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Cheating on cfat


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When I wrote the cfat I was basically accused of cheating.

Is this a good indication that I should avoid any attempt to join.

Would you be upset or disillusioned with the process and the people, and would it be enough of a "red flag" to just say.
F this. Because that's how I feel about it.

Good Day Sir.
Good bye and ...well...
...still trying to bite the bullet,
I don't fully comprehend what you mean, and why you were accused of cheating, but WHEN were you accused of cheating? When I did my CFAT they had that testing area locked down, and the only reason they would accuse you of cheating, was if you cheated. What sort of "cheating" did they think you did? Your post doesn't really provide any sort of detail.


Obviously, it makes no difference if I cheated.
The accusation is enough to cause problems.

On top of that, it seems as though the government decided to put in my file  that I'm a drug addict.

I am tired of the lies.
Corruption. Outright bald faced lies, by professionals.

You guys know the story, I will not rant about it.

And what about the time I was indicted?

Ever been indicted?  I was.

Can I recover from it. ?
I think so, I like to believe I can.

But ultimately it is out of my hands.

If you want to tell lies about me and then claim " these are YOUR life choices", I really do not see that as my problem.  Your lies ,not mine. Your corruption has nothing to do with me.

I think I will demand a waiver for p.l.t.
If not, then c all ya'alls l8r.

The fact that the application process was started in 2010 though... I don't think CFAT cheating was the only issue.
luttrellfan said:
Troll or Wackadoodle?

Had it just been the first post I would have said troll, but given the follow up I am thinking it is the latter. Entertaining nonetheless.
I was asked to rewrite. And after reading the bully losers on this post I not sure I will.  Ya'll are fucken loser bullies clowns f you.

I should rewrite  . Just to rub it in your stupid loser faces.

Yeah I'm doing the rewrite.
But I'm probably not joining.

If I can even get past the forums without being bullied then...
Seems like the problem is you.

Bully clowns

Hi. I was slightly ahead of myself.
The "person" who made claims of  health issues or some pathology might be a doctor qualified to say this.

But, probably not.
Just a loser bully clown.

If you are a doctor  I would suggest you refrain from making a diagnosis over the internet because it is extremely unprofessional- you May lose your medical license for doing this.
I cancelled my rewrite for the 24th.
I cited bulling on the army.ca forum as the reason.

I would strongly encourage you to address your abuse problems  ... before it costs you another  Billion dollars

Please consider
commander-cb said:
Ya'll are fucken loser bullies clowns f you.

I should rewrite  . Just to rub it in your stupid loser faces.

Bully clowns

Probably for the better imo that you don't rewrite. If this forum has you so triggered that you feel the need to hurl insults in a forum, then I feel like basic training isn't going to go so well for you. I don't know your whole story as to why the process is taking so long and honestly, based on your your posts in this forum... It really doesn't surprise me that your attitude on here and probably some other reasons that we don't know are contributing factors to your long process.
Good luck in your future endeavours.

commander-cb said:
I cancelled my rewrite for the 24th.
I cited bulling on the army.ca forum as the reason.

I would strongly encourage you to address your abuse problems  ... before it costs you another  Billion dollars

Please consider

With the constant attacks you have been making on the army.ca userbase, I am surprised this thread hasn't been locked. Army.ca has very little to do with the military organization as a whole other than being a forum where the experienced helps the inexperienced. I'm sure you have your reasons why you feel the way you do, and I sympathize. However, this behavior and the language you have been using is unbefitting of this forum and certainly that of the organization many of us are part of. I am not someone who publicly chastises anyone, so I will only say this. Get some help, take care of yourself, because I believe this behavior isn't solely representative of how you're being treated on the internet.

theres only one way of cheating on the cfat , and thats living with a math teacher during that month. 8) :nod: :nod: :nod: