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CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

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jitterbug said:
Well maybe things should just stay the way they are and the organization should never evolve in relation promotion of ethnic style haircuts in order to help promote diversity in the forces?  It was that way until someone decided to put their hand up regarding Aboriginal hairstyles.

Part of good leadership is promoting and accepting change.  While tradition is important, its really the dinosaurs of organizations that seem to hinder the evolution of the organization.  I will be submitting a briefing note on this very topic so I'm interested in both pros and cons of promoting these types of hairstyles.  Giving an answer showing that you have examined both sides of the coin gives a person more credence.

Here's a news flash; the main goal of the CAF isn't to 'promote diversity'.  It is to defend the nation and the nation's interest, something along that line.

Some of us who have jobs that are centered and focused on that don't care about stupid things like dreadlocks being authorized in uniform.  The fact you see this as a point of focus of your efforts and that you intend to take time to do a BN/SP on this topic makes me mad, because part of my tax dollars pay you the salary you'll be 'earning' while you pursue this stupid line of thinking.

How about doing something that makes the CAF stronger, improves the ability of your subordinates to do their job, or something you know...beneficial to the Forces.  ::)
mariomike said:
For those who enjoy our hair cut discussions, some bonus threads that did not make this "cut", 

Haircut a "go" or "no go" according to dress regs?
4 pages.



You're great at research, but I wouldn't recommend you start a stand-up comedy act.  [lol:
kratz said:


You're great at research, but I wouldn't recommend you start a stand-up comedy act.  [lol:

They say a pun is the lowest form of humour—when you don't think of it first:)
:sarcasm: I want everyone to quit saying "Caucasian Hairstyles/ Haircuts". I'm finding it racist and personally offensive. It makes me uncomfortable and it penetrates my safe space, which appears to be getting smaller all the time.

Next stop, the Human Rights Commission.

Whitey, Snowball, Cracker or Peckerwood are all OK, but only if a Caucasian is using them. If you're something other than Caucasian, you can't use them because that would be racist wouldn't it.


By the by, dreadlocks are not exclusive to African-Americans, I'm from Viking stock, we had dreads too. ;)
jitterbug said:
Basically what I'm saying is that the current regs don't appear to promote ethnic style haircuts.  Why shouldn't dreadlocks be authorized?  They can be done in a conservative manner.  I'm not saying people should have big nappy dreads or anything like that.  Dreadlocks are not a "mandatory" thing for the Rastafarian religion however many that practice wear dreadlocks as it is a culturally based style haircut.  Surely someone could alter the dress manual to include photos of ethnic styles and regs that promote more cultural diversity for haircuts. 

No amendments to the dress publication needed. There is already a method to request religious / spiritual accommodations. If you are a Rastafarian and want dreadlocks, put in the proper request with the reasons and the CoC will almost certainly meet with you to figure out what accommodation would suit your needs. It does not have be a "mandatory" requirement of the religion, as the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the duty to accommodate goes beyond "mandatory requirements," and a CANFORGEN was pushed out with direction to accommodate within reason shortly after.

That said, I agree with everyone here that this "ethic" and "Caucasian" haircut stuff you are talking about is a crock of s**t. The dress manual shows conservative hair styles. We don't need to waste time and resources re-doing the publications for sensitive Sally's that want to see more visible minorities in everything.
recceguy said:
By the by, dreadlocks are not exclusive to African-Americans, I'm from Viking stock, we had dreads too. ;)

That is actual proof that the Vikings DID explore North America as far South at least to the Caribbean Islands, if not around the Cape.  [:D
recceguy said:
I'm from Viking stock, we had dreads too. ;)
I am NOT picturing you in dreads!  I'm NOT!!  Oh damn, there's the image.  MY EYES!!!!
I recently handed in my application for the military, and I have a military acceptable haircut but I use pomade to style it. Would I be allowed to bring a small container of it to BMQ or would I just have to suck it up?

