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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

If I were her, I would have chosen a different country to go to.
Where though? The article says that there are those stations in Canada, US, Europe, etc. I recall reading that Australia also has them.

I’d guess that any Western country would have varying levels of this going on. We obviously hear/read about what’s happening in Canada but it would be unreasonable to think that it’s not happening to the same extent in places like Australia, UK, etc.
Where though? The article says that there are those stations in Canada, US, Europe, etc. I recall reading that Australia also has them.

I’d guess that any Western country would have varying levels of this going on. We obviously hear/read about what’s happening in Canada but it would be unreasonable to think that it’s not happening to the same extent in places like Australia, UK, etc.
From what I have been reading, other countries are dealing with these “police stations” and foreign agents much more aggressively than we have. We have a history of shrugging our shoulders when diaspora groups here report being intimidated by foreign agents from their home countries.
Has anyone here seen/read this earlier? Quite striking.

Argentina sinks illegal Chinese fishing vessels in a restricted area off South America country coast.

If the Tories truly want the Liberals to wear the foreign interference scandal, they need to come clean with their own skeletons.

According to Mr. Cooper, a top-secret intelligence assessment from October, 2022, “strongly suggests” Beijing “financially infiltrated the federal Conservative’s 2022 leadership contest.” Specifically, Mr. Cooper quotes the document as saying China attempted, through proxies, “to elect a federal party’s new leader, purchasing party memberships to support an unidentified candidate, with the objective of tempering the federal party’s perceived ‘anti-China’ stance.”

Separately Mr. Cooper reports, based on the same document, that agents of the government of India also “appear to have interfered in the Conservatives’ 2022 leadership race.” He quotes CSIS as saying India provided ”support to an elected Canadian politician’s campaign for the leadership of a political party in Canada, by securing party memberships for that campaign.”
“Independent” Senator Yuen Pau Woo and CPC Senator Victor Oh implicated in cozying up to United Front groups and the Chinese consulate. Cabinet minister Mary Ng also unwittingly implicated in the 2019 election interference scheme.

Not looking good.

Unfortunately, by denying the diaspora community their appeal, the Public Inquiry is now coming across as a come-speak-at-your-own-risk affair. It discourages participation from the very people who suffer most from foreign interference. So as it stands today, the Public Inquiry is creating barriers for the victims while opening its arms wide to those who want to exonerate their names from alleged ties to the CCP.
And, based on a quick glance at the armies of street addicts in our cities, we're losing...

“China and the Mexican Cartels’ Asymmetrical Warthrough the Illicit Fentanyl Trade” at a Hearing on

“Follow the Money: The CCP’s Business Model Fueling the Fentanyl Crisis”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic, fentanyl abuse and trafficking into the U.S. exploded. Transnational criminal organizations, like the Mexican cartels and their Chinese suppliers and money runners, have exploited U.S. drug abuse and weak border security to empower and enrich themselves through the illicit fentanyl trade. Drug overdoses killed over 107, 000 Americans in 2022, and fentanyl poisoning has become the leading cause of death of Americans 18-45 years of age. The fentanyl crisis is harming the health and welfare of Americans but is also consuming valuable government resources in addressing the supply and demand of the fentanyl trade. This is not only a problem for the U.S. and Canada; illicit fentanyl has been recently discovered in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama. This testimony will examine the U.S. opioid epidemic and the illicit fentanyl crisis, describe how China and the Mexican drug cartels are waging an asymmetrical war against the U.S. through the illicit fentanyl drug trade and recommend specific measures the U.S. and partner countries can take to address the fentanyl crisis and counter Chinese and the Mexican cartels’ involvement in this drug trade that is poisoning our population.

And, based on a quick glance at the armies of street addicts in our cities, we're losing...

“China and the Mexican Cartels’ Asymmetrical Warthrough the Illicit Fentanyl Trade” at a Hearing on

“Follow the Money: The CCP’s Business Model Fueling the Fentanyl Crisis”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic, fentanyl abuse and trafficking into the U.S. exploded. Transnational criminal organizations, like the Mexican cartels and their Chinese suppliers and money runners, have exploited U.S. drug abuse and weak border security to empower and enrich themselves through the illicit fentanyl trade. Drug overdoses killed over 107, 000 Americans in 2022, and fentanyl poisoning has become the leading cause of death of Americans 18-45 years of age. The fentanyl crisis is harming the health and welfare of Americans but is also consuming valuable government resources in addressing the supply and demand of the fentanyl trade. This is not only a problem for the U.S. and Canada; illicit fentanyl has been recently discovered in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama. This testimony will examine the U.S. opioid epidemic and the illicit fentanyl crisis, describe how China and the Mexican drug cartels are waging an asymmetrical war against the U.S. through the illicit fentanyl drug trade and recommend specific measures the U.S. and partner countries can take to address the fentanyl crisis and counter Chinese and the Mexican cartels’ involvement in this drug trade that is poisoning our population.

and the courts in BC are aiding and abetting
The Liberals moving the first report date of the Commissioner of the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference to 3 May vice end of Feb has IMHO opened the door to the narcissistic Trudeau calling an election. He wants to destroy PP.

Plus the changes to the federal electoral district boundaries that will take effect at the earliest for a general election called after April 22, 2024. My understanding is that the NDP will lose 10% of its seats after redistrabution, so Singh may pull the plug early in 2024.

The only issue I take with the article is the ongoing intermingling with "the populist" with "the authoritarian".

This is a tale of four Houses as Shakespeare might have said - the Washington of Biden, the Beijing of Xi, the Moscow of Putin and the Mumbai of Modi. None of those men are as powerful as they wish they were. They are all creatures of their acolytes and satellites and hangers on. And most of the OECD nations are satellites of the House of Washington.

And in the background of all of this hubbub are 8 Billion people who just want to be able to breathe without idiots trying to tell them what is good for them.

I don't give a curse if the name is Biden, Xi, Putin or Modi, or for that matter Trudeau or Trump - my ancestors and parents fought for 500 years to escape Popes and Kings and Emperors and to put power into the hands of the mob. And the ancient Houses have never stopped trying to put the mob back in its place.

People rebelling at their political masters doesn't mean that they favour one House over the other. As the man said "A pox on all their Houses".
An interesting turn of events: Canadian court recognizes that Chinese university students may be spies.

A Federal Court judge has concluded that a Chinese engineering student is a potential spy and cannot enter Canada in a ruling that broadens the definition of espionage and has potentially wide consequences for foreign researchers.

The student, Yuekang Li, proposed to study under a leading researcher at the University of Waterloo and take what he learns back to China to improve its public-health system.

But Federal Court Chief Justice Paul Crampton said Mr. Li’s plan fits the definition of “non-traditional” espionage – even without evidence he ever engaged in or had been trained in spying, or that his research has military uses.

University research programs have figured prominently among the concerns of Canadian intelligence officials over intellectual property theft.