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Changes to Clothing Online point system

To be honest, from a financial point of view, the points system really does make sense.  This we, the CF expends only what is required by its members, and no more.  $500/yr x 90,000 CF members = $45 million, and while that isn't entirely saved, you can bet your bottom dollar that we go through significantly less than that using the points system.  That is money that can go along way towards much better purposes that lining our pockets.  That is of course assuming that the money is not just going back to the crown and is instead being put towards equipment and the like. 


Just to be clear, the $500/yr was just a figure given above...I don't know how much the CUA was when it was eliminated, nor what it would have been after inflation, etc. today.
Funds for clothing are all part of the larger National Procurement (NP) budget; rest assured that ADM(Mat) does good things with surpluses in one part of the NP account, to address shortfalls in other places.
dapaterson said:
Funds for clothing are all part of the larger National Procurement (NP) budget; rest assured that ADM(Mat) does good things with surpluses in one part of the NP account, to address shortfalls in other places.

Absolutely. They have their "forecast" of points dollar value based upon members Logistik accounts each year. Due to the "early" Logistik lockout (30 March) ... I'm sure someone was scrambling to "expend" those "forecast to be expended but actually unused points" as actual dollars somewhere else worthy prior to midnight 31 March.  ;)
ekpiper said:
To be honest, from a financial point of view, the points system really does make sense.  This we, the CF expends only what is required by its members, and no more.  $500/yr x 90,000 CF members = $45 million, and while that isn't entirely saved, you can bet your bottom dollar that we go through significantly less than that using the points system.

Hold the bus...$18.xx X 12 = $216 x 60,000 (Reg Force) = $13 million

The Reservist did not receive CUA as their uniforms were provided.  Now they receive Logistik points, so your savings is even lower. 
Simian Turner said:
Hold the bus...$18.xx X 12 = $216 x 60,000 (Reg Force) = $13 million

The Reservist did not receive CUA as their uniforms were provided.  Now they receive Logistik points, so your savings is even lower.

Get back off the bus.  ;)

A great many reservists used to exchange their DEU annually just because 'they could exchange', free of "personal charge" as often as they wanted (& a great many exchanged their parts 'on behalf' of their RegF brethern). Sure, it was provided, but it also COST something to provide it to them "free" --- it certainly wasn't "cost-free" to the CF for me to exchange it for them. Their move to points (the ResF) also saves us millions per year because, like the RegF pers, most ResF pers no longer exchange their uniforms as often as they used to.
Shoot, you kicked me off the bus unnecessarily... :o

Regardless, 500 points does not equal $500 dollars as was indicated.  As I stated the savings is certainly lower than $45 million, unless you spent $32 million on Reservist DEUs?

Can I please get back on the bus! ???
Simian Turner said:
Shoot, you kicked me off the bus unnecessarily... :o

Regardless, 500 points does not equal $500 dollars as was indicated.  As I stated the savings is certainly lower than $45 million, unless you spent $32 million on Reservist DEUs?

Can I please get back on the bus! ???

1 Logistik point is equivelant to $1.00. That's how they implmented the system.

If, for example, the CF pays 18 bucks for your short sleeve shirt for me to order it and "issue" to you for initial issue, that same shirt costs the CF budget $18.00 each time you use your 18 points to order it yourself from Logistik. $1.00 each point used. The amount of points it 'costs' you (ie the CF) to order your shirt online is determined by the "actual dollar value" of that shirt cost on the budget.

Yep, we saved a FORTUNE going to points, let that not be understated.
When will they let us order a tank or something like that through this system? Now that's a change program I can get behind, or into. ;D
daftandbarmy said:
When will they let us order a tank or something like that through this system? Now that's a change program I can get behind, or into. ;D

I once had a firetruck on my docs, but I am specialer than you!!  ;D

You can get off the SYB too!! Simian is waiting for you!!  >:D
CountDC said:
yes - that is so much effort. 

But let's not forget the Navy members that have to wear CADPAT simply because they are posted to an Army unit even though they never or hardly go to the field.  How about CADPAT when needed not simply because I want to.

