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CIC officer, wants to go to the rank in the reserve


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HI im a CIC officer and im considering requesting a transfer to the reserve to be a truck driver.

Im asking if some one in my situation has done it in the past and do you guys consider since I got my officer's script in the past...will the course be harder on me...and will the instructor be more "on my back"

thanks for the opinion.

Just don`t tell them that you used to be a CIC officer...I wouldn`t.
The problem is that my Cadet Unit is in the same building of the batallion i want to join...and been there for the last 4-5 years.
23007 said:
Just don`t tell them that you used to be a CIC officer...I wouldn`t.

DO NOT withhold information on prior service when talking to the Recruiters. To do show would be interpreted as your having something to hide, and it's very unlikely it wouldn't be picked up in one of your security checks, thus prompting some very embarrassing questions and possibiliy undermining you aplication completely.
I don't think anyone was advocating witholding information on the application, but you don't necessarily have to tell your course staff about all your prior experience. Just as it's recommended cadets don't become too outspoken about former cadet service.

As for getting a hard time, I would like to think that your instructors should be professional enough that you will be treated the same, but if it becomes a problem, you can always address it up the chain.

Oh, and I'm not sure if you've been told this, but I'm pretty sure you'll be made to turn in your commissioning scroll to have it destroyed. Reasoning; one cannot be an NCM and hold a commission.
Michael O'Leary said:
DO NOT withhold information on prior service when talking to the Recruiters. To do show would be interpreted as your having something to hide, and it's very unlikely it wouldn't be picked up in one of your security checks, thus prompting some very embarrassing questions and possibiliy undermining you aplication completely.

hmmm...you`re right about that. But I definitely was NOT talking about "hiding" information from the recruiters. I was talking about the course staff. Although I don`t see the course staff being the problem so much as the other course mates.
I sent my Letter to my CO this afternoon requesting a transfer to the batallion as a NCM and well ill go see the recruiting officer perhaps tonight to see what is the nex step.

Ill keep you guys informed.

I dont intend to brag...It not like my habbit to do it...and if my little knowledge i have can be used to help, then ill gladly share it

I am going from the CIC to P Res world, you'll need a letter of referrence from the recruiting cell at the recieving unit, the local CFRC will request it. I think they'll also make a request from your CO for the same (remember, your CO is the CO of the region, not the CO or your corps). I'm a bit ahead of myself though, fill out an application from the recruiting centre for transfer (same as app to join the CF), have your SIN card, Birth Certificate and school transcripts ready to go. Though this is the direction I've been given, I hope you get the same!
I *was* in the CIC....but this was 3-4 years ago, and I've left the CF since. Now I want to go back and do something totally different - I actually *want* to be a grunt again.  ;)
Having transfered from the CIC to the PRes, I can say it is the most convoluted process you will ever experience.   My transfer took 18 months to process.   The issue is that nobody is 100% sure how to deal with that type of transfer.

For LFCA... the transfers are NO LONGER through the Recruiting Centre.   They are now handled at the Bde level.   That's how my transfer finally went through.   Mind you, mine started with Bde, then went to CFRC (where I had to redo most of the Bde steps), then went back to Bde (where I had to redo the medical) and then finally finished.   Get to know someone in your areas G1 section who can keep an eye on your file.

You will need a PSO interview, CFAT testing, Fitness Testing, Medical Testing.   I did not need a reference letters or such.

I cannot comment on decomissioning and becoming a NCM, but I can say that my past CIC experience has NOT been a hinderance in any way.   Most people are interested in hearing about the differences between the CIC world and the PRes.   In fact, I found that I have been tasked more responsibility much more quickly then my peers because of my past experience.  

In the Officer world, your previous service will probably be taken into consideration and you will probably receive a rank of 2LT or higher, so you'll potentially be the highest ranking person on your course (i.e. on CAP as a Lt).

I would assume that you would be exempt from BMQ (depending on your time-in and quals as a CIC) since I was exempt from BOTP and started training at CAP.

PM me if you need more info.

edited for spelling
I would be amazed, if not completely gobsmacked if they let him write off BMQ, or have any rank when joining. CIC officers do not learn or shoot the C7 rifle in their training, and a lot of the army fieldcraft is never officially taught. Also, unless he has training or experience in the MOC he is entering, I doubt they will allow him any extra rank. For all the CIC time he may have, he has still not learned all of the things required of a soldier (particularly WRT weapons training), so he will most likely have to do everything from the beginning.

As for entering the officer world, since you already have your commission as a CIC officer, then they cannot make you an Officer Cadet without destroying your commissioning scroll. Therefore they would HAVE to make you a 2Lt at least. One cannot be an OCdt while holding a valid commission.
combat_medic said:
As for entering the officer world, since you already have your commission as a CIC officer, then they cannot make you an Officer Cadet without destroying your commissioning scroll. Therefore they would HAVE to make you a 2Lt at least. One cannot be an OCdt while holding a valid commission.

True, however, they can ask you to recind your commission.  There were a few ex-CIC on the BOTP this summer who were OCdts... from what I was told by the member from my regt who was on the course, they were previously commissioned.

As for BMQ, maybe you are right, but I will say on the officer side, not all CIC need to do BOTP and C7 is also a component for BOTP.  It doesn't take a summer course to learn your C7 drills... a range weekend at your home unit will make you proficient enough for the BMQ/BOTP standard.  I fired a perfect 25 on PWT1 my first time handling a C7.
Hello to all,

Some of you might have read my history trough out this forums, but, I'm starting to ask myself some question.

To make a brief Recap, I'm Lt CIC at this moment, and have requested a component transfer to Pres as NCM (Supply tech 911) on January 10 2006..which makes it as for today 416 days.

When I requested the transfer I told the unit I'm trying to join,  that it was a transfer and not a enrollment. they argued with telling me that since I was CIC, that I was as close to nothing. So I did what they asked and went to Quebec CFRC and did all of my procedure. and basically everything went well for that part.

On November 6 2006,  I was signing my paper for my transfer. 4 days after they signed me in and told me I would do BMQ starting December 9 2006. they called me back and told me they did a mistake that it was a component transfer, and, that I had to go trough the PSO (not sure for the term in English)  and did a second interview in December.

In January, my folder was sent to my unit which was sent to the 35Th brigade to get it signed and authorised. My folder came back the Monday after the first week end of January BMQ. and that he needed to get my folder signed by some officer. and possibly giving a crash course of what had been seen on the first week end. (Stuff i pretty much knew about, drill, fire orders..etc...etc...) and possibly be on the second week end to follow on.

Well now, we are march 2 and still no news. I'm wondering what could I do to get my file in order. I really want in, I think its a little frustrating having a John Doe with no military experience getting in faster than someone, having a basic knowledge about the military. Ive been sworn in in 1998. perharps ill have more military time behind me then my instructor. Don't get me wrong, Pres guy has more army experience then me, but I'm just a little depressed about it. Please don't take is as whining, I need some help to perhaps get my things on track...Summer is near, and if I'm going to be there or not I need to know, to help me work out things with my civvies job.

Any suggestion???