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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

New article from Terry Glavin on Beijing’s interference in the last Federal Election.

And the quoted article from DisinfoWatch.

This should be bigger news than it is.
Do think that the people that (potentially) benefitted from the interference (and I am not accusing any Canadian political party of actually cooperating/colluding with the CCP) are really going to call attention to it?
It's all in the spin, if the media in this country wasn't so damn liberal the headlines would read something like "Liberals win election because of threats to Chinese Canadians"
For a guy who loves to stand up for minority rights why won't he do something about CCP threats to Chinese Canadians? What backroom deals has he made with the CCP? I feel like he wants make Canada a Chinese province, or he is acting like it already is. Maybe that's why five eyes is now three eyes?
The PLN is only one aspect of the maritime threat of China as most of it's neighbours know all to well.

While Russia has employed “Little Green Men” surreptitiously in Crimea, China uses its own “Little Blue Men” to support Near Seas claims. As the U.S. military operates near Beijing’s artificially-built South China Sea (SCS) features and seeks to prevent Beijing from ejecting foreign claimants from places like Second Thomas Shoal, it may well face surveillance and harassment from China’s maritime militia. Washington and its allies and partners must therefore understand how these irregular forces are commanded and controlled, before they are surprised and stymied by them.

China has long organized its civilian mariners into maritime militia, largely out of necessity. Recent years have seen a surge of emphasis on maritime militia building and increasing this unique force’s capabilities; however it is difficult to ascertain who or what entity within China’s government has ordered such emphasis. One can point to Xi Jinping’s visit to the Tanmen Maritime Militia in 2013, after which maritime militia building oriented toward the SCS has seen growth in places like Hainan, Guangdong, and Guangxi. Yet local militia training and organization plans prior to this date had already emphasized the training of maritime militia units.

China understudies Castro ;)

China, Nicaragua re-establish ties in blow to US, Taiwan​

BEIJING/TAIPEI, Dec 10 (Reuters) - China and Nicaragua re-established diplomatic ties on Friday after the country broke relations with Chinese-claimed Taiwan, boosting Beijing in a part of the world long considered the United States' backyard and angering Washington.

China has increased military and political pressure on Taiwan to accept its sovereignty claims, drawing anger from the democratically ruled island, which has repeatedly said it would not be bullied and has the right to international participation.

China's Foreign Ministry, announcing the decision after meetings with Nicaragua's finance minister and two of President Daniel Ortega's sons in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin, said the country had made the "correct choice" which conformed to "people's aspirations".
The break with Taiwan shrinks the island's dwindling pool of international allies and is a blow to the United States.

It follows months of worsening ties between Ortega and Washington, and came on the day the U.S. State Department said it had applied sanctions to Nestor Moncada Lau, a national security adviser to Ortega, alleging he operates an import and customs fraud scheme to enrich members of Ortega's government.

The U.S. State Department said Nicaragua's decision did not reflect the will of the Nicaraguan people because its government was not freely elected.

Got to love the hypocrisy in Washington, as they themselves do not recognize Taiwan as the official China.
Justin won't do anything that will reduce the profits enjoyed by his backers
I’m not so sure…

He seems pretty intent on destroying, or at least damaging, some of the key sectors of the Canadian economy.

Surely that has to hurt some of his backers…
China understudies Castro ;)

China, Nicaragua re-establish ties in blow to US, Taiwan​

BEIJING/TAIPEI, Dec 10 (Reuters) - China and Nicaragua re-established diplomatic ties on Friday after the country broke relations with Chinese-claimed Taiwan, boosting Beijing in a part of the world long considered the United States' backyard and angering Washington.

China has increased military and political pressure on Taiwan to accept its sovereignty claims, drawing anger from the democratically ruled island, which has repeatedly said it would not be bullied and has the right to international participation.

China's Foreign Ministry, announcing the decision after meetings with Nicaragua's finance minister and two of President Daniel Ortega's sons in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin, said the country had made the "correct choice" which conformed to "people's aspirations".
The break with Taiwan shrinks the island's dwindling pool of international allies and is a blow to the United States.

