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Changing element in the reserve


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Hello everyone,
I'm not a 100% sure that my thread is in the right category (if it's not I apologize), but I would like to know how difficult it is to change element in the RESERVE ? How long can it take ? And can your request be denied, and if so why ?

Thank you in advance.
In theory it's not that difficult. In practice, more so.

What you have to do is find a unit in the new element that has a vacant position in your trade, and is willing to take you. You then request a transfer. It may or may not be approved.

If you're a support trade, you might find it an easier quest than someone who is in an element specific trade. That person would also be looking to OT.

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Kaya1981 said:
I'm not a 100% sure that my thread is in the right category (if it's not I apologize), but I would like to know how difficult it is to change element in the RESERVE ? How long can it take ? And can your request be denied, and if so why ?

"Elemental Change for Purple Trades - Reserves"
Thanks for the replies. Yes I am in a purple trade. And can I ask, in the case they deny your request, what would be the motive ?

Thank you.
There aren't any posn's open where you want to move to would be the first one that pops into my mind.
Okay. But if there is a position open ? Then what could be the motive for denying a request ?
The mbr is known to be a fucktard and doesn't get a great reference from his/her current unit?  Mbr has a conduct sheet, or periods of NES, admin burden...shit like that.

Kaya1981 said:
Okay. But if there is a position open ? Then what could be the motive for denying a request ?

How does the member know there's a position open?