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CBC National

The Gues-|- said:
Wow, impressed! If I played by the rules my throat would be dry.  good job CBC

Indeed, I was impressed. Not one "peacekeeper" or "peacekeeping". I also didn't hear "combat" used.

I was also quite impressed with the fact that they gave their "postcards" from Afghanistan for some of the soldiers, and they gave that mother a chance to speak with her too sons.

I'll be watching for the next couple of days.

I also didn't play by the rules, otherwise, I'd be quite parched right now  ;D
Peter Mansbridge and the CBC crew are here to show Canadians that we should stay in Afghanistan for the long term, I was somewhat sceptical when I heard this from them at first, but 2-3 of them have mentioned seeing a huge difference from when they where last here in 2001, a great improvement in the locals, they now have smiles on their faces.

I quite enjoyed the National tonight. I really liked the whole "postcard" from Afganistan idea too. I am sure those soliders families and friends were thrilled to see and hear from them. I will definitely stay up to watch it throughout the week. (If I don't hurt my eyes squinting to see if there's anyone I know.. :) )
It was definatley a good show.. After watching it, I want to go back.. And I haven't even been home for three weeks yet.. :P
Best of luck to those over there now.
I was suprised at how well it was done - and how it was carried out through out the show... this should be good for the people of Canada to get a glimps of the important work being done in Afghanistan. Hopefully we will slowly be able to show the Canadian public why support from the country is so important.

Not bad....I wasn't going to watch, until my wife asked me what the "tuk tuks" were....

We'll see how the next few will go.

As for the mother talking to her boys....I'm sure there are many out there who wish to be so lucky.

Puts a bit more human spin on it all....and into a context that the majority of the public can understand.

In tonights edition, Carol Off is a fairly large contributor. She is a CBC reporter who really ought to know better based on her research discussed in this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21736.0.html

It seems that she is spewing the CBC peacekeeping line for the National, but surely she recognizes the inconsistency in her reporting tonight. Either that or the CBC editor is cutting and clipping for spin.

Did those LAV's and 155's get stuck in the mud?
looks like it was just the 155 that got stuck...

Still well done, IMHO. I liked last nights episode better, though..There were no postcards from the troops tonight.

Still, I find they're doing a good job of steering clear of the peacekeeper image...I just heard it once, and It was while interviewing BGen Fraser, and he said that he didn't want to apply that term to this mission. It was Counter-insurgency