It follows months of worsening ties between Ortega and Washington, and came on the day the U.S. State Department said it had applied sanctions to Nestor Moncada Lau, a national security adviser to Ortega, alleging he operates an import and customs fraud scheme to enrich members of Ortega's government.

The U.S. State Department said Nicaragua's decision did not reflect the will of the Nicaraguan people because its government was not freely elected.

Wow… slow clap …what a great victory…

Nicaragua is no longer officially recognizing Taiwan, and has broken off diplomatic ties?

That is such a big deal. Like wow. How will the US and/or Taiwan ever survive without Nicaragua as an ally?

You’re screwed now Taiwan…
I’m not so sure…

He seems pretty intent on destroying, or at least damaging, some of the key sectors of the Canadian economy.

Surely that has to hurt some of his backers…
If they’re not directly or secondarily linked to the Power Corporation, then and only then do they not matter…like Western O&G…
I’m not so sure…

He seems pretty intent on destroying, or at least damaging, some of the key sectors of the Canadian economy.

Surely that has to hurt some of his backers…
Many of his key backers ~ think Power Corp, just as one example ~ divested from Canada, especially, about 25 years ago and invested, heavily in Asia, especially in China. Just after 9/11 and after the invasion of Iraq, and even more, after the Great Recession of 2008, a lot of people began to bet against the USA. The only competitor was China. Xi Jinping changed a lot of minds but Donald Trump and, now, Joe Biden make it hard to see America as a place where your investments will grow.

I, personally, suspect that his "backers" exercise a helluva lot more control over Canada's social, economic, trade, defence and foreign policies than do Prime Minister Trudeau and his PMO and the entire Trudeau cabinet put together.
Wow… slow clap …what a great victory…

Nicaragua is no longer officially recognizing Taiwan, and has broken off diplomatic ties?

That is such a big deal. Like wow. How will the US and/or Taiwan ever survive without Nicaragua as an ally?

You’re screwed now Taiwan…

It's OK, they've teamed up with China at the UN to (ironically) ensure that human rights are looked after:

China, Russia, Nicaragua, Bangladesh Win Seats On UN Organ Overseeing Human Rights​

UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization, condemned the recent election of serial human rights abusers China, Russia, Nicaragua and Bangladesh to the 54-nation Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a top UN body that regulates human rights groups, oversees the UN women’s rights commission, and adopts resolutions on a vast array of global issues ranging from internet freedom to the treatment of prisoners.

“It’s an outrage,” said Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch. “Electing repressive regimes like China, Russia, Nicaragua and Bangladesh to a key UN council, which has the power to expel human rights groups from the UN, is like picking a pyromaniac to be fire chief.”

UN Watch called on UN chief Antonio Guterres, UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet and the EU’s Federica Mogherini to condemn the election of dictatorships to ECOSOC.

Nothing any skeptic might employ to damage the credibility of the UN is as effective as what the UN does to itself.
It's OK, they've teamed up with China at the UN to (ironically) ensure that human rights are looked after:

China, Russia, Nicaragua, Bangladesh Win Seats On UN Organ Overseeing Human Rights​

UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization, condemned the recent election of serial human rights abusers China, Russia, Nicaragua and Bangladesh to the 54-nation Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a top UN body that regulates human rights groups, oversees the UN women’s rights commission, and adopts resolutions on a vast array of global issues ranging from internet freedom to the treatment of prisoners.

“It’s an outrage,” said Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch. “Electing repressive regimes like China, Russia, Nicaragua and Bangladesh to a key UN council, which has the power to expel human rights groups from the UN, is like picking a pyromaniac to be fire chief.”

UN Watch called on UN chief Antonio Guterres, UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet and the EU’s Federica Mogherini to condemn the election of dictatorships to ECOSOC.

I'm not at all surprised. If the UN prevented human rights abusers from being elected to ECOSOC then they would have to do something about their abuses. As long as there are abusers on the panel the panel will never vote to intervene. The UN does not want to do anything that will piss off its member nations because they pay dues. Those four countries by 1/2 a Trillion dollars to the UN. Therefore the UN will never accomplish anything meaningful.
