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Civies take it all for granted-Do You Hate Peace Protesters?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ArmyAl
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It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the soldier, not the lawyer who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag and whose coffin is draped by the flag who allows the protester to burn the flag.

author unknown

I hate peace protesters and wannabe hippies.  :evil:

Read your own post and tell me how you can justify the statement that you hate peace protesters.

"It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate"

You wear the uniform and stand guard so that others have the freedom to demonstrate. You just said it yourself. If you don‘t like this fact, then what are you doing in the Army?
AHHHHHH I KNOW....so frustrating. Seriously someone needs to go up to the peace bitches and punch them in face...then when they try and fight back you remind them violence does not solve violence and when they say‘ ah yeah your right‘ you nail them again and keep doing so til they break and take a swing. then you kindly say ‘see sometimes there is a time for violence‘.

My buddy told me last night that the states is stupid for attacking like that cause now they will retaliate to us. Well no s,hit sherlock ,but we expect them to. And its not like talking has helped the past decade. The WTC is not the first attack and wont be the last until this s,hit is dealt with. BAH some friends eh.
:D Hey ArmyAl,

Hee Hee,
That‘s two in a row that haven‘t made it off the start line. :eek: Keep tryin‘ though, we‘re all ears. But in all seriousness, think a little before you speak(write?). These guys are pretty sharp and won‘t let you get away with much. Liked the saying though, sounds like it may have been born out of Viet Nam. :cool:
That quote was by Charles M. Province...

I beleive that they should have the right to protest, but it‘s annoying when they protest stuff that they have no clue about..
Actually, I rather liked what one of the protesters representing the protest in Toronto said to CBC Newsworld:

"We think that Osama bin Ladin should be brought to international court"

Sure lady... we‘ll mail a sugar coated invitation to his cave saying: "How ‘bout two o‘clock on Sunday? We‘ll schedule you in right after Milosevic‘s sentencing." :D
Yea, I really hate protesters beacuse they don‘t agree with me. As Bush says, you either for us or agan us. So shut up , we don‘t need your point opf view. Les go smoke some protestors to prove we aren‘t neanderyhals.

Look what those protestors did in the 60‘s. If it hadn‘t been for them the Americans could waxed the VC and only lost a 100.000 in the end, instead of getting out of a losing propstion with "only" 58,000 dead.

and here‘s one for you Army Al (although I must ask whose army, definaly not mine). Why did the husband beat his wife - because she just wouldn‘t f***ing listen. If you think thats funny, you need to see a professional.
I totally agree with you i hate peace, anti military bastards and everyone associated with them :cam:
recce guy i think before i speak or write.
People forget that we all have opions, so what I write is what I believe or think, if you or others don‘t like it, then too bad thats life.
Thanks for reading my messages it means soo much to me!
Roko thanks for the name of the author and I had a feeling that it was a "nam" poem.
RCA I‘ve been a soldier in three different nation‘s and I never have heard that joke.

Oh ya GPMG lighten up, it sounds like have never hated anything in your life. :blotto:
Don‘t get your knickers in a twist. I was merely stating what GPMG said. Don‘t contradict yourself with your own statement, I you reread your statement before posting you may have caught it. The icons and the snicker at the beginning meant my post was a poke in good fun. Relax.
I totally agree with you i hate peace, anti military bastards and everyone associated with them
- colinj

whoa there buddy.. You hate peace? now that can‘t be right...
Actually, I just wanted to remind others, especially the younger members here, that the people we are sworn to protect include those protesters.
My mistake Army Al. Re-reading the posts the joke should have been directed to Disturbance ( I think more aptly named Disturbed).
I am frustrated cause these protesters think you can actually reason with the terrorists. These fundamentalists are so out of whack its rediculous. They are not on the same moral page as we are our logic doesnt make sense to them as theirs doesnt make sense to us.

Do the protesters have a solution to the problem aside from stop the violence? And once we do ,they hit SF or LA...then what. Notice I said ‘sometimes there is a need‘ and I firmly believe this is one of those times. You bring a good point about vietnam cause the reason we bailed out of there is cause we didnt have the will to finish it. If we dont have the will to finish this then the war is already lost. This is one of those times when you have to stick by your leaders and their decisions 100% or your screwed. You see here we protest about anitwar and peace but in the ME they protest about bringing down America and are more fanatical about that then we are even about peace.

This is just my opinion. I never said there should be no protesters...they can do whatever they want but I still think ppl should knock some sense into them. GPMG you hit the nail on the head cause that point about our duty is to protect the protester alike everyone else is where a lot of my frustration stems from cause I lay down my life for someone who thinks its a waste is pretty weak if you ask me.
Originally posted by Disturbance:
[qb]AHHHHHH I KNOW....so f,ucking frustrating. Seriously someone needs to go up to the peace bitches and punch them in face...then when they try and fight back you remind them violence does not solve violence and when they say‘ ah yeah your right‘ you nail them again and keep doing so til they break and take a swing. then you kindly say ‘see sometimes there is a time for violence‘.

