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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

Fry said:
If a harsh punishment awaited those who vandalize, then these punks wouldn't have even went near the place under the influence of alcohol, exposing themselves indecently, and expelling biological waste on something that they should have an honor just standing next to.

Bottom line, the legal system is too soft, period.

I'll drink to that but part of 'educating' the youth means sitting them down and explaining Canada's long and rich military history. That is the only way the 'torch' can be passed on. Stephen Fernandes, the 23 year old charged with mischief in this incident, said he had never been to Ottawa and didn't know what the monument was for. Now think of him as you will (I too would like to throat punch him for blaming everything on booze), there are a lot of people who don't know what the monument is for. Don't believe me? Spend an afternoon there.
perhaps this will encourage some to learn? Perhaps something good may come out of this.

Even so, them boys need an ass-kickin'
pradacowboy said:
perhaps this will encourage some to learn? Perhaps something good may come out of this.

Even so, them boys need an ***-kickin'

Nope only one 23 year old needs the whooping....



the 48th regulator said:
Nope only one 23 year old needs the whooping....
then the other two need a spankin'. Even if we let the fact that they pissed on a man's grave (a VETERAN'S grave, a national monument) slide, they were still drunk underage, pissin' in public, and generally misbehaving.
Ass-kickin's all around.

I know you participated in the anti smokin' thread, but think about it...traded for packs of smokes.....



don't make it right. My ol' man caught me doin' somethin' like that, at that age, I'd just now be sittin' down without wincing.
Get the two young lads "volunteering" in a Veteran's Home or Centre.  "Let" them do something constructive for a few (read 12 to 18) months.
big bad john said:
Get the two young lads "volunteering" in a Veteran's Home or Centre.  "Let" them do something constructive for a few (read 12 to 18) months.

Sad thing, the older punk was well before the pissing happened....


Prada (para) I'm with you on this. If any of my kids would have ever done anything like this they had better of hoped the cops caught them before I did.
However, while raising those three young men in the '80s and '90s, it became apparent to me that "victimhood" was becoming the flavour of the day for excusing wrong doing, rather than correcting it.  I ran into it when confronting school authorities regarding bullies picking on my kids - being told that the bully came from a broken home, and therefore should be excused, for instance.

Sorry Roy I didn't understand your point, I completely agree with you.  That victimhood bullshit is all too common. I ran into it in school when a kid tried to stab me because I told him to leave someone alone (a kid who spent most of his classes hiding from this bully)

Mr stabby was the victim because he was in a boys home (where he was routinely arrested for breaking into peoples houses on lunch break).
Native Americans and east indians, unfortunately, had officials at my school prompting them to take the victim road too.
the 48th regulator said:
Sad thing, the older punk was well before the pissing happened....



So that makes the incident all the more serious.

If anyone believes his regret or apologies, they probally believe Saddam's defence too. His only regret, is that he got caught.

Would his drunkenness void or excuse him if he had killed someone if he was arrested for DUI. Ah! you say, theres a big difference between offences, maybe in your eyes, but maybe not to some.
  Hi all, I am Dr Michael Pilon ( Maj ret) who took the photos of the lads peeing on Canada Day. For the record I am not as offended by the three lads as I am by the fact that I wrote to four representatives for whom I had voted, at the municipal, Provincial and Federal levels. As well I wrote to seven administrative offices in Ottawa to try to get some action on helping prevent what I saw last Canada Day ( 2005) . Namely people sitting on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. All I spoke to were not aware that it is a tomb.
    The three were totally pissed and the fellow who made headlines was a total prisonner of gravity.
    I have followed up with e-mails to all who had not replied in June and I also sent a copy to the new minister of Heritage. I suggested the following and I haev offered to "honcho" the plans gratis.
1) A tasteful cordon to keep people off the Cenotpah.
  2) A Canada Day presence of The GG's Foot guard who now are symbolically at the gates of her residence, as well Military Police on site with powers of apprehension and arrest. I did call a number of venues the week before Canada Day with the "Oh that;s not our area of responsibility, call XXX...XXX would pass me on to someone else...And all added that nothing can really be done....
3) Turn this mess into something positive. I have suggested an education program for the Cenotaph on Canada Day. Hire history adn visual arts students to prepare videos on Canadian battles and related war time stories.... I have approached a few companies and suggested a sponsorship of such a program with alrge TV screens in tents at the site on Canada Day would be great PR for them
  Dr Mike again, I would ask anyone really interested, to contact their MP, The Heritage minister and tell them that  you like my plan...mind you if you don't like it tell them as well.
My web site will haev a page on Canada Day as soon as Ottawa's Bluesfest is over :)

Mod note: Please contact Mike Bobbit for permission to place ads.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Thanks "Dr. Mike" and welcome to army.ca.

Thanks for your vigilence and care. We need a lot more folks like you....as we say in the Navy
Bravo Zulu!  Welcome to the Forum. :salute:
Good friend and Sqn Commander of mine suggests this:

"My solution is a little different. The memorial represents not just one man, but all the service persons who served in three wars and peacekeeping ops. throughout the world. The insult is to the memory of those thousands who died and served, as well as to their families and the nation.

Here's what I would suggest. Put the guilt where it belongs. Rip our various governments across the years for failing to put a 24 / 7 honour guard on the memorial after it is moved from a traffic circle in Ottawa to a more appropriate site overlooking the Ottawa River. Harper might just do this. We could follow the U.S. in this respect.

As for the assholes who were caught pissing, they may have done more for a public appreciation of the military than they could ever know. Love to see their pictures published on their knees scrubbing. Personally, I would prefer to see them licking. Nonetheless, it is the pols who are to blame for providing the target. Piss on them!"

I agree. 33 out!
I don’t agree with a 24/7 guard.

I think we need education to remind Canadians – especially, but not exclusively, the young - that the very root of everything we all take for granted (good and bad, I suppose) lies with that unknown soldier and all the others, sailors, soldiers and air force members who died on active service – those with known graves and those without.  They did more to make Canada than all the rest: more than Tecumseh and Donacona, more than Macdonald and Laurier, King and St Laurent, more, infinitely more than Trudeau and Chrétien to secure our basic liberties, our democracy and our prized equality.  When some dunderhead pisses on the national Cenotaph – or in the precincts of the Cenotaph – he pisses on us all and on all we value.  That applies equally to those of us who honour our war dead and those (pacifists, useful idiots and fellow travellers, mainly) who think their supreme sacrifice was a tragic mistake.

The education needs to take place in our schools and, especially, on our TV screens – because too many (probably a solid majority of) Canadians paid too little attention in school and watch way too much TV.  It needs to be constant – month-in and month-out - not just near November 11th.  When the education fails the punishment needs to be swift, exemplary and, consequently, public – even when the offenders are young.

I note that Hong Kong, like Paris, protects its cenotaph (Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris’ case) with a low chain, a respectful sign and vigilant police officers.  I think a few respectful signs and increased police vigilance – using cameras, especially – will do the trick for Ottawa.

I like the idea of Canadians being able to go right up to the tomb – to touch it and, maybe, connect with that unknown soldier and all the others who “shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.

Edit: sentence structure and spelling
Perhaps on that note, we should press to build a 'Kiosk'/Education Center near the monument, along the lines of the Juno Center, to educate those who haven't been educated by our Education System, and Tourists.  It could be an extension of the CWM and the Public Archives. 

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