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CF 100 : Leave Pass [Merged]

Is it proprietary software?  Can I get a copy of it and run in on my DWAN/DIN desktop?  I imagine that we are talking about some initial I.T. input to allow all the access etc?
It is under baseline and you have to have a monitor mass account to run it.
Monitor Mass is an Army overlay to a variety of other data sources, that also does some admin tasks.  Since it's Army in house and not ADM(IM), it's responsive to client needs and feedback - thus, on entering leave for a person or people, it will produce leave passes.  Unfortunately, the data flow is one way - so entering leave into MM or updating tombstone data does not feed back into HRMS.

"Client Centric" and ADM(IM) do not belong in the same sentence...
The unit I belong to has switched from not using Monitor Mass at all, to doing nearly ALL pers management through it, in a year.
MM is linked to Peoplesoft, Mite and CFTPO, and all entries in those programs are reflected in MM.
We plan/manage course nominations, IBTS, leave, parade state, light duty etc... through it.
  I apologize if there is a previous thread that answers my question.  The search function errors out due to load, thus I wasn't able to properly check the history of threads.

  I am looking for 1 of 2 two things:
1) A properly formatted MS Word version of the CF-100
2) A properly formatted MS Word version of the CF-100 with a macro that helps you fill it out.

Searching through the DIN is like shoving cattle prods into my own eyeballs!  Google searches come back with all sorts of results, but none of what I"m looking for.  I'm hoping someone here might know of or where to find a Word version of the CF-100 (I'm guessing the PDF version was probably originally created in word and then shoved through a PDF Writer of somesort).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

It has to do with a leave tracking spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet updates a calendar in outlook so specific people can get a visual representation of who is on the ground and when.

There are two main reasons why I am looking for a word version of the CF-100
1.  Rather then fill out the information twice, the user need only shove in their leave request times once.  Using their start and end dates of the leave, I can populate the calendar with their leave times (colour coded for leave projection and leave approved).  Thus, for the user, all they did was fill out a leave pass.  From my side, I can update a calendar, generate a leave pass and update a worksheet.  Also, this gives me other data that I can use should it be necessary (example address while on leave = location in outlook).  Its easier to use everything in the "Office" group of applications as I can pass data to<->from Word/Outlook/Excel  The macros running in the backend would do three things:
a. Populate the outlook calendar
b. Generate a leave pass
c. Update a leave tracking spreadsheet.

2.  It saves on double-up labour and time.  People can send their leave projections and I can manually mark things down.  OR  People can update a spreadsheet and fill out the leave pass. OR I can just automate everything

The workbook that I am working with has about 6 worksheets including a nominal roll - The less human intervention/interaction/meddling, the less chances of errors.

I can get more precise with my explanation, however I would start to be "geeky".  Hopefully my outline gives you a general idea of what I'm tyring to accomplish.

... any idea where I can find a pre-formatted WORD doc of a CF-100 ?  ???
extracting data from a PDF = highly annoying (don't even know if its possible in a windows environment)
extracting data from a WORD doc = short, sweet and simple


  Thank-you for your quick reply.  Many people forget about the online catalogue, including myself!  Unfortunately the DIN Forms catalogue only brings up a PDF version of the CF-100 (NSN: 7530-21-899-4371).  I remember once upon a time, many moons ago, a word version of the leave pass.  I think it might have even had macros for automation .... though, it may never have been a standard.

  I'll keep digging - if I can't find one, I'll drop the feature of auto-generating leave passes for now.  Auto-generating a leave pass isn't necessary for what I'm doing, I just thought it a neat feature and a way to eliminate a minor redundant tasks.


--- DOH!  Warning of another reply
--- checking URL ....
--- result: same -> only the PDF version is available.
There is a CF-100 copy inside the Subsidized Education Manager's Student guide, available at link below.  I'm not sure if it's formatted quite right.

Not to throw this thread into a tangent, but do you have access to "Monitor Mass"?  If you do, you can do what you want with this program.  If you don't then disregard.
dangerboy I was about to say the same thing. I thought everyone was on Monitor Mess, I mean Mass. I probably have one at work and will check tomorrow. Keep in mind, the newest PDF 'remembers' as well as allows you to save.
I am currently on leave in Toronto from Esquimalt and I was told that I could get my leave pass stamped at a post office or police station at my destination. When I went to the Post Office they had no idea what it was or what they where supposed to do with it.

As I understand it I need the Pass stamped in order to finalize my LTA.

Should I try a different office/what exactly do I ask for?

Any help would be appreciated.
When I actually got LTA, I took it to the cops or a reserve unit. Just tell them you need to get it stamped to verify that you went to where you said you were going.

They might look at you weird for a second, but it was never a big issue.
I've had leave passes done at local Post Offices without issue. It's essentially a stamp they have that had their own "code" (ie. branch number) and the actual city/town/whatever written underneath, this with a quick signature is all you need.
BobSlob said:
I've had leave passes done at local Post Offices without issue. It's essentially a stamp they have that had their own "code" (ie. branch number) and the actual city/town/whatever written underneath, this with a quick signature is all you need.

What is really important is the "Location" and "Time Stamp". 
I actually had a bank branch stamp it and sign it off once.