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CF-104's in Markham ,Ontario

observor 69

Army.ca Veteran
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Found out the other day that Markham north of Toronto has an airport.    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markham_Airport
Check it out on Google maps      http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&tab=wl&q=
and we find three or four CF-104's  ???  Did I mention it has a 2000 ft runway?

Anyone make any sense of this ?
When I was there last year, they were bringing a CF-5 in pieces. There is a small museum there but it s not advertised, might be that they are still working on it. And also I heard some of those planes belong to a private collector.
There's a CF104 at the Staff College in Toronto, and no runway at all there.

I'm not sure what you want sense made of.
Loachman said:
There's a CF104 at the Staff College in Toronto, and no runway at all there.

I'm not sure what you want sense made of.

Looks like my Google link doesn't take you to the airport, try this under Google maps then go hybrid.
43° 56′ 9″ N, 79° 15′ 44″ W

OK actually I count five 104s. Museum you say? Should be interesting to see how you  incorporate five 104 fuselages into some meaningfull display.  :)
I remember the Starfighters, not all of them had CAF markings , one of them was Turkish AF, and I remember two CF-5s, and there was a lot of junk at the back, I don't know if they have restored any of those.
One CF104 would be a more meaningful display than I have.

They have to start somewhere.
All of the a/c there are owned by a private collector (the same fellow that owns the airport).  There are about 4 104s (1 Turkish, 1 Belgian, 2 CF one of which was used at the tech school in Borden), there are 6-7 CF-5s in various states of decomposition (some look like they just came off the flight line while others are in very tiny bits), there are 2 Tweety birds, a Beech 18, the fuselage and wing roots of a Yale and various bits of other a/c.  It's kind of sad that most of these pieces of history are just left out in the elements and are showing deterioration due to it.  If anyone near there ever finds themselves in a playfully evil mood and wants to have a bit of fun just show up there and start taking pictures.  The owner is an, ah, ....interesting guy.... and he has been know to introduce himself to amature photographers.  He seems to think that they are spys sent by the GTAA to gather evidence to help shut down his airport.  ;DI miss working there
I have met the gentlemen who owns the place - pretty "interesting".

It is a private airport and he is a little paranoid about media etc...He also does the airshow circuit in a Vampire.  According to him, some of the "specimens" he has on the property are still flyable.
A CF-104 and a CF-155 from the field taken earlier this year...


On the Google Map image, it looks like there is a Sabre next to the one starfighter that still has its wings.  That one I'd pay money to see; my dad worked on those in the late fifties w/ 421 Red Indian Sqn.
When I was there I didn't see any Sabre, and the CF-5 beside the Turkish -104 wasn't there either.  In the field there were some -104 tails which I have some pics of somewhere, along with the fueselage's which were scattered around the field.  If I have some time next week I'll swing by the field and see if he'll allow me to take some pictures and get a complete and up to date inventory of what he's got there...

At the sweep of the wings, I was thinking it was a MiG.  Seems that they have replaced the Sabre that was on the podium in Lahr, with a MiG, so it looks like they have been "making the rounds".

Interesting idea, but I checked the image on Google Earth, and stand by the assertion that it's a Sabre.  The Migs all had constant chord wings, as where you can see the tapering of the wing from root to tip on the Markham aircraft. Noticed too what I think is an old Beech Expeditor next to the two wingless Starfighters.

With all due respect, you can't really rely on Google Earth for up to date images of a certain region.  Take CFB Cold Lake - if you take a look you'll see that they snap a picture of the airshow that was there a couple of years back.  With regards to the Markham airfield, the pieces that are in that image aren't what is at the location presently.  I was there this past summer and can attest to what was and what wasn't there.

Cheers, and when i go up on Monday I'll get some answers about what he's still got kicking around...cheers!  :salute:

This is my first post on the forum. I quite like it.

The Turkish 104s are likely Canadair versions and ex-CAF. Canada donated several to Turkey under a NATO assistance program.

Using Mike Hennigers locator on Aerial Visuals I get these photos : http://rides.webshots.com/album/416680669fQHtTd
These show Sabre 23301 a Mk V as well as others. Interesting pictures.