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Career Choice Question


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Hi guys,

I have been searching the boards for hours on end trying to gather as much information as possible.  Currently I am a University graduate, i applied to the military but still undecided on what combat arms trade I would like to do.  After much thought I decided to go NCM for my initial contract, long story short, after frequent trips to the recruitment office, Officer just isn't what I am looking for at this stage in my life.

I am really interested in "Combat Engineer".  Do combat engineers still get to do the Para courses? is it possible to get an opportunity to do a course such as the patrol pathfinder course? I know Recce is only for Inf.  From what I have seen on the forms they tend to favor Infantry over the other combat arms trades for these type of courses.


Yes engineers can take para courses according to this thread....

Sorry, forgot to mention I did read the Army course list thread and noticed that as well.  The reason why I asked is because most mention you need to have your Recce complete along with the jump courses.

Recce is only available to Infantry if I remember correctly.
Need to have recce completed along with para to do what?
Engineers have been pathfinders before, but not in the last 10-15 years or so.
Their is an engineer in Pet going on his recce course in the coming weeks... never say never.

Yes Basic Recce Patrolman is an Infantry course but other trades have gotten onto it.

And if I remember correctly Recce isn't required to go on the PPF course, its just recommended.

PPF is avail for Infantry, Engineers and Sig Ops and I believe Med Techs and Arty aswell.

I read into the pre-reqs for PPF awhile ago on the CFLAWC site.
