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CF Issued Junk

Royal said:
You guys are just going to love the new barrack box.  Wheels, retractable pull-hanfle, shiney metal corners. 
Oh yeah, did I mention that it is not autorized for use on aircraft.........Ummmm.

As soon as you said "shiney metal corners" I knew it wasn't going on any military aircraft.  That is why they got rid of the old barack box from the 70's and 80's.  Metal corners.

Although.......the replacement made a much better beer cooler.  ;D
The new barracks box only weighs in at 33 lbs empty plus its oversized so have fun at the Air Canada counter trying to check it in when it weighs over 75 lbs half full. Got to finally see the monstrosity and all I can say is that it is a dog. 
To the guy who decided to buy those things if your on this net I have to tell you that you are a moron!!!
Same with the guy who decided to buy those new gloves and the CTS program for having and excellent opportunity to redesign the combats to a workable uniform only to keep the same antiquated style and cut with the same pockets that we have been using since the friggin 60's. Its just a different color.
But I love my cad pat rain gear.

Good Kit
The old style air mattresses.
Tubes of peanut butter

Bad kit
Anything that was supposed to be water proof
WO Officers with grade 8 educations

Lets keep the shots at Warrants out of this one guys, regardless of education, we did send 18 year old Captains to 2 World Wars with less than highschool education.
Royal said:
You guys are just going to love the new barrack box.  Wheels, retractable pull-hanfle, shiney metal corners.  It is some sweet piece of kit, hold everything, including a rifle in the lid.  Has nice doc holder that is accessed through the inside, so no more painting and sanding......whoooo.

Oh yeah, did I mention that it is not autorized for use on aircraft.........Ummmm.

It is not authorized for use as 'accompanied baggage' but since it was purchased (33,000 of them) for use as 'unaccompanied baggage', I think mine are dandy and I do love them.  It is called a MOB for a reason - Multi Operations Box.  Since you are entitled to 2 x New MOB and one old barrack box - what is your complaint?  'Shiny metal corners' - what are talkin' about Willis 
mover1 said:
Bad kit
Anything that was supposed to be water proof
WO Officers with grade 8 educations

- Hard to BS someone with a theory they don't (or won't) understand, isn't it?


sgd, a WO with not much more than Grade 8.
I thought MOB stood for "Massively Oversized Box" I gathered up all the stuff on the kit list for 1-08 and it barely fills one box. The boxes themselves take up the majority of the individual and combined max weights for UAB. When the UAB was shipped off there was a week long period where you'd hear a MOB thunder down the stairs of the shacks every five minutes. >:(
Frostnipped Elf said:
It is not authorized for use as 'accompanied baggage' but since it was purchased (33,000 of them) for use as 'unaccompanied baggage', I think mine are dandy and I do love them.  It is called a MOB for a reason - Multi Operations Box.  Since you are entitled to 2 x New MOB and one old barrack box - what is your complaint?  'Shiny metal corners' - what are talkin' about Willis 

I think Mover1 was making comments about the size and weigh of these POS boxes. We can build less of them into an aircraft pallet due to their size, there are also weight restrictions for UAB and these new boxes will reduce the amount of gear you can send due to their weight. I have lugged a few of these around and built one or two pallets with them. The old Barrack box was perfect for its size and its weight. Who ever chose these obviosly has no idea about weight and size when it comes to sending this via Service Air.
In Kandahar in 2002, we were tld thet everything cost $5 a POUND to ship over.  Given that these boxes ar 33 pounds, that is $165 one way, just for the luggage.  Why not just issue more 'soft luggage' like kitbags, and tri-wall the suckers?

Or do we like burning JP8 for no reason?
Gramps said:
I think Mover1 was making comments about the size and weigh of these POS boxes. We can build less of them into an aircraft pallet due to their size, there are also weight restrictions for UAB and these new boxes will reduce the amount of gear you can send due to their weight. I have lugged a few of these around and built one or two pallets with them. The old Barrack box was perfect for its size and its weight. Who ever chose these obviosly has no idea about weight and size when it comes to sending this via Service Air.

You are making some assumptions about the trials.  Thanks for the reminder about weight restrictions - you must work at an AMS. You call it POS because  now you have to adapt to configuring new pallet loads? You guys need a new manual or SOPs?  IMHO, the old barrack box is/was a POS. Great for loadies, too small for everyone else!  The new MOB is air-tight - what a concept.
Frostnipped Elf said:
You are making some assumptions about the trials.  Thanks for the reminder about weight restrictions - you must work at an AMS. You call it POS because  now you have to adapt to configuring new pallet loads? You guys need a new manual or SOPs?  IMHO, the old barrack box is/was a POS. Great for loadies, too small for everyone else!  The new MOB is air-tight - what a concept.

