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Chaplain ( Merged )

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The short answer is that your qualifications (whatever they may be) have to be "endorsed" by the CF Chaplain General in order to get through the recruiting process ... talk to them to determine the specific requirements for your faith/religion (ref. Trinity's comment below):  1-866-502-2203 ... more info here: http://www.dnd.ca/chapgen/engraph/recruiting1_e.asp?cat=5
Can anyone share their experiences ...  I'm not a young guy, not old either, but if somone can enlighten me about their experiences, I'd be thankful.
Slight correction, Chaplains do a specialized BMOQ course called the Chaplain’s Basic Officer Training Course (Ch BOTC) conducted during the fall at the Canadian Forces Chaplain School and Center (CFChSC) in Borden, Ontario.
Thanks for the clarification.  Anyone know anything about the course, especially how it differs from the regular BMQ
norris said:
Thanks for the clarification.  Anyone know anything about the course, especially how it differs from the regular BMQ

Well from the Recruiting site:

Phase I. Basic Officer Training

Upon selection into the Chaplaincy, you will enrol in the Canadian Forces and be commissioned as a Captain/Lieutenant (N). Candidates must complete the Chaplain's Basic Officer Training Course (Ch BOTC) conducted during the fall at the Canadian Forces Chaplain School and Center (CFChSC) in Borden, Ontario. The Ch BOTC is offered in either English or French. During these thirteen weeks of training, you will become familiar with life in the Canadian Forces and the Chaplaincy. You will learn basic leadership skills, military regulations and customs and you will acquire the fundamental military skills of drill, dress and deportment as well as training in crisis counseling, ministering to casualties of critical incidents, and first aid. You will also participate in physical training and sports programs. Successful completion is a prerequisite for continued employment and further training.

And since you are bound to ask about further training,

Phase II. Professional Training

The mandatory training in this phase includes Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations, Suicide Interventions and language training. Successful completion of all courses, including the Chaplain's intermediate course, is necessary for promotion to Major/Lieutenant Commander (N) and is a pre-requisite for senior leadership within the chaplaincy.

Team Building, 1 week, Conducted by CFChSC

Ethics, 2 weeks, Conducted by CFChSC

Suicide Intervention, 3 to 5 days, Out-service training offered through Medical Branch

Intermediate Chaplain's course, 3 weeks, Conducted by CFChSC

Peacekeeping, 8 days, Conducted by CFChSC. Required only by those seeking employment on Peacekeeping Missions

We had a Chaplain at our unit who was loaded on one of these courses.  Really great guy.  When the message came through the OR, I mentioned that I might try to volunteer to be an instructor on the course (I was a brand new MCpl fresh out of JLC in Wainwright).

Upon his face came a complete countenance of unmitigated horror.  He repeated "Please don't" over and over again.

I dare say I might have frightened the ol' chap.  >:D  I wonder why?  :o >:D

PS - I knew I had a snowball's chance in an unpleasant place of being an instructor on that type of course, but he apparently didn't.  ;D
If you want a bit of insight to the Padre world Army News has done quite a few stories on Padres.


There you go.

Hello, was hoping someone could help me clarify this document on the requirements for chaplain in the CF.


I am confused on the requirement of 'masters in Divinity' and want to know if this applies to all religions, or only christian clergy? On a similar note I am not even sure if the CF accepts none-christian priests.

Hopefully this finds someone with the knowledge to answer this question, and It would be much appreciated.

It actually says :
Must have a Master of Divinity preparing for ministry or equivalent
•The Master of Divinity is a university degree accredited by a Province or Territory of Canada and recognized by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
•The Faith Group is the final authority setting the minimum standards for pastoral ministry in its religious jurisdiction
•For candidates of Academic institutions from outside Canada, a recognized Canadian University determined by the ICCMC must conduct a prior learning assessment

That's pretty clear. If you believe your religious training is an equivalent to the Master of Divinity, the submission will go to the Faith Group for a decision.

