Bin Ladin

U.S. foreign policy is soaked in blood. And other countries of the West--including, shamefully, Canada--cannot line up fast enough behind it. But the people, the American nation that Bush is invoking, is a people which is bloodthirsty, vengeful and calling for blood. They don‘t care whose blood it is, they want blood.... There will be no emancipation for women anywhere on this planet until the Western domination of this planet is ended.
Sunera Thobani, professor at the University of British Columbia

A friend of my enemy is my enemy....
Originally posted by Disturbance:
[qb]I just cant stand ignorance, the same way I am bitter at our govt for ignoring us for years or about civvies who have no appreciation for our forces whatsoever.[/qb]

We are all in the same boat, dude. Unfortunately, as tempting as it is to try, there are limits to how much common sense you can physically beat into a person...

There is the old joke about how women are like computers - sometimes you have to punch information into them. We know that isn‘t true (and in most circles not even funny) but it is equally untrue with those who would mock our armed forces or question why we exist.

Like I say...we have all been tempted to knock some sense into these people, but in the end - it would do no good. And even talking about it makes us the bad guys. Again.
Well, now that everyone‘s had a little rant and blown off some steam and gotten it out of their system(hopefully). Maybe we can put this thread to bed with no recriminations to anyone. It‘s not what we‘re about, and does not reflect kindly on the hard work and dedication we‘ve all put in. I vote to lock it out and put it behind us.
No need to get all worked up. If it‘s something you read, just take it in stride. If it‘s something said to you, take the measure of the criticism and counterargue appropriately by drawing attention to whatever is weaker elsewhere: freedom of expression; freedom of religion; separation of church and state; rights of women, foreigners, and minorities; openness of media and means of communication; the right to purchase and drink beer, etc. We are not perfect. Imagine that. So how do we stack up by comparison?

If people profess to self-loathing for being Canadian, American, whatever, ask what they would prefer to be and then where they can be that. They will be hard-pressed to answer, and I‘ll bet not many who can think of a place will be prepared to move there.
I agree with recceguy on this one now that everyone is on the same page (pretty much), we should lock this one up.
... but before we do I have to point out another obvious contradiction in Sunera Thobani‘s rhetoric.

There will be no emancipation for women anywhere on this planet until the Western domination of this planet is ended.

So governments like the Taliban, which has been so kind to women (sarcasm) can rule the rest of the world instead. I mean, c‘mon, how the hell can you miss that one?

Why we can‘t sit on the fence: guns, germs and fear
The Globe and Mail
Thursday, October 11, 2001

There‘s some good news, I guess, about the death by anthrax of Bob Stevens last week. So far, there‘s no evidence that it was the result of a terrorist attack. So far, it‘s merely a grotesque coincidence that Mr. Stevens worked for a lurid American tabloid in a building located right down the road from the South Florida neighbourhood where Osama bin Laden‘s gang of terrorists hung out, and that the tabs have been targeting the übervillain with screaming headlines. It‘s just a coincidence that Mr. Stevens was the first person to die of anthrax inhalation in the United States in 25 years, and the first reported case of anthrax exposure inside a building.

That‘s the good news. The bad news is, it was not an accident. The anthrax bacteria were released on purpose into the air in the building, and came from a strain that had been bioengineered in a lab. A second victim, a mailroom employee, is now recovering. The chance that there was no human intervention, said a top U.S. health official, is "nil to zero."

Just a loony with a grudge? Let‘s hope. But if a loony with a grudge can get his hands on anthrax and "weaponize" it, as the experts put it, then so can a terrorist with a mission.

"There are about 15 or 16 countries where there are programs studying biological weapons," says microbiologist Donald Lowe, who is chief of Toronto Medical Laboratories. Not all of them are nice guys. One is Iraq, a long-time friend of Osama bin Laden. During the Persian Gulf war, Saddam Hussein‘s labs made enough germs to kill everyone on the planet. The U.S. bombed the labs, but didn‘t get them all. Then there‘s Kazakhstan, once part of the Soviet Union, which built up huge stockpiles of plague, smallpox and other nasty stuff. No one knows the whereabouts of those germs, or of the scientists who cooked them up.

Once upon a time, we thought the most noxious substances on our horizon were genetically modified foods and secondhand smoke. Allan Rock raised a ruckus over them, and demanded labels on food and cigarettes to warn us of the dangers. But bioterror? Not to worry. "The biggest disease we have to face right now is fear, and there‘s no reason for Canadians to regard this as anything but a remote threat," he said on Tuesday. Our public-health officials are working hard to keep us safe, he reassured us. Well, what else could he say?