So I currently have a partial side shave, my hair is long and can easily go up in a professional bun. I'm currently a commissionaire so it has to be up and professional but with basic no that far off am I going to be forced to grow out the partial side shave? does anyone know the regulations on women with a partial side shave?

Thank you :)
Dae said:
does anyone know the regulations on women with a partial side shave?

See also,

Hair Regulations - Female Members of CF 
6 pages.
Dae said:

So I currently have a partial side shave, my hair is long and can easily go up in a professional bun. I'm currently a commissionaire so it has to be up and professional but with basic no that far off am I going to be forced to grow out the partial side shave? does anyone know the regulations on women with a partial side shave?

Thank you :)

From the latest Dress Manual:

4. Hair on the head shall be neatly groomed and conservatively styled. The length, bulk or style of hair
shall not detract from a positive military appearance or preclude the proper wear of military headdress.
(Bulk is the distance that the mass of hair extends from the skin, when groomed, as opposed to the
length of hair.) In particular, style and colour shall not present a bizarre, exaggerated, or unusual
appearance. Unusual colours, such as green, bright red, orange, purple, etc., are not permitted. Hair must
be secured or styled back to reveal the face, and any accessories used to secure or control hair styles
shall be as unobtrusive as possible. Hair ornaments shall not be worn, except women’s conservative
barrettes which blend with the hair colour. Shaving of all of the hair on the head is permitted. The personal
manner of wearing hair within these general style limits, including moustaches, beards and braids, shall be
modified to the degree necessary to accommodate operational or occupational equipment, such as gas,
oxygen and scuba masks, hard, combat and flying helmets, etc., where a member’s safety or mission is put in
5. The following additional details apply to specific groups to accord with religious and spiritual practices
and public perceptions of a disciplined force:

b. Women (see Figure 2-2-3). Hair shall not extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar.
Exaggerated styles, including those with excessive fullness or extreme height, are not authorized.
Braids, if worn, shall be styled conservatively and tied tightly: secured at the end by a knot or a small
unadorned fastener. A second small unadorned fastener may be used to secure the top of the braid. A
single braid shall be worn in the centre of the back. Double braids shall be worn behind the
shoulders. Hair shall be a maximum length when gathered behind the head and braided which does
not extend below the top of the armpit. Multiple braids (cornrows) shall be directed toward the back
of the head, pulled tight to the head and secured at the end by a knot or a small-unadorned
fastener. A second small unadorned fastener may be used to secure the top of the braid. Multiple
braids extending below the lower edge of the collar are to be gathered in a bun. With the permission of
a Commanding Officer, a reasonable period may be authorized in order to transition from short to
long hairstyles, during which time hair may extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar; all the
while maintaining a positive military appearance, and subject to the member’s safety.
Appearance on ceremonial parade in accordance with Figure 2-2-3; straight hairstyles will
be gathered in a bun. This is also applicable for the cornrows.


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Dae said:

So I currently have a partial side shave, my hair is long and can easily go up in a professional bun. I'm currently a commissionaire so it has to be up and professional but with basic no that far off am I going to be forced to grow out the partial side shave? does anyone know the regulations on women with a partial side shave?

Thank you :)

Won't fly as per the "no exaggerated styles".
soldier07 said:
Will number 0 cause a problem?

Does not specifically say if it will, or will not, but I read this in Reply #413,

"Shaving of all of the hair on the head is permitted."



As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of up to date official information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."
soldier07 said:
Will number 0 cause a problem?

Nah you good fam.

I get a 00 or 000 depending on what the barber has a available. Never a problem and it keeps me out of the chair for longer.
soldier07 said:
Will number 0 cause a problem?

Are you a member or a hopeful/recruit? Because honestly, it depends. Outside of arriving on your first day, once course is in full swing you will have to get the haircut you're told to get/will have to adhere to standards your staff sets. 
I've found no definitive answers regarding ponytails: are they allowed? If so do they follow the same rules as a braid regarding the maximum length being to the top of the armpit or are they considered a conservative hairstyle and permitted so long as it does not extend past the lower edge of the shirt collar?