The CF Chaplaincy Branch accepts all faiths and denominations, and is currently encouraging non christian members to apply to meet the growing religious diversity of the CF.
Sorry if I'm sidetracking the topic here, but does anyone know if we have any Muslim imams serving as CF chaplains? Just asking out of personal curiosity.
IBM said:
Sorry if I'm sidetracking the topic here, but does anyone know if we have any Muslim imams serving as CF chaplains? Just asking out of personal curiosity.

There's (presumably) one Muslim Chaplain in the Reg F, and one in BMOQ system (as of 2009) from what I could google.

Here's the news article for the first Imam in the CF: CTV News
Hey Guys, just doing some digging tonight and have been stumped.

I have found info on Chaplain careers and entry plans etc, but I can not find anything on Padres.

Were they rolled into the Chaplain career or are they new Chaplains? Or did I just miss something...

Found MarioMikes links regarding padres vs Chaplains, followed them and the Padre one turned up nothing. Searched it on the Canadian forces site and got 0 results... Any Padres or Chaplains on here or anyone able to illuminate for me?

Thank you
Abdullah: Chaplain is the actual trade designation used in the CAF. Padre is the unofficial nickname by which we address them.

It's a bit like the ship's navigation officers who are referred to as the "pilot". You won't find "pilot" as a n official job description anywhere , but that's what we call them.  ;)
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Abdullah: Chaplain is the actual trade designation used in the CAF. Padre is the unofficial nickname by which we address them.

It's a bit like the ship's navigation officers who are referred to as the "pilot". You won't find "pilot" as a n official job description anywhere , but that's what we call them.  ;)

Ah thanks mate, that clears that up :)
"Padre" is Spanish for Father, which is the honorific given to Roman Catholic Priests (and some other priests, IIRC).

The accurate term is Chaplain (as stated just now by Oldgateboatdriver).

I wish you all the best!  :salute:
Oldgateboatdriver said:
It's a bit like the ship's navigation officers who are referred to as the "pilot". You won't find "pilot" as a n official job description anywhere , but that's what we call them.  ;)

Or "Gator", or "Navihater"...
Technoviking said:
"Padre" is Spanish for Father, which is the honorific given to Roman Catholic Priests (and some other priests, IIRC).

The accurate term is Chaplain (as stated just now by Oldgateboatdriver).

I wish you all the best!  :salute:

Thanks, just playing with some ideas. The logistics of becoming a Muslim chaplain seems quite intimidating, but still not to to bad.

Playing with the idea of getting a BA over the next 5 years while I am working.. then when I "retire" to circumnavigate the world get a MDiv then possibly applying. Problem is I'm not sure of what schools to use for the degree programs.. the Islamic schools I would use are not accredited and getting 2 years experience would be mighty inconvenient.

So I asked about this hoping Padre was more of an NCM career choice. I already had plans to do some Islamic studies while I sailed the world, but now I am considering if it is worth the hassle to me.. or I may just continue my studies as I will and possibly get my Ijazah from an Islamic scholar and see if that is acceptable and if not I weigh my options then.

My cash flow will be such that I will be able to continue sailing the world if I so chose.. so Who knows I may just say screw it and depart from working for good lol good chance not though, I get bored quick and I enjoy challenges.. so this would give me multiple challenges in order to obtain. Gotta love the idea of a mid 40s career change haha

[quote author=AbdullahD]

My cash flow will be such that I will be able to continue sailing the world if I so chose.. so Who knows I may just say screw it and depart from working for good lol good chance not though, I get bored quick and I enjoy challenges.. so this would give me multiple challenges in order to obtain. Gotta love the idea of a mid 40s career change haha


What do you for a career now? If memory serves me you already had a career change recently didn't you? It's a daunting thing for sure.

And if you don't mind me asking, are you bringing your family along with you when you go off sailing the world?
Jarnhamar said:
What do you for a career now? If memory serves me you already had a career change recently didn't you? It's a daunting thing for sure.

And if you don't mind me asking, are you bringing your family along with you when you go off sailing the world?

I'm railroading right now, been at it a couple years now.. but hating it with an undying passion Haha.. hence the restlessness.

And of course! Huge part of why I want to do it, take the kids show them different countries, cultures and lifestyles. All the while getting some great experiences and skills to help them as adults.