I do not need to adapt to new SOPs. I need to adapt to restricted space in an aircraft. It is simple. The bigger the box, the less I can fit in the aircraft. The less I can fit means it takes longer for all of the equipment to get to those in the field who need it. New pallet loads? You obviously have very limited knowledge of my job, almost every pallet I have built has been different from the last.  Yes I do work at an Air Move Sqn, what of it?
Gramps said:
You obviously have very limited knowledge of my job, almost every pallet I have built has been different from the last.  Yes I do work at an Air Move Sqn, what of it?

Gramps, I checked you profile before I posted - I'm just razing you.  I know a little about what you do and I can appreciate that new kit makes it harder.  Maybe the guys that let the contract thought we would only use the MOB in the C-17s.
Or the guys who let the contract never bothered asking the people who have to:
1. Load the boxes on pallets.
2. Fly CA with them.
3. Load them in mil vehicles.
4. Lift them fully loaded from the ground onto a truck.
5. I remember when the barrack boxes were replaced with the 'new' barrack boxes in 1985.  "Cool" we said, "A $75 plastic box you can break into by punching out the long hinge pin!"

But they fixed that quick enough.
Gramps said:
I do not need to adapt to new SOPs. I need to adapt to restricted space in an aircraft. It is simple. The bigger the box, the less I can fit in the aircraft. The less I can fit means it takes longer for all of the equipment to get to those in the field who need it. New pallet loads? You obviously have very limited knowledge of my job, almost every pallet I have built has been different from the last.  Yes I do work at an Air Move Sqn, what of it?

Last time I saw you loading up a pallet I believe you had my UAB ... no-one has the ability that I do to cram so much shit into such a small space.

I always pack us up to travel ... because I'm the only one who can get everything in. I think --- you just need more girls who posess these skills!! Girls just like me!!  Come on, it's been a couple of years & you know you miss me!! >:D 

Am I scaring you yet??

The MOB accomodates a whole lot of our field kit --- that didn't fit into the old BBs. Lots of us submitted UCRs on the BB which stated that they were useless for transporting some of our army gear. A UCR that worked ... but pissed off the MAMs crew ... sorry 'bout that. An purely unintentional side effect, but we needed a big enough box to accomodate our stuff. There really was no point in issuing us smaller boxes that certain items which are essential necessities in the performance of a field soldiers duties just don't fit into because of their length.
Gramps Good to see you back covering my butt.
The new BB is a POS... but you people can't see it just  yet.

C-17 loadie course is going great.
AS for the grade 8 WO.  Mr X you don't have to worry you still have a warm place in my heart.
oh yeah the new barracks box is garbage!!

mover1 said:
Gramps goood to see you back coverning my butt.
The new BB is a POS... but you people can't see it just fo yet.

C-17 loadie course is going great.
AS for the grade 8 WO.   Mr **** you don't have to worry you still have a warm place in my heart.
oh yeah the new barracks box is garbage!!

Oh well, our weapons fit into them. Go figure. Finally!!!!!!!  ;)
Anodized cap badges and collar dogs (and medals, yuck)

Pop studs vs. the good old split pin

Mobile command/ LFC (etc)/ what day of the week is it badge?

Boots we're not allowed to polish (honest, I never use polish on them)

Highly flammable combat clothing to for wearing in flame rich environments e.g., FIREfights

CF Green (you KNOW you want Khaki back, don't you?)

A C7 I'm afraid to break open for cleaning because I may never be able to close it again due to the massive friggin' plastic door stop someone crammed in there

Deploying on a tactical exercise by Greyhound bus vs. SMP vehicles, because it's safer

daftandbarmy said:
A C7 I'm afraid to break open for cleaning because I may never be able to close it again due to the massive friggin' plastic door stop someone crammed in there

Oh WOW, the C-7 Butt-plug. Totally forgot about that. What a PITA. Not too bad though, because in my rifles, for some reason, they just seem to "fall"out. Kind of like the secondary fuel filter on an LS.
Anyone got a picture of this plastic doorstop?  I'm trying to figure out what the hell you're talking about.  Granted it's been 5 years since I touched a C-anything,  but I'm at a loss.