Is that still going on? Sheesh, one would think a bloody CANFORGEN would be enough to fix things like that.
From the Standing Orders of CFSU(O):

Ref: A-AD-265-000/AG-001

Dress policy for personnel on strength of NDHQ and CFSU(Ottawa) is set by the Commandant CFSU(Ottawa) in consultation with the different stakeholders and the VCDS.

1.Dress-of-the-day. The standard of dress for military personnel on duty should be appropriate for the type of duties performed by the member. This standard may differ depending on operational requirements. As per reference, local commanders are responsible for the standard of dress of their subordinates at all times, subject to overall command direction. Commanders who wish to apply a standard that differs from the one established in these orders shall make a formal request to the Vice Chief of Defence Staff, through the Commandant of Canadian Forces Support Unit (Ottawa).
Officers and Warrant Officers. Unless otherwise directed, in accordance with the paragraph above, all Officers and Warrant Officers shall wear an appropriate order of service dress (Nos. 3a to 3c inclusive); and
Sgt and Below. All Sergeants and below are authorized to wear dress No. 3 (service dress), including 3e (base dress). Naval Petty Officers, 2nd Class (PO2) and below are authorized to wear the Naval Combat Dress (NCD). Army and Air Force Sergeants and below are authorized to wear the Canadian disruptive pattern (CADPAT) uniform.

Naval personnel are not authorized to wear the CADPAT uniform unless engaged in Air or Land field training or operations; and
The only authorized headdress to be worn with the NCD by naval personnel working in the National Capital Region is the beret.

Of course, if some of these people are from different units, their dress may be different.

ArmyVern said:
1 Logistik point is equivalent to $1.00. That's how they implemented the system.

If, for example, the CF pays 18 bucks for your short sleeve shirt for me to order it and "issue" to you for initial issue, that same shirt costs the CF budget $18.00 each time you use your 18 points to order it yourself from Logistik. $1.00 each point used. The amount of points it 'costs' you (ie the CF) to order your shirt online is determined by the "actual dollar value" of that shirt cost on the budget.

Yep, we saved a FORTUNE going to points, let that not be understated.

If this is the case then why do the oxfords cost more points than the parade boots but to purchase them the parade boots cost more to purchase than the oxfords?
Sub-normal said:
If this is the case then why do the oxfords cost more points than the parade boots but to purchase them the parade boots cost more to purchase than the oxfords?

Have no idea; sounds like a glitch to me. Did you contact their "help desk" via the contact us link? That's a question to ask Logistik.

I can only tell you how the Clothing WGs, Army Op Clothing WGs and MASOP WGs worked this matter because that's what I participated in as part of figuring out how to implement.
ArmyVern said:
Have no idea; sounds like a glitch to me. Did you contact their "help desk" via the contact us link?

Probably one of those websites where as soon as you click on the "Contact Us" on the DWAN it goes straight the the Access Blocked page.
Petamocto said:
Probably one of those websites where as soon as you click on the "Contact Us" on the DWAN it goes straight the the Access Blocked page.

If you think it's bad on your base, you should come to Borden. This place is retarded for the sites it blocks. I can't even access my bank to get my banking done during lunchtime while I'm here on course. I could do that in Gagetown.
Royal Bank doesn't work here now, either.  You can get to the main page but not click on the "sign in" page.

It's very unfortunate because it actually makes me less productive at the workplace.  Instead of taking a couple minutes out of my day to shift some money around, I have to take some "Pers Admin" time to go to a branch or sit there at my desk on hold like a tool for 1/2 hour.
So let me get this straight, I lost a couple hundred points when the year rolled over.

And now am being told that I have to order my whites (even though initial issue) against my points.

Crockett said:
And now am being told that I have to order my whites (even though initial issue) against my points.

Well, yeah - if you've got longer than 5 years in (or changed elements >5 years ago). But, that's not a new rule - it's been the rule since I joined 22 years ago.
ArmyVern said:
Well, yeah - if you've got longer than 5 years in (or changed elements >5 years ago). But, that's not a new rule - it's been the rule since I joined 22 years ago.

Been in a year, its initial issue.
Crockett said:
Been in a year, its initial issue.

At 200 points per year, you shouldn't have enough to be over the 500 point mark where you lose any excess...that is unless you've been classed Tier 1 DEU, when you receive a total of 500 points/year.  And if it is something that should be initial issue, I think that you're supposed to talk to ASU to get it.