In a well-timed new book called Germs,three New York Times reporters lay out enough evidence of biothreats to keep anyone awake at night. They document the ease with which a terrorist group can make a germ weapon "from a few handfuls of backyard dirt and some widely available lab equipment." They remind us that Mr. bin Laden has tried to get biological weapons from Russian organized crime. And they warn that, when it comes to public-health protection, you might as well forget about it. You could well be dead before the officials even know you‘re sick.

Last June, a group of U.S. security experts and political leaders ran a simulation exercise called "Dark Winter." In it, they tried to contain a small, simulated outbreak of bioterrorist-induced smallpox. They couldn‘t. Within three months, it had killed a million simulated people in 10 countries.

The Germs authors interviewed just about every expert in North America and found they were widely divided about the likelihood of an attack. Dr. Low told me he thinks it‘s small; Bill Patrick, a leading U.S. germ-warfare expert, says it‘s "highly likely." Dr. Low adds that the worry factor is greater since Sept. 11, because we now know moral constraints no longer apply. Terrorists will kill anyone, including themselves.

Even as our country commits our ships and planes and men and women to back America, quite a few Canadians continue to argue that we should not get off the fence. "No middle ground is being allowed," complained yet another commentator on the CBC yesterday. We are being pushed into "group mindthink" and forced into a simplistic choice between "good" and "evil." Former foreign affairs minister Lloyd Axworthy argued this week that, if we participate in military operations, we will compromise "our value as an independent player."

Besides, our officials reassure us, Canada is not a terrorist target.

That‘s nice. But the germs don‘t know that.

"There are thousands of young people who are as keen about death as Americans are about life," said an al-Qaeda spokesman on TV the other day, in case we needed reminding. Can anyone doubt that, if some of those young men have deadly germs or chemicals, they will try to commit mass murder with them?

It‘s hard to imagine how Canadians could ever have an easier moral choice than the one we have now. Maybe the people who are wringing their hands about being pushed off the fence should contemplate what a vial of smallpox might do.
Holy fuc,k balls
who was to think my post was to get so many fired up.
Its good to see others opions on the protesters.
Roko I love when its peace and quit but not "peace protesters".

You people think you have it bad, I live on the UofT campus! I feel like walking around poosting signs that say "we have a moral right to defend ourselves", just to conteract all the crap thats posted around here.
Boy, people just can‘t say anything. That was just a nice little "ditty" and all you people jump all over it! Didn‘t you take the mandatory sensativity training? If you did you wouldn‘t be so nasty..
Now.... NUKE THE BISTERDS!!! :mg:
ender, you think you have it bad? I live on the UBC campus....fun fun.
For all those who think peaceniks don‘t have a use.


I laughed my self silly.

Hope someone sees this, buried at the back of this long threat.
Relating to peaceniks..
UBC‘s pride (I wish that was sarcasm)Thobani is returning to be bathed in affection.
She had the front page of today‘s student paper, and an article that blatantly supported her, her views, and her actions, and found a number of her supporters for quotes. She‘ll be at a meeting/rally tomorrow - sponsored by the Women‘s Affairs branch of the student society - plus there is an anti-war conference somehwere else on campus tomorrow. All this follows up the "dead in" last week (20 people lying on th ground with signs like "Afghani Child" or "Canadian soldier" on their backs) . And Amnesty International had their usual pro-Palestinian,anti-war display up last week.

Now, can someone explain to me how someone like Thobani, who claims to be so pro- freedom bans the media from her last event??!!

God I love this place....
Hi guys
I am a civvy, but I don‘t take anything for granted.
As for these nuts that are demonstrating, I wonder how many of them have ever been threated by anybody. Betcha they‘d be screaming for help.
Dad was regular army. I know what he had to do, where, and why. If we don‘t have people who are willing to stand up and defend us civvies, I hate to think what would happen to our freedoms that were so hard fought for. 1,000,000 Canadians must be rolling in their graves :cdn:
We haven‘t had too much in the way of peace-protests at the UofA, at least not at a large scale..

A week after the attacks, there was a big circle of people discussing about peaceful solutions to the threat, but as far as I know they weren‘t bashing the military..

There was a lecture entitled ‘Jihad on Campus‘, which basically dealt with how Islam and Jihad isn‘t evil and anti-west, but rather how it‘s Osama, Taliban, and other extremists who make it seem that way.. It wasn‘t a protest, it was just to create public awarness of what Islam really is, and hopefully curb some of the negative stereotypes created.. It was a good to hold that lecture, in my opinion