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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

I believe personal bank accounts were frozen and GoFundMe money was hijacked in part because of that allegation. Funny that…
Shocker, Government can do whatever it wants! When it wants! 🤣

I believe this was a miscalculation on the Govt's part with ramifications that will take time to develop.
I believe interests trump everything else 😉
Yup. 'Interests' will always trump 'values', no matter what anyone says openly.

We've contributed a ton to this world and it should be celebrated.

Except when it suits some to make us feel guilty about something and tap into Canadians' famous apologetic spirit.

Shocker, Government can do whatever it wants! When it wants! 🤣

I believe this was a miscalculation on the Govt's part with ramifications that will take time to develop.

Bets that the current Government isn't so quick to freeze any accounts involved with trying to influence Canada's democracy from those whose the head of Government 'admires?'

So long as the engaged and informed citizens aren't too engaged and informed... ;)

I was wondering how long it would take the mainstream media to start having suspicions about pretty boy Justin. I still think that HE THINKS he’s doing the right thing (even though he’s not) for the country. True patriotism is probably something that makes him nervous. Mind you, he has no problem posing and interacting with drag queens or appearing in a skit with a black face (okay, okay he was younger then), but I think he would probably be ashamed to say he would really and truly be willing to fight for the country that he loves.

I say Justin is not a patriotic Canadian. Why? Because to do so is in itself un-patriotic…or at least very unfashionable. And we all know how fashionable and cute Justin is. Problem is, there are too many people (especially young people) like him who enable him to stay in his comfort zone. He came to us initially with a lot of charisma, which can serve a politician well in winning the hearts and minds of the general public. To be fair, he has done some things right…most politics usually do.

But on the basis of what he has allowed China to do and to get by with, and for so long, that is absolutely inexcusable and unforgivable. And in terms of seriousness, it’s about as high up on the seriousness scale as you can get.

I just hope that, in the next election, the voters throw his bum and his fancy socks out of office. Or possibly he could be removed from office even sooner if, say, the government were defeated based on a non-confidence motion and the LPC itself lost their confidence in him as party leader. Probably unlikely but not impossible, especially if the NDP were to withdraw their promised support.
Foreign Registry consultations are open online. I just threw my log on the fire.

No doubt it will be flooded by certain corporate and United Front affiliated groups who want the gravy train to keep chugging along. Human rights activists and those concerned about national security will be sidelined.
Foreign Registry consultations are open online. I just threw my log on the fire.

A few days ago Tom Mulcair said: “In government (any government) there is a golden rule: if you are cornered and have to stall, appoint a committee”.

It could be that I’m getting too cynical of the current government, but I wonder if the consultations are simply another way of delaying the issue and making people lose interest.
A few days ago Tom Mulcair said: “In government (any government) there is a golden rule: if you are cornered and have to stall, appoint a committee”.

It could be that I’m getting too cynical of the current government, but I wonder if the consultations are simply another way of delaying the issue and making people lose interest.

Cynical or not - it is a platform. And they might be serious. And the opposition should have access to it.

Yes, it leans left. But, his points still stand, like the one below:

Here’s my thing about this, knowing precisely fuck all about this MPP [Vincent Ke] before yesterday – if he did what he is alleged to have done, he committed treason. Actively aiding a foreign power to circumvent Canadian election law – let alone a foreign adversarial power – is treason. It is as clear and obvious a case of treason as can exist, if we’re being honest.

And Global ran the story based on unconfirmed documents we can’t see, and while actively confirming that they did not independently confirm the allegations around the money and whether it was disbursed as alleged.

That seems really fucking bad.
In my view whoever cooperates with a foreign power to subvert our laws and country is a traitor, pure and simple.
I realize that there are "useful fools" out there who are dancing to the tune China is calling. They should never ever hold a position of authority or responsibility again.
China…the gift that keeps on giving.

(News sources below may have a paywall)

Meanwhile…in distant waters…

It seems much of the world is waking up to China. So here’s the big question: Is Canada now awake? Or just “woke”?
Meanwhile…in distant waters…

It seems much of the world is waking up to China. So here’s the big question: Is Canada now awake? Or just “woke”?
awake until Carlton Place then woke