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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

Drillbot - New addition to the Autobots. Comes with Belgian style beret, a loud authoritative voice, and can transform into a large drill cane for the use by Optimus Prime.

Increase the power of Drillbot by inserting beer or other hard alcohol.

Favourite sayings: 'From the right squad numbers!' , 'In squads, squad 1....' , 'You there! Autobot! March with arms chest pocket high!'

WARNING: Drillbot not meant for children under the age of 16. In appropriate activation of Drillbot will cause hour long drill lesson to be taught. 201 pam will be taught in sequence, or reverse order.

Please handle with care.

Somehow, I have this image come to mind with regards to a DND drillbot....




tess, with that face, you have NO idea how close to the truth that is...

brihard, I'm sure you know of whom I speak.
Local CTV evening news in Ottawa had some good video of the two guards, in their scarlets.  Unfortunately the fellow who does the weekend news doesn't know the difference between the RCMP and the ceremonial guard.  He made at least one reference to them as being Mounties.

Not sure if I like the tourists hanging off of them the way they were in the news clip.  Might be okay on Parliament Hill or at Rideau Hall, but they were standing at the corners of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Seems rather disrespectful.  Then again it was only a short clip.
I stopped by a couple times today and chatted with some of the guys in CFs doing security. While I was doing so I saw a few idiots acting like tools around the guards.. but most were curious and respectful.

There will be no problems tomorrow that last more than a minute or so. I'm quite sure of it.

Krystal- You just had to go there, didn't you?  ;D
I like many other people were very proud of the job that was done by C.G. at the War Memorial. You can see a short clip follow this link to Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM5eH6G9Smc
Ha that was my buddy posting the two relief sentries. 

Well folks that was certainly an interesting two days of postings.  I found it to be less problematic as I had expected it to be.  Also people were very genuinely interested and happy to see us there.  Of course it was a great learning experience for many that day as the public asked questions to our security detail and found that we were in fact army infantry and not RCMP.  Many also learned that the tomb of the unknown soldier is in fact a REAL tomb and than soldiers dispise it when people step on it or let their kids climb all over it.

Strangely enough I had the opportunity to speak with the man who took the pictures of those drunken aholes who peed on the monument last Canada Day.  He was very happy to see us out there and to see that his pleas had been heard.

All in all it was hard but rewarding and I'm sure the rest of the summer will be a equally good experience at the War Memorial.
Great little video clip.

Now that the jump has been made to post the sentries at the memorial, I hope it continues year-round.  It really adds to the whole experience of visiting the memorial.  Very classy. 

I've seen the American changing of the sentry at their Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington, and always thought it was something we could/should do.  I distinctly remember the first time I saw the American ceremony. There were only the three soldiers on parade, the oncoming and outgoing sentry and the Sergeant.  It was announced previously that during the ceremony it is requested that all spectators stand and remain standing until the old sentry was relieved.  Everyone was busy watching the Sergeant inspecting the uniform and weapon of the oncoming sentry that they stopped paying attention to the current sentry, who continued marching/halting/about turn/marching halting/about turn, in front of the Tomb.  We forgot him, until we heard a crisp halt, and the sentry yell in a clipped tone (with strong southern accent) "YOU!!!! It was requested that you remain standing during the ceremony, and TAKE OFF that hat !!!!!"  The object of his wrath was a teenager who made the mistake of getting bored and sitting/leaning his bum against a railing.  You could see the fear in his eyes.  He jumped up, and take swept his hat off.  While the rest of us checked to make sure we weren't starting to slouch.

Seeing those scarlet tunics doing something similar at the Memorial and tomb of our unknown soldier, does my heart proud.
Went by last night around 1130.  The sentries looked simply -spectacular- in the low light. Seemed like there were lots of 3Bs milling about though, I heard a few people complaining that it ruined their photo op.  *sigh*.

In any event, good job guys!
I passed by the war memorial on the weekend; my only question is why the sentries are not ordered to rest on their arms, reversed?
You probably need someone with 25 yrs of military protocol, but to take a stab at it ....C.G.'s role was to post sentries to guard and protect. Considering the disgraceful activities of last year this was everyone concern.
My take on it... no one thought of it.

Would imagine that task will develop over time & troops may very well rest on their arms - reversed
geo said:
My take on it... no one thought of it.

Would imagine that task will develop over time & troops may very well rest on their arms - reversed

Isn't rest on your arms reverse more of a vigil thing?  Sentries are more of a "guarding" thing?
Yes.  I guess it's a matter of which ceremonial presence.  A vigil or a sentry.
they are providing a vigil at the tomb of the unknown soldier
they are providing a sentry for the monument......

as I said, over time, the presence will be refined
Probably but I doubt it'll expand beyond the two sentries, on a regular basis at least.  The only thing I heard was sentries.  Not anything about vigils.  But whatever.
I walked by, and spoke with one of the rovers, I guess you'd call him, from the CG, about the 2 sentries.

At the moment, they are running it exactly the same as the guards at the GG's residence.

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