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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

Part of the problem with acknowledging the lab accident scenario is that some people were really attached to the idea that it was a bioweapons lab, not a bioresearch lab. Generated a lot of heat and noise.
Potato, Potato…

The issue is that it was mutated in a lab, to a more unstable form, and why would one do that?
Sooooooo its not racist to say this anymore then ?
Everyone knew it originated in Wuhan.

The reasoning that can be considered racist was that it came from a wet market, where live animals (and some that Westerners don't generally eat) were sold as food, not the bio-lab.
Everyone knew it originated in Wuhan.

The reasoning that can be considered racist was that it came from a wet market, where live animals (and some that Westerners don't generally eat) were sold as food, not the bio-lab.

Mmmmm no I am pretty sure it was racist at one point.

Mmmmm no I am pretty sure it was racist at one point.

You might want to read that again. It's (not well-written) satire.

I’m not a religious man, but if there is one thing I pray for, it’s that the racist lab-leak theory is fully debunked and marginalized. If we are to build a more inclusive world, free of the stereotypes that divide us, it will be important for us to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that COVID-19 was not unleashed by something as intrinsically Sinocentric as a scientific accident involving poor protective-clothing management, but as the result of a more culturally neutral tradition such as the human consumption of wet-market bats. Only once that has been established beyond rejoinder will we be able to start the hard work of defeating prejudice and acknowledging who was really to blame for this devastating pandemic all along: America.
You might want to read that again. It's (not well-written) satire.


Poor Justin. Can you believe his MPs don’t support his forthright and transparent wishes? 😳
Noooooooot to worry, it's all in hand being looked into (if one is to believe bought-and-paid-for media, anyway) ...
You might want to read that again. It's (not well-written) satire.
smoke and mirrors. Associate it with the wet market and then blame racism instead of looking at the source, a cave of bats a hundred km away from the wet market. Then you take a lab,and experiment to see if you can get the virus to cross-over, funded by Farsi I might add. A little bit of carelessness and voila, we have a world crisis
From Terry Glavin. The really juicy bits are apparently behind the paywall. I think I may have to send him a few bucks. But lots of stuff in front of the paywall.

They’re not all Liberals by the way. The New Democrats have their share, and the Conservative Party. . . let’s just say for now that the Conservative Party has a very serious problem that needs attending to. Very serious.

The problem isn’t Chinese immigrants. They’re the primary victims of the United Front’s strongarm rackets. Step out of line and God help you. You’ll get swept up in “a widespread pattern of harassment and intimidationaimed, in particular, at Tibetan Canadians, Uyghur Canadians, Falun Gong practitioners and democracy activists working on China-related human rights issues in Canada.”
Potato, Potato…

The issue is that it was mutated in a lab, to a more unstable form, and why would one do that?
Gain of function research.

Create new pathogens and study them in the hopes that if the same mutation/change turns up in the wild, one might already have a vaccine.

Mix with the fact that biolabs aren't 100% secure.

What could go wrong?
Gain of function research.

Create new pathogens and study them in the hopes that if the same mutation/change turns up in the wild, one might already have a vaccine.
Create an unstable more effective virus and
Mix with the fact that biolabs aren't 100% secure.
Real L4 labs are, the Chinese labs aren’t, which is why they are cheap and a lot of US and Canadian government projects work there - which I find morally abhorrent.
What could go wrong?
Create an unstable more effective virus and

Real L4 labs are, the Chinese labs aren’t, which is why they are cheap and a lot of US and Canadian government projects work there - which I find morally abhorrent.

I find dealing with the Communist Chinese government in general to be abhorrent. The West has sold itself for cheap goods - never mind the human cost the ChiComs have incurred over the last 75 years. No one really knows how many have been "re educated" with lead over the last seven decades.
Create an unstable more effective virus and

Real L4 labs are, the Chinese labs aren’t, which is why they are cheap and a lot of US and Canadian government projects work there - which I find morally abhorrent.

Apparently the biosecurity level at the part of the Wuhan lab that was working with corona virus was equivalent to a NA dentist office

Good thing we have the press to let the Pierre Trudeau Foundation know it received $200,000 inappropriately from the Chinese….Alexandre Trudeau hanging with the Chinese ambassador and businessmen with a big cheque probably slipped his mind. Thanks media!

“The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation has learned in recent days through the media that there was a potential connection between the Chinese government and a 2016 pledge of $200,000 to be received by the Foundation,” the non-profit organization said in a statement on its website.

Good thing we have the press to let the Pierre Trudeau Foundation know it received $200,000 inappropriately from the Chinese….Alexandre Trudeau hanging with the Chinese ambassador and businessmen with a big cheque probably slipped his mind. Thanks media!
I heard on the Mother Corp just now that the PET Foundation gave back the 200k. Will the interest go with that cheque?
I heard on the Mother Corp just now that the PET Foundation gave back the 200k. Will the interest go with that cheque?
How about the rest of it?

China was throwing money at the Trudeau Foundation

Probably the most damning allegation in the CSIS leak is that one of China’s Canadian consulates told Chinese billionaire Zhang Bin to donate $1 million to Trudeau-related causes — after which he would be reimbursed for the amount.

So, $200,000 went to the Trudeau Foundation, $50,000 went to fund a statue of Pierre Trudeau, and the rest went to Pierre Trudeau-named initiatives at the University of Montreal.

It’s been known since 2016 that a Beijing-affiliated billionaire was throwing money at things with the word “Trudeau” in them — but it’s only this week that charges first emerged that he was explicitly doing it on orders from the Chinese Communist Party.

Notably, the donation occurred soon after Trudeau spent the evening with Zhang Bin at an exclusive $1,500-a-plate fundraiser organized by the Chinese Business Chamber of Commerce.

Meanwhile, somebody was showering the Trudeau Foundation in foreign cash. Right up until Trudeau became Liberal leader in 2013, the organization didn’t receive a cent in foreign donations. Then, all of a sudden, in 2015 the Trudeau Foundation was hit by a $438,000 surge in foreign donations, followed by $535,000 in 2016.

Oh, and the head of the Trudeau Foundation during this period — Morris Rosenberg — now has a new job drafting reports for the Trudeau government about Chinese election interference.
