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osjesso said:
We get soup at 10?!? Oh man. I can't wait.

I never told you about "Stand Easy", Jesso?
Geez...what kind of friend am I  ;)
And the soup on ship is better than the soup at the Mega, which I might add is pretty good, especially when it's clam chowder!

Piper said:
Here's something to help...

Move the officer training back to Chilliwack....or some other base. It should be seperate anyways.

Explain or elaborate on how it is not seperate now please?
geo said:
Some of the new recruits during their weekend's off have been doing quite the number to the local "comfort inn"...... the front desk has the MPs and QPP on speed dial.

That is the case.  I have had to deal with a few of the lil rascals myself in the hallways, front desk, etc. 
I am at CFLRS right now (well, Xmas leave)  and the situation at the mess is something the instructors are well aware of and concerned about.  Atleast so we were told by one of ours who spoke with one of his buddy's in the kitchen who said they are stretched VERY far at this point (and only getting worse in the New Year).  Personally, I don't find it a big deal.  Yes, we are very seriously threatend with counselings for not eating, but you almost always have time to eat.... even if it's only 3-5mins, which is time enough to jam something down.  If you don't have time, simply grab something quick (like an apple and a piece of bread), swipe through, and leave immediately without eating.  Then atleast you've swiped.  I've done this on more then one occassion.  Some people need to laern how to hustle through the friggin lines as well.  Instead of worrying about getting your own special sandwhich is this and that on it, just grab something and get the hell moving.  

During the day, our instructors will usually see our platoon through the mess line and *may* adjust timings if the situation is drastic.  However, they don't usually do this in the mornings.  Whatever..... it's a small hardship compared to things to come.   Hell, I find the Mega's 3x a day all-you-can-eat buffet an absolute luxury.

There is also a strain on kit and equipment over at the QM in St. Jean.  There is a very real worry in out platoon that some of us may not recieve bits of uniform we need for our graduation parade.  This has nothing to do with the staff at the QM's but the entire supply system is under immense strain.  Hell, half our issued kit has "US" marked on it.

The biggest problem I see is moving platoons effeciently through the corridors of the Mega.  It was already a difficult and frustrating expereince for our instructors as it was and will only get worse with the influx of more platoons.
geo said:
Lines do not have to be immense.  Instructors have to ensure that platoons go thru on a staggered schedule.  as an example: Plt 1 thru 4 go in at 11:30,  Plt 5 thru 8 go in at 11:50,  Plt 9 thru 12 go in at 12:10.  If there is good coordination between the training cadre and the kitchen, there is absolutely no valid reason to have immense lineups in the kitchens.

Any staff about? comments?

Not staff yet Geo (- 3 weeks now though) but I have just been eating in the Recruit Mess and it is much smaller than Champlain Hall is Cornhollis was with approx. the same amount of people to top-up each meal.  Restriction is now in place that staff not on Ration`s will not be able to purchase meals.  Memo is up in the Mess, which sorta blew my plan to not pack lunch every day. 
geo said:
Some of the new recruits during their weekend's off have been doing quite the number to the local "comfort inn"...... the front desk has the MPs and QPP on speed dial.

Heh, I was working the front desk on duty platoon a few weeks ago when we took in a few offenders (who I somewhat knew) from MP's shack.  I also heard a first hand account of what happened over at the Comfort Inn.
Piper said:
I was on SLT just this summer and we were still in the Mega, so this move to Ft St Jean a recent thing...or are you repeating the same rumour I heard when I was there? Just curious. Because the Fort would have been a lot more condusive to learning french then the Mega (an academic environment vs the hot, smelly and paranoid (never know when a staff is going to jump you in the hall for not doing so and so and then yell as you explain that you are no longer with their school) Mega).

CFLS students who remain `living-in` are staying in Champlain at The Fort.  SLT, rations, gym are only avail for them at the Mega.  The only auth. location for them to use at the Fort other than quarters is the Mess (combined Snr NCOs/WOs/Officers Mess).  CFLS is still operating in the Blue Sector.
DirtyDog said:
There is also a strain on kit and equipment over at the QM in St. Jean.  There is a very real worry in out platoon that some of us may not recieve bits of uniform we need for our graduation parade.  This has nothing to do with the staff at the QM's but the entire supply system is under immense strain.  Hell, half our issued kit has "US" marked on it.

This was a major worry of many in my platoon, but our instructors took it in their hands and went down there themselves.
We graduate Jan 25th, so with us headed to Farnham right after break, none of us would have time to get anything from the QM and get it tailored in time for Grad.

Maybe see if your instructors can do the same if grad is creeping up on you too.
Springroll said:
This was a major worry of many in my platoon, but our instructors took it in their hands and went down there themselves.
We graduate Jan 25th, so with us headed to Farnham right after break, none of us would have time to get anything from the QM and get it tailored in time for Grad.

Maybe see if your instructors can do the same if grad is creeping up on you too.

Our instructors have been doing their best.  They are the ones that have talked to us about their concerns in this regard.  I'll be going into week 7 when I get back and am still without my CF pants.  There just isn't any to be had.

it's not such a bad thing though..... my waist has gotten a fair bit smaller since our visit with the tailors in St-Jean. ;)
SamIAm said:
Read above, Max.

I wasn't commenting on food.  I was commenting on the complaints regarding crowded accomodations. 

I have already given soft advice without criticism on the food issue because I agree with you. 

Sorta like...a 5 man tent is crowded during winter warfare.  Space?  ;D
DirtyDog said:
Our instructors have been doing their best.  They are the ones that have talked to us about their concerns in this regard.  I'll be going into week 7 when I get back and am still without my CF pants.  There just isn't any to be had.

it's not such a bad thing though..... my waist has gotten a fair bit smaller since our visit with the tailors in St-Jean. ;)

One of the guys on my platoon got his CF pants last week (Monday) and we were in week 10.
I had to have all of my CF's retailored too.
Okay fine...how about the guys missing `mission kit`in theatre...

this is a dead horse that is being kicked to mush now...
Mud Recce Man said:
Okay fine...how about the guys missing `mission kit`in theatre...

this is a dead horse that is being kicked to mush now...

Definitely a far more grave situation.

I was only commenting on the short supply of kit for recruits and the overall strain on the system.
DirtyDog said:
I am at CFLRS right now (well, Xmas leave)  and the situation at the mess is something the instructors are well aware of and concerned about.  Atleast so we were told by one of ours who spoke with one of his buddy's in the kitchen who said they are stretched VERY far at this point (and only getting worse in the New Year).  Personally, I don't find it a big deal.  Yes, we are very seriously threatend with counselings for not eating, but you almost always have time to eat.... even if it's only 3-5mins, which is time enough to jam something down.  If you don't have time, simply grab something quick (like an apple and a piece of bread), swipe through, and leave immediately without eating.  Then atleast you've swiped.  I've done this on more then one occassion.  Some people need to laern how to hustle through the friggin lines as well.  Instead of worrying about getting your own special sandwhich is this and that on it, just grab something and get the hell moving.  

You know the real problem is just like mentioned above......Stupid People in the line.  You know you have little time to eat.  Why do you stand in line and wait for a burger or steak to be fried up for you?  There are Salad Trays.  There is Yogurt.  There are cold cuts, and pizza slices and other assorted cold foods in those buffets.  

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people are in the Mess.  Just like cattle.  They can't even think of what to order until they get to the counter.......after standing in line for a half hour........Friggin stupid.   Make up you mind what you want, make up you mind of a second choice should the first be gone, and get out of the way.

Springroll.........you must be the only person to ever have gone through BMQ at the mega ( 9308 myself)......

I cant wait until you have something worthwhile to complain about.  You think long lines and 2 minutes to eat is something new....Its not, it was exactly like that back then too.  You have 10-11 weeks in ST-Jean ?  You are grossley underqualified to speak of the School's history.

Sum up and suck it up.......

Didnt you go there in August ?  Still there in December ? Graduating in January ? What happenned ?
cdnaviator said:
Springroll.........you must be the only person to ever have gone through BMQ at the mega ( 9308 myself)......

I cant wait until you have something worthwhile to complain about.  You think long lines and 2 minutes to eat is something new....Its not, it was exactly like that back then too.  You have 10-11 weeks in ST-Jean ?  You are grossley underqualified to speak of the School's history.

Sum up and suck it up.......

I never specified any amount of time. You may be mixing up my posts with someone elses. When I am talking about no time to eat, I mean that I am still in the line up and have to meet my next timing. I am fine with 5 minutes to eat, at least I have something in my gut. The 11 wk course that I was originally on was full of 5 minute(or less) timings for chow time. This 13 week course is way different.

I have not been at CFLRS a long time (only 19 weeks) but there are a few who have been there well over a year and would say the same as I have if they were members on here. I am also not sure how your 8 weeks vs my time there makes you more experienced to speak on the topic. Things have changed at CFLRS between 1993 and 2006...along with what we are taught (school history etc)

Meh, whatever.

This topic is done.

Now onto kit shortages.
Springroll said:
I have not been at CFLRS a long time (only 19 weeks) but there are a few who have been there well over a year and would say the same as I have if they were members on here. I am also not sure how your 8 weeks vs my time there makes you more experienced to speak on the topic. Things have changed at CFLRS between 1993 and 2006...along with what we are taught (school history etc)

10 weeks by the way...i was on the last 10 week course.  My father lurks this site also....he taught in st-jean in the 1970s, been hearing all about since i was a kid, i have a pretty good sense of the school's history.  having been the 25th anniversary platoon didnt hurt either.

Meh, whatever.

This topic is done.

You came here to bitch and whine.........no reap what you have sewn. I wouldnt want you to be in St-Jean much longer.......19 weeks to pass a 13 week course, i guess thats comparatively not bad  ::)
Actually, it started going downhill here:
Springroll said:
As for Gunner98's comment on sucking it up, ummm, no. If recruits are required to eat or get a counselling, then they need to ensure that we are actually given the opportunity to eat, especially with the amount of physical training we are given. It makes more sense to fix the problem then to try and put a band aid on it or tell us to just suck it up.

Progressed here:
Springroll said:
The Mega has never, in the history of the building, been as full as it is now, so without many of you experiencing it, how come you feel you are qualified to speak about it? I have been told many times on here to "stay in my lane", without you experiencing this, why are you not "staying in your lane"?

Really picked up speed here:
Springroll said:
I am, by far, not the only one complaining about this, just one of the few on this forum making a genuine concern known.

And shot to shit here:
DirtyDog said:
Personally, I don't find it a big deal.  Yes, we are very seriously threatend with counselings for not eating, but you almost always have time to eat.... even if it's only 3-5mins, which is time enough to jam something down.  If you don't have time, simply grab something quick (like an apple and a piece of bread), swipe through, and leave immediately without eating.  Then atleast you've swiped.  I've done this on more then one occassion.  Some people need to laern how to hustle through the friggin lines as well.  Instead of worrying about getting your own special sandwhich is this and that on it, just grab something and get the hell moving.  

And the shooter? Someone AT ST JEAN NOW! I suppose next we'll hear how he doesn't have the TI that you do ::)

Springroll said:
Meh, whatever.

This topic is done.

Until you find something else to bleat about.
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