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CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

CFL said:
25-30 min weather permitting

Is there any new housing developments around Brandon.  I used to live in Calgary then Edmonton with the 1st, and there were tons of new housing going up, lots to choose from.

Is there any names for new places in and around Brandon where guys have bought houses that may be on the net?

Thanks in advance.
No.  I live in a PMQ.  I can't even tell you what the going rate is other then MB is fairly cheap to live.  The links above may help you out.
Just call any real estate office in the area, they will be more than happy to send lots and lots of info....
Greenwood: A single house 2 br. is $325.00 with fixed hydro at $49.00 and oil for a year no more than $600.00.  The Q is in good shape and was redone in 2002 except for the kitchen.  Actually you can see the kitchen display in our new war museum it's kind of funny and scary at the same time.
Hi folks,

I completely agree and highly recommend the concept of buying a home.  With soldiers going on deployment and coming back with a fair amount of cash burning a hole in their pocket, they should be looking to buy a home (as opposed to cranking on the first Ford  F250 they see).  In Petawawa, folks who did this five years ago have seen their houses increase in value by a significant amount.  I personally purchased a house in Petawawa in 1977 for $36K.  That same house is now worth about $150K.  In 1986 I purchased another house in Petawawa for $80K; that house is now worth $180K.  In 1993, I purchased a farm in Pembroke for $135K and that property is now worth $300K.  I am not bragging but just showing you the increase in value in an area that has lagged behind the rest of the country. 

The trick is to keep buying a house if you are posted.  The danger is that a lot of folks, however, tend to buy up as they move from house to house ending up with too large a mortgage so that the time until they eventually become mortgage free keeps moving far into the future.  I am personally very lucky to be mortgage free and you cannot really even begin to think about retiring until you have a house without a mortgage.  And God knows every soldier wants to retire!! 

If you are single, buy a house and rent rooms to your single friends.  I have to thank all my single friends (some of whom are now doing well in their own homes as they learned a good lesson) for paying for the house I am now living in.  Thanks guys!  The shacks have not improved over the last few years, so you will always have single guys looking for a home to live in.  Oh and it is all tax deductible against your mortgage interest.  I lost $10K a year tax free when I got married because I had to kick all the single guys out!  My new wife was worth it!!

My advice to anyone who complains about CFHA is to move into your own house and become your own CFHA.  I am not saying "If you don't like it, move!"  I am simply saying, move and start investing in your future so that in twenty years (believe me twenty years will fly by in the blink of an eye) you will have some serious equity.  I always remember a freind of mine who worked for me and retired and started to look for a house.  He was shocked that a house was actually going to cost him $100K.  Imagine what it is like retiring with seventy percent of your salary (or less) and trying to service a $200K mortgage...can't be done!!  That is why many folks retire and start to work at Home Depot...or just don't retire.

Good luck and get yourself a good real estate broker (if you are in Petawawa, call me and I will refer you to one),

Ed Gagnon
Ex-slum lord of Lisa Crescent
Armymedic said:

3 bdrm rowhouse $450
4 Bdrm row $550
3 Bdrm single house $545

No AAA here....civilian 2 bdrm apartments next to the PMQ‘s go around $600.

The south side appts (civilian) were 420 a month last year.

Here in Gagetown my duplex cost 455 a month with about 150 dollars per month on oil.

Some of the shack rooms seem really high I payed 56 dollars a pay 3 years ago in Petawawa.
Anyone know if there is a waiting list for PMQ's in the Halifax Area? I heard that nasty little rumour and was wondering.  Not sure If I'll have the down payment to buy on my posting this fall and am curious if I need to pray for an available PMQ.  For the record, I am hoping for Bedford so Shearwater would be the closest.  On a side note, anyone who is currently down there and can maybe offer a little info in the way of Real Estate and or Employment Opportunities for spouses would be greatly appreciated.  PM me if you'd like.  Don't want people in a dither over getting off topic  :P


Shearwater:  PMQ Houses (Drafty & Mould issues)

Windsor Park (HFX): Block Apartments (Ghetto) (I used to live their in another life so I can say that)

Buy a house!! Even a 100K  Eastern Passage semi if u have to. (the downpayment could be your one month entitlement of 5 %)

Housing is booming again, you will make some money!!! At least 30-40k in 4 years.

Lots of call centers hiring!
HFXCrow said:

Shearwater:  PMQ Houses (Drafty & Mould issues)

Windsor Park (HFX): Block Apartments (Ghetto) (I used to live their in another life so I can say that)

Buy a house!! Even a 100K  Eastern Passage semi if u have to. (the downpayment could be your one month entitlement of 5 %)

Housing is booming again, you will make some money!!! At least 30-40k in 4 years.

Lots of call centers hiring!

Thanks a lot for the info.  I am probably going to line "my ducks in a row" so to be able to buy.

CFL said:
Lots of PMQ's in Shilo 7-10 ;D

Not on your life  ;D  There is 1 guy who just left Battalion to start the ammo tech course who wants to return.  That's it :P  Also, next course starts in September......If your interested.

That's nice.........how about elaborating on your one line contribution to this thread
Can someone please summarize life on base for me. What is it like? What is there to do? What kind of jobs are available? How much does it cost? And one other question that may sound ridiculous, but seriously, what kind of food is available? I am considering taking residence on base between training and deployment and would like to know a little more about what it's like. Particularly in Edmonton. Thank you. :salute:
hey ready-to-go alot if not all the info your are looking for can be found on line. try the web page

www.army.gc.ca/1ppcli      try that it should help