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CDS stepping down!

Do you feel General Hillier should step down on his announced date of 1st July?

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Général Hillier : "No comment until this afternoon", but he make some comments (none about whether he's stepping down or not ):


video on the first page (choose video on the right corner, between live/video/audio )

article on CBC :

Hillier stepping down as head of Canada's military
While I just voted 'no' for him leaving, if it is his personal decision to I respect that and would like to use this forum to register my approval for all that he has done for the CF. :salute:
General Hillier : "No comment until this afternoon", but he make some comments (none about whether he's stepping down or not ):


video on the first page
With less than 3 yeas experience in the Canadian Forces (RegF), I realize that the ink on my contract is barely dry, yet
I realize how fortunate I was/am to have become part of this great organization while Gen. Hillier was in charge; he has been a driving force behind the modernization of the Canadian Forces and "the public champion of those brave men and women ... Canada's sons and daughters".

While there remains much yet to be done, I am hopeful that Gen. Hillier's successor will accept the torch and hold it high ... leading Canada, the Canadian Forces, and the world towards a better and brighter future.

Gen. Hillier, sir I salute you :salute: and wish you and your family all the best in the years to come.
A bit of comment via the National Post online:

His personal military mission accomplished, Gen. Rick Hillier will step aside as Canada's top soldier this summer.

Gen. Hillier will meet Prime Minister Stephen Harper Tuesday to formally announce his retirement plans after three years as the colourful Chief of Defence Staff.

Known for speaking his mind, often in politically incorrect dialects, Gen. Hillier insists he departure is entirely voluntary.

"If anything, the pressure was the other way to keep me around," he said in an interview.

With the Kandahar mission extended until 2011 and the purchase of heavy lift planes, upgraded tanks and helicopters, Gen. Hillier says it was a good time to go because it allows him to claim a legacy of reinforced pride inside the military.

"We've achieved the irreversible momentum that I wanted to have," Gen. Hillier told the National Post. "It's a transition to a whole different mode and I'm quite comfortable that I can leave on a high and leave hopefully enabling Canadian forces to carry on to much greater things."

The general, appointed by Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin in 2005, says recent governments have refunded the military government adequately and put Canada on the road to serving as a global power.

"I can only repeat what one of my commanders once said when he noted we're not trying to be one of the big boys, we are one of the big boys and we have to start acting like it," Gen. Hillier recalled. "That's a very good comment because that reflects our place in the world. Canada has had a significant reprofiling in the world. We're one of the big boys now."

Gen. Hillier insists he has no political ambitions.

"I have no idea what I'll do, but I'm sure I'll work for another 10, 15 years," Gen. Hillier says. "I don't want to sit on the couch scratching my belly in my underwear watching the soaps."....
"I don't want to sit on the couch scratching my belly in my underwear watching the soaps."....

Well I guess he earned it..for a day or two  ;D

Was an honor, to serve under him, was an honor having him with us in Afghanistan having a pop or a cigar talking about everything.  He helped put the CF back on track, now we need someone to keep the train streaming forward.


Hate to be a wet blanket at a love in, but the travesty and gaping black hope that is Startop Road (home of the dot COMs) is the sole responsibility of Gen Hillier - hopefully, on his departure, those agents of intertia, bureaucracy and obstruction can be torn down and the PYs re-invested into real capabilities, vice more staff-oriented circle jerks.
Just heard the news. I'm in absolute shock! This man was the reason we finally got the military funding that the Canadian Forces deserve. I can see now, that once we move from our combat role (I agree with Vern here) to a reconstruction role, that the military funding will go down, probably substantially.

Sad day indeed, even for the Civ.

Here's to you, Gen. Hillier, thank you.


CTV has not published my chastizing of PK on the CTV website.....my guess it was too strong language for delicate MSM ears and eyes.

OK to those of you in the military didn't like the CDS, and you are out there I know...you took an oath . It doesn't matter if you like the man or not...and if you felt that strongly that you post garbage on the forums, maybe you should have resigned ages ago. To those of you who think we are still fighting  a la Cyprus....wake up! I'm getting too enraged over the comments some "servicepersons" have made....they are not soldiers, sailors or air types.....just "servicepersons"
Here's the URL for the CBC's Julie Van Dusen chasing Gen. Hillier down the street outside NDHQ:

My thoughts as a civilian: the CDS's major achievements, in no order of priority:

*Restructuring the CF (Canada Command, Canadian Expeditionary Force Command, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, Canadian Operational Support Command)

*Re-equipping the CF (C-17s, C-130Js, CH-47s, Army vehicles and guns for Afstan, Joint Support Ship)

*Restoring CF members' pride as a combat military

*Reviving the Canadian public's interest in, and support for, the CF.

