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CAUTION- Windbag Alert!!!!

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It's interesting how people of that ilk are the first to claim "freedom of expression / free speech" as their right to heckle / pie / throw Molotov cocktails at those they disagree with....

Because in doing so, they fail to see / choose not to see that their chosen mode of exercising that "right" is actually denying the opportunity to express those same rights to those they dislike.

People like that prove Orwell's maxim: "all are equal, but some are more equal than others."

Personally, I don't feel inclined to die protecting that interpretation of their "rights." It should be remembered that those rights were bought at a price, and thus they should not be abused.

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Paul Martin expelled renegade Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish from the party's caucus on Thursday, citing her "unacceptable" behaviour.

Martin told reporters that while he has defended the controversial MP's right to speak in the past, he "cannot, as leader of our party and the government caucus, tolerate behaviour that demeans and disrespects others."

Parrish, who represents the constituency of Mississauga-Erindale, is known for her outspoken remarks about Americans and U.S. President George W. Bush.

Her ouster from caucus follows the release this week of footage from CBC-TV's This Hour Has 22 Minutes, in which she is shown stomping on a Bush action figure.

The skit was filmed as Bush's office announced he would make a state visit to Ottawa later this month.

Parrish followed that stunt with an interview with the Canadian Press Wednesday, in which the former school teacher said she had no regrets over her behaviour and wouldn't be silenced by Martin.

"Every time he gets up and reprimands me, be it ever so gentle, it just feeds it and he looks like he can't control me, which he can't," she said.

Parrish said she had "absolutely no loyalty to this team. None."
Paul Martin outside cabinet room, Thursday.  
She added of Martin: "If he loses the next election and he has to resign, I wouldn't shed a tear over it."

Parrish's ouster could cause problems for the Liberals, who hold a slim minority in the House of Commons where every vote counts.

In the past, Parrish has called Americans "bastards" and mocked the U.S. plans for a missile defence shield by calling countries that sign on to the plan a "coalition of idiots."

I didn't think Paul Martin would take this step, but I am glad that he did.

About bloody time. This woman is an embarassment to the entire nation. Further proof that many of those elected are not true representatives of the people who reside in their constituencies but the lesser of the other evils seeking public office. Scary!

All Martin has to do now is push a couple of billiion of that surplus to Defence and he may be onto something.........

:army: :cdn: :)
Another topic has already allowed people to vent their like/dislike for this woman. Personally I think it was a necessary move. As soon as she said she couldn't be controlled someone needed to take her to task. You can't thumb your nose at your boss like that in any profession. More importantly will this have a significant impact on the liberal minority? Also, could anyone see the NDP picking her up? Personally I think she is a little too hot for the NDP, but...

Don't know if anyone saw Rick Mercer's rant about new MPs waiting to prove they're idiots, but I think this would be a textbook case.
He lost a valuabe seat but this was getting out of hand and was needed
She had to have known that this was the eventual outcome.  There is no way that a minority government, where every vote counts, would expel a member without giving her so much rope to hang herself with.

She knew perfectly well what was going to happen and it probably played into her hand.  Watch and shoot....
After all of her little rants, I can't see any of the other parties picking her up.  She is just too controversial and I don't think anyone wants to have to deal with that.  
Way to go PM Martin. Good move. The Grits may have lost a valuable seat, but I don't think she would have voted for Liberal initiatives or against initiatives the PM wanted quashed anyway, so it's not that big of a loss.

Next stop for Parrish? Unkown obscurity, followed by defeat on re-election.
Good ridance. That'll learn ya.

just got done reading it on another site......

It's about time!

stfx_monty said:
Another topic has already allowed people to vent their like/dislike for this woman. Personally I think it was a necessary move. As soon as she said she couldn't be controlled someone needed to take her to task. You can't thumb your nose at your boss like that in any profession. More importantly will this have a significant impact on the liberal minority? Also, could anyone see the NDP picking her up? Personally I think she is a little too hot for the NDP, but...

I don't think Layton would pick her up.  As for the liberal minority, the only way this could change anything is if the Alliance and the BQ created a political coalition, giving them 153 seats.  The librals would have to ask the NDP with their 19 seats giving that alliance 153 seats.  THere are two independents, one of them being Parrish, and given that a liberal coalition wouldn't have her, nor would she join, it would depend on where that other independent would side.  Come on, Clarkson.  Make it happen.  :)

She had to have wanted this to happen. Its a good move though, kicking her out of the party, even though they lose a seat.
Does anyone now if her MP status could be revoked in any way?

This individual has no place in our government.

Matthew.  >:(
Bush re-elected, Arafat dead, US apparently not deciding to stay in and lose in Iraq, UN oil-for-food scandal apparently starting to gain traction in media, rumblings in N Korea unfavourable to "Dear Leader", Parrish booted...  I'm running down the stock of single malt rather quickly this month.
Ding Dong the Witch is gone, the Witch is gone.....!

Brad Sallows said:
Bush re-elected, Arafat dead, US apparently not deciding to stay in and lose in Iraq, UN oil-for-food scandal apparently starting to gain traction in media, rumblings in N Korea unfavourable to "Dear Leader", Parrish booted...   I'm running down the stock of single malt rather quickly this month.

Geez, I hadn't thought about it, but you're right!   I'm going to go pour myself a Glendronach (15).

Matthew.     ;D
Decent whisky choice, but I prefer a Lagavulin 16.

I can only think the Liberal minority is what held Martin back up to now, and what made that self-important idiot Parrish so confident that they can't do anything to her. I think it's telling that Martin felt the amount of damage she was doing was sufficient to resort to these measures, though I suspect it was the "I have no loyalty to this team" remarks that broke the camel's back.

Whatever the reason, she was certainly a loose cannon on the deck of the ship of state, in a period of very rough seas.

Parrish could have at least explained her great dislike of Americans by discussing her reasons.  What talk show host would not have had her on?  Lost was a great chance to deal with trade matters and the diversion of the Great Lakes into the US and Devil's Lake into Manitoba.

She had her 15 minutes and blew it.
YES!!!  :salute:

I'd bet good money - no small claim for a broke student - that not even Layton would pick her up. Even he was telling the cameras how dumb she was being (you know you've gone too far into meaningless showboating when...)
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