My buddy told me last night that the states is stupid for attacking like that cause now they will retaliate to us. Well no s,hit sherlock ,but we expect them to. And its not like talking has helped the past f,ucking decade. The WTC is not the first attack and wont be the last until this s,hit is dealt with. BAH some friends eh.[/qb]

Without a doubt the most ignorant and stupid post I‘ve seen here in a long time.

Why does everyone assume that all so-called "protestors" are hippocrites? I am sure many of them wouldn‘t "take a swing" at anyone under any circumstances. Believe it or not, many so-called peace activists feel as deeply about their convictions as those people who swear an oath to HM the Queen, and wear Her uniform in the service of this country.

Or does the thought of beating on defenceless people simply appeal to you on some level?

The Army, like the police, firefighters, etc. exist to help those who can‘t help themselves.

If you think that beating up defenceless people will prove something, you‘re as deluded as the people who think that murdering thousands of Afghanis with nuclear bombs will do any good.
I am with Disturbance,
These people are retards. They don‘t seem to realize that you can‘t reason with people who just give their own lives in order to murder 6,000 people. Sometimes violence is the ONLY means neccessary. Hell, I bet you these protesters would be marching on Parliament on September 10, 1939 for Canada‘s "imperial interference on Germany‘s right to such and such and blahblahblah..."
I know it is their right to believe what ever the hell they want, but I hate to see this waste of freedom that has been paid for so dearly by many soldiers who have come before me. I go to a particular University that is hive for this bull*hit (Both students and faculty). Everyone sits back and says how bad the government is, and how bad the state is, and how bad the West is...blahblahblah. Hey, if you don‘t like this place, move to Afganistan, or China, or where ever the grass is greener. I did not sign up to protect these ideas. People should be taught to have a little social responsibility....
Hey Disturbance, make sure you use the proper form of the instructions as the analogy makes more sense,...
<Borrowed from another page>
Here is what you do if you happen upon a peace rally and you‘re compelled to teach someone why retaliatory force is sometimes necessary:
1) Approach the person talking about "peace" and saying there should be, "no retaliation."
2) Engage in a brief conversation, ask if military force is appropriate.
3) When he says "Hell No!" ask him, "Why not?"
4) Wait until he says something to the effect of, "Because that would just
cause more violence, which would be awful, and we should not cause more innocent deaths."
5) Now, when he‘s in mid-sentence, punch him in the face as hard as you can.
6) When he gets back up threatening to fight back, point out that it would be a mistake and contrary to his values to strike you, because that would, "be awful and he should not cause more violence."
7) Wait until he agrees with you and has pledged not to commit additional
8) Punch him in the face again, harder this time. Repeat steps 5 through 8 until he understands that sometimes it is necessary to fight back.
Well, I‘ll jump off the soapbox. Stay Safe....
I have to say that I‘m pretty shocked at some of the posts I‘ve seen in this thread.

It seems that the understandable anger and aggression that is felt towards the groups involved in this heinous act is now being re-directed to our own civilian population.

What the...?

Let‘s stay focused here folks. It‘s this kind of "infighting" that‘s going to destroy what is already a weak political will to contribute anything meaningful to this task.
K I am not about to go out and beat some hippie to the ground (sarcasm hard to tell in text I know)....I was trying to make a point. And I apologize for letting my anger get the best of my thread writing capabilities.

You are correct in saying ‘infighting will destroy an already weak political will‘ AND that is my point. Even if I werent in here voicing my opinion they are still going to be out there BELlowing out theirs and the difference is that ppl will see theirs. I also do recognize that it is a very small % of ppl actually protesting compared to the population. But to see on tv one channel has ppl back east going insane over the burning of a flag and happy that thousands are now dead and changing to the next to see some couple stuck in the 70s preaching give peace a chance, what they dont understand is that WE HAVE given it a chance.

you guys all make valid points and I agree with them 100%...ya know these are the ppl I am sworn to protect, that we exist to help those who cant help themselves..and I wouldnt be so upset if it werent that way. I just cant stand ignorance, the same way I am bitter at our govt for ignoring us for years or about civvies who have no appreciation for our forces whatsoever.

I appreciatie Infanteer for posting the actual post from the other site to clear it up a bit.

I find it weird to be justifying my opinion while at the same time agreeing with your guys points, but I think its good that I am venting here cause my friends seem to be more lala side than I can handle right now.

Infanteer shoot me an email regarding this thurs night.


War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

- John Stuart Mill
Kinda reminds me of this cartoon I once saw, where there was a protest.. more protesters came, and asked "what are we protesting?".. Someone told them, and they said "oh, I think I‘ve got that in here somewhere", and started flipping pages on their protest signs, each page had a different thing..

Professional protesters, who don‘t understand the full issues, but like to protest anyways, no matter what it‘s about.