How effective the restructuring will turn out in the end remains to be seen. The re-equipping has been slowed by politics (i.e. industrial benefits, funding contraints). The members' pride and the public's support are crucial intangibles that will need to be maintained.

A great CDS.

I feel proud and fortunate to have served during his tenure. I think he's done a great deal for the CF, and I will miss having him around.
Hillier's goodbye, up at DND website now:

So we'll fire it up here then:

Message from the Chief of the Defence Staff to the Canadian Forces

News Release
Message from the Chief of the Defence Staff to the Canadian Forces
NR–08.026 - April 15, 2008

OTTAWA – I have chosen to retire from the Canadian Forces and end my tenure as your Chief of the Defence Staff in July of this year.

I accepted the leadership of the Canadian Forces in February 2005. My goal was to set the conditions for our sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen to succeed in our critical and often dangerous tasks in defence of Canada, Canadians, and Canadian interests and values.

We have achieved those key objectives, and reached the critical milestones I originally set out for us to reach by the end of my time as CDS. We have moulded our culture to one which recognizes that operations are our raison d’être; that our efforts, all of them, must concentrate on achieving the missions and tasks given to us by the Government of Canada, on behalf of all Canadians.

We have transformed how we recruit, train, equip, command, deploy, employ, bring home, recognize and care for our operational forces and our families, focused on achieving a strategic effect for Canada. We have done so while growing the Canadian Forces, re-equipping it, and while carrying out intense combat and peace support operations overseas and demanding, essential security tasks here at home.

We have remembered how to grieve; to never forget our comrades and dear friends who have died in the service of Canada. Their sacrifice, and that of their families, deserves our unwavering commitment to ensure their loss is not in vain.

We have been strengthened, immensely, by the vocal and visible support of millions of Canadians who have demonstrated that they recognize, understand and honour your service, and the sacrifice of your families.

Leadership in the Canadian Forces is not the role of one single person; it is the responsibility of all who wear the Canadian Forces uniform. I believe you will now be best served by the invigoration of new leadership, with the vision, energy, and strength to lead you through the challenges that will lie ahead. For we have not finished evolving. We must continue to adapt, and improve our Forces to accomplish the tasks Canadians need us to perform in the complex, dangerous security environment before us.

It is with great confidence that I await the selection of the senior leader who will take my place. I will continue to serve as your CDS until relieved of my duties by my successor, to be named in due course by our Prime Minister.

My wife Joyce and I thank you for the rewarding years we have shared with you, and look forward to many years ahead as part of the Canadian Forces family.

You are Canada’s greatest credentials, our national treasures, and I am so very proud of you. It has been my honour and privilege to be your Chief of the Defence Staff.

Sir, it has been my pleasure and my honour to have served under you.
" Note to media: Members of the media are welcome to meet with General Hillier to discuss his decision at 5:30 p.m. today, at National Defence Headquarters,101 Colonel By Drive, in Conference Room D. "

I wonder if it will be live anywhere ...
Not having met Mr. Hillier personally, but, was a the huge parade in Petawawa for the huge medals parade in May '07 for the soldiers returning from Afghanistan.  He is a great man.  Very personable, genuine, great sense of humour and a leader that inspires and most importantly leads by example.  I am sad to see him go, now that he has got the ball rolling, hopefully, the person that steps into his job will keep the momentum going.  Thank you Mr. Hillier
Video here of a CTV interview with Maj.-Gen (ret'd) Lew Mackenzie:

Gen Hillier has served for just about as long as I have been alive.  He certainly has been a superb CDS, that hopefully his successors will strive to achieve, each in their own way.  There are also the 34? years that Gen Hillier served before becoming the CDS.  I was fortunate to attend an event when then Lt-Gen Hillier spoke and was so very impressed with how in touch he was with the troopies.  I was also an O/C on an exercise at the FDU jetty in Shearwater about 3 years ago, and witnessed the CDS be greeted by the Capt of the CPF that was along side and the expected entourage, where he noticed a RCD WO that he served in his troop in Germany.  What I saw from my spot was the CDS say something to the collection of brass assembled, and walk over to this WO and the MWO that was with him.  Later, on talking to the PAFFO that was up close to this, he said "he just looked at the Captain, and said "excuse me for a second gentlemen....old friend" and walked over to the WO.  Thats the way I like to remember the CDS.  Never too busy to the talk to his troops.  I also am friends with someone who works directly in support of the CDS day to day and have heard nothing but extremely positive things about him; personable, dedicated, a genuine concern for ALL members in uniform, and tireless.

I will refrain from voting, I feel my opinion on this issue is...well, its not for me to say.  He has done so many things in such a short time, and when I think of the target balloons like Gen Boyle that were CDS prior to him, I am so very hopeful that Gen Hillier can look back with no regrets at anything he has done.

Sir, its been a privilege and an honour.  Best of luck to you and your family in whatever your future holds.   :salute: