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CFB Bagotville gets 2 Air Expeditionary Wing (CPC's 600 man Bn election promise)

I don't understand in the first place why the army would put a airbase in a highly separatist region who has very little respect for Canada, english and army. And i understand even less why the government would buff the manpower of this base at the other units(who lack personnel) expenses. Was it political(buy votes), was is requested by the CAS, i'm clueless.

I don't like the ppl of this region very much generally speaking.They're probably(and i hope), Canada's most dangerous drivers, could be easily compared to the standard Afghan drivers. Just an advice, when you get out of the base, there's a light, you better do a stop/slowing down and look at both sides before crossing or turning left.

And i do empathize with english speaking ppl getting posted here, i come from quebec which is a 2 hour drive, my mother tongue was english until i was 3 years old, but i ended up french later on, well whatever.  i never got used with the local mentality. I guess i'd best fit in a civilized place.
dapaterson said:
Erk.  Not quite.  If the government has made a decision, it is not up to the CDS to change it.  It is up to the government to do so. 

Im aware of that - it was meant along the lines of 'write your MP'.
van Gemeren said:
Isn't Bagotville a little far away to support DART? (or am I just a moron and it makes perfect sense)

Probably just politics...  :P
SiG_22_Qc said:
i never got used with the local mentality. I guess i'd best fit in a civilized place.

Take caution in your comments ........

milnet.ca staff
SiG_22_Qc said:
I don't understand in the first place why the army would put a airbase in a highly separatist region who has very little respect for Canada, english and army

Ummm the "army" didn't do it...but it appears the Federal Government and the MND did/may/are?

I understand even less

You said it!

i'm clueless.


I am not sure what the rest is about...

SiG_22_Qc said:
I don't understand in the first place why the army would put a airbase in a highly separatist region who has very little respect for Canada, english and army. And i understand even less why the government would buff the manpower of this base at the other units(who lack personnel) expenses. Was it political(buy votes), was is requested by the CAS, i'm clueless.

I don't like the ppl of this region very much generally speaking.They're probably(and i hope), Canada's most dangerous drivers, could be easily compared to the standard Afghan drivers. Just an advice, when you get out of the base, there's a light, you better do a stop/slowing down and look at both sides before crossing or turning left.

And i do empathize with english speaking ppl getting posted here, i come from quebec which is a 2 hour drive, my mother tongue was english until i was 3 years old, but i ended up french later on, well whatever.  i never got used with the local mentality. I guess i'd best fit in a civilized place.

Be careful buddy, I'm from that area of Quebec.  I really think you comments are disrespecful.  You didn't have a good experience in Saguenay, so be it.

You REALLY ticked me off and I really don't see why you are bashing us.  I'm disgusted  :-X
SupersonicMax said:
Yet, we never talk about franco families being posted in English countryside.  How surprised I am....  I guess francos are expected to speak English, yet Anglos aren't expected to speak French.  In the middle of Saskatchewan, there are not many French options available to me.  I learned the language and I don't whine about it. 




Again ref whining. It is a fact that a posting to Bagotville is a hardship on an Anglo family as it is to a Franco family to Saskatchewan.
Well, i apologize to have hurt your feeling, but did you ever drove a car around?
I think you should all take your disgust, hurt feelings and delicate sensibilites to PMs, and let this thread get back on track. Continuing on this tact will see another good thread go down, and get locked, due to regional disagreements and (perceived?) personal slights. This will be the only warning. Get back on track now.

The Milnet.ca Staff

So the AF has to stand up another Wing in order to make it 'deployable'...I don't get it but obviously someone has their reasons.
I understand the Airforce is currently funding development of a self deployable portable 5 star hotel .They seem to be having a wee bit of a problem with the swimming pool and the self stowing stewardesses.
Heh.... that should creaate room for a couple on new Generals.....
A statement from the Ministers of National Defence and Veteran's Affairs (latter being senior Quebec Minister):
"The Government of Canada has made a promise to CFB Bagotville and the government will follow through on that promise.  The establishment of 2 Air Expeditionary Wing in Bagotville remains a priority for the Government of Canada.  The Air Expeditionary Wing will offer a deployable and comprehensive air package that will host and support our air combat elements. As a result, the Expeditionary Wing will significantly enhance the Canadian Forces' ability to:

    * contribute to the activities of any future coalition military operations and,
    * provide air expeditionary elements to a domestic or international operation.

The Air Expeditionary Wing will further give Canadian Forces commanders the ability to direct a rapid and decisive response to any domestic or international contingency, ranging from a large-scale humanitarian response to complex coalition operations and will make a significant contribution to Canada's capacity to provide excellence at home and abroad.  The timeframe for the full manning and equipping continues to evolve as the Canadian Forces meet the extremely high demands they face, including those associated with operations in Afghanistan and other domestic and international operations.

3 Wing Bagotville is a vital component of the Air Force and the Canadian Forces, which is demonstrated by recent commitments made to the base, including a $17 million contract for runway resurfacing in 2009-2010.  The government looks forward to a bright and vibrant future of CFB Bagotville."

(Ici en français)

Some previous discussion of the future of Bagotville:
So, the AEW has been around for a bit.  How is the shake-out going?

What do the OSE and MSE do, and what is the relationship to 3 CSU's role?
2 Wing - Air Expeditionary Wing

2 Wing is the Royal Canadian Air Force’s air expeditionary wing, a formation able to rapidly deploy as a self-contained unit, employing air power and providing associated support wherever needed, across Canada or around the world.

2 Wing is a key element of the Air Force Expeditionary Capability (AFEC) Project, whose mandate is to optimize the Royal Canadian Air Force’s ability to rapidly deploy and effectively sustain operations in response to contingencies anywhere in Canada or around the world.

2 Wing is located at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville, Québec and is a 325 member-strong organization that will grow to 700 members in the coming years.
  • 2 Wing Headquarters provides the command and control function, and includes the Commander, Chief Warrant Officer, advisory and specialist staff, and headquarters (HQ) staff, who are responsible for overall operational effectiveness of 2 Wing;
  • 2 Air Expeditionary Squadron (AES) generates trained, equipped, and ready-to-deploy elements of an air expeditionary wing, including the Operational Support Element (OSE), Mission Support Element (MSE) and an AEW activation team (AEW-AT), to plan, activate, surge, support and ultimately sustain an expeditionary airbase for aerospace operations;
  • 2 Expeditionary Readiness Centre non-deployable unit whose purpose is to be the Air Forces’ Centre of Excellence for expeditionary operations, accomplished through standardized training of the deployable elements of 2 AES; and
  • 2 Air Component Coordination Unit designates a commander responsible for making recommendations to the Joint Task Force Commander (JTFC) on the proper employment of all assigned, attached, and made-available aerospace forces and includes operational level staff on which the air command and control (ACC) relies to provide situational awareness, control of aerospace forces, and the planning process to execute successful operations.
  • 8 Air Communication and Control Squadron is a high readiness, self-sustainable unit that that supports Canadian air operations through the provision of a network enabled, controlled airfield, regardless of environmental conditions.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
Of course, the cynic would ask:  what "rapid deployment unit"?

Where are these soldiers coming from?  We cannot man current and newly-created units, how are we manning this one? <snip>

It would seem to me that the answer to your question is, 'by partially cannibalizing other units', which, naturally will leave the cannibalized units with an operational deficit.
Rider Pride said:
Hey army-centrics,

could this be an Air Force rapid deployment unit?

It looks more like a means of supporting a heavy airlift function, since the focus appears to be on getting airfield engineering units to any place in the world they need to go, quickly and efficiently. The fact that this initiative is being situated at CFB Bagotville and on the heels of an election announcement suggests to me that it's being done more for political reasons than a real strategic need.

It seems to me that CFB Trenton has been handling the new role envisioned for CFB Bagotville, and about the only difference between the two bases might be minor time savings when a deployment is needed - of maybe two or three hours, since Bagotville is closer, in broad geographic terms, to the east coast of Canada (and hence Europe or Africa) than Trenton is.

Eland2 said:
It seems to me that CFB Trenton has been handling the new role envisioned for CFB Bagotville, and about the only difference between the two bases might be minor time savings when a deployment is needed - of maybe two or three hours, since Bagotville is closer, in broad geographic terms, to the east coast of Canada (and hence Europe or Africa) than Trenton is.

One hour.  It would only save one hour, perhaps, for a deployment across the Atlantic.  One hour is no big thing.
Eland2 said:
The fact that this initiative is being situated at CFB Bagotville and on the heels of an election announcement suggests to me that it's being done more for political reasons than a real strategic need.

2 AEW isn't a new unit though, so it wasn't set up on the heels of the election announcement.  People have been posted there since 2013 or so.
MCG said:
What do the OSE and MSE do, and what is the relationship to 3 CSU's role?

Having been exposed to the workings of an AEW before, picture it as a "portable airfield".  The Operational Support Element (OSE) and Mission Support Element (MSE) are sub-units of the AEW.  The OSE concerns itself with "airfield operations" and the coming and going of planes.  The MSE is like the Adm Coy/base function dealing with camp services, supply, and (IIRC) aircraft maintenance.  The third element of an AEW should be the Ground Defence Force (GDF), which depending on the threat would be an infantry company securing the exterior areas of the airfield where air traffic occurs (think RAF Regiment) while the Ground Security Force (GSF) consists largely of Blue MPs and secures the gate and interior of the airbase.

Put the AEW together with some Air Dets and you get an Air Task Force (ATF), the RCAF's answer to the joint deployable (green) HQ!

On the other end, 3 CSU is (from what I've seen in email chains) like a big warehouse that gets stuff overseas.  Camp needs some line item, and the MSE will go back through its A4 chain to CJOC, who gets the 3 CSU to supply it.  I may have that wrong, and a Loggie can correct me.