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CAP Gagetown

NFLD Sapper said:
Heck if Rogers won't provide Highspeed to the shacks (yet you can get digital cable from them) what makes you think the would provide wireless?

Rogers Portable internet runs off the cellphone networks.  You buy the box and pay the monthly fee and it works all over Canada, as long as you are near a decent sized city. It's pretty slow out in Gagetown but it works. But you have to have a fixed home address somewhere for them to bill you.
It fascinates me that CF dress is required - but most new members are not issued CFs until two years in...

Rigs said:
It fascinates me that CF dress is required - but most new members are not issued CFs until two years in...

Really?  I recall getting mine issued at basic.  Are we talking reserves here?
When I went to clothing stores they explained they no longer issue CFs until you are qualified - I guess because they got tired of chasing people down for them if the NES'd

But are you a reservist?  I attended a BMQ grad parade just over a year ago and they all had their DEUs.
Sorry, yes I am a reservist.

Maybe the policy is different depending on the clothing stores :)

Or maybe it has changed in the past two years (that would be shocking, no?)

I just know that's what they told me at the time.
Don't fret, I'm not doubting your statement.  ;)
It's true, policy changes all the time but if you're required to bring them, then I would assume (I know, dangerous practice) that they would have to issue them to you.
Rigs said:
When I went to clothing stores they explained they no longer issue CFs until you are qualified - I guess because they got tired of chasing people down for them if the NES'd

This policy is now 3 (yes, three!!) years old:

Here's the policy (again) for ResF enlisted members of the ARMY. It is applicable to no one but ResF Army enlisted personnel:

Members of the ResF Land enviornment will be issued DEU upon successful completion of QL3s or 1 year of service, whichever comes first.

This policy is now years old, and anyone within your CoC (either employed within OR outside of your Unit QM) should have been able to answer this query for you ... as would a site search have revealed the answer:


ArmyVern said:
Depends, as answered on this site numerous times.

PRes Land DEU:

Officers:  Entitled immediately.

Other ranks:
  Not entitled to issue until they have successfully completed 1 year of service OR upon successful completion of QL3 training, whichever comes first.

It really can not get any clearer than that. We really don't just make this shit up as we go along depending upon what Unit's QM we happen to be working at.
Nice pic ArmyVern :)

No worries - I did not think you were doubting me, another page I belong to is always asking for cites so I am used to it.

It's on the list, so my CFs are coming
Rigs said:
It fascinates me that CF dress is required - but most new members are not issued CFs until two years in...

I'll guarantee that the above is not what your Unit QM staff told you.
Thorvald said:
Ok, on the kit list is a few intersting items (I always love kit lists, they are usually so ancient that even the instructors don't know a third of the items on them).

1 x Laptop Computer Baselined
If you look closely, it says that you should bring 0 laptop baslined for CAP.
Rigs said:
Nice pic ArmyVern :)

No worries - I did not think you were doubting me, another page I belong to is always asking for cites so I am used to it.

It's on the list, so my CFs are coming

If you're enlisted, they'll be coming after you complete that QL3 or 1 year of service, but yes -- they're coming. I'm going to assume though that you're an Officer (CAP is a big hint), so that means you're entitled right away.

Just because an item is put onto a kitlist by a school -- does NOT make one entitled to the item. Else, every infanteer reporting to the Infantry school on course  would have been equipped with cadpat raingear years ago because the school would have added it to the kitlist if that were the way the system worked.

Your scale of entitlement is determined via D01 scales, not course kitlists.

You'll find many items on the CAP kitlist that you won't see until you actually reported in to Gagetown for your course, because your entitlement to them does not kick in until you've actually reported and are "on" course. Those items will be issued to you when your course visits CSG Gagetown en masse for issue -- which is a treat in and of itself. Bring smokes if you smoke, and if you've got 'em.
Ah...CAP.....I'm an instrutor for CAP at the Infantry School. I may have just taught my last one this spring though as I am on my way out to OT. Yes you are all going to tent city and I'm not sure of the set-up as I've avoided going near the place yet. As for Kit...the only folks that will require DEU are those that will be training through the month of Nov. and I'm sure ( I hope) we all know why. They've got Mosquito zappers up there from what the guys told me and to be honest...it shouldn't be that bad a go in Mod for two months. The only thing that would tick me off would probably be the 24hr turn-around on laundry.However....CAP spends a fair amount of time in the field and you'll be using your groundsheet for that...so MOD will be a welcome treat. Go out and have fun...there are a lot of knowledgeable instructors there that will not harm you. Do as you are told...don't screw up more that once...and the rest should be fun. you will hear it now and you will hear it on course...TEAMWORK...it is the oil that keeps the machine running. OH, and I heard something in an earlier post....POSITIVE CONTROL OF YOUR WEAPON. Nothing we dislike more is troops running around with their weapon slung over their back....is it effectice that way,....really?
Dammit - I am suposed to leave on Saturday and I am actually very sick - I am going to the MIR tomorrow - hopefully it isn't strep.
HommicