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Car shooting (same guy as tank vs rover)


Army.ca Veteran
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Most likely highly faked.....
I believe I already posted this one a page or so into the tank vs. rover thread.

Still mildly entertaining.
pure insanity. I want to try it some time. I wonder if he will ever let me do something like that on the show.

//NOTE: I doubt it but one can hope  >:D
Ah thats Jeremy Clarkson from Topgear. Brilliant man in his own right, with two doctorates in engineering. I wish two engineering degree's could get me in on that stuff. I'd get'em if it did.
Trinity said:
Most likely highly faked.....

Knowing Clarkson I doubt very much that this is faked, he is quite the character in the UK.
Devlin said:
Knowing Clarkson I doubt very much that this is faked, he is quite the character in the UK.

So you think this man can use a Carl G to hit a car in flying in MID AIR????

Oh.. and the camera was behind the Carl G when it fired.. can we say back blast?
I'm sure he blew up more than a few cars just to get the hang of firing the weapons, so that by the time he was ready to shoot the show. He could actually not look like an ass.
Well I should clarify then I guess...I expect that he did actually pull the trigger on the Carl G....I also expect they rigged the car with pyro of some sort.

Ahhh yes back blast from the Carl G.....likelymade use of camera angles and lenses involved to get the shoot along with some smooth editing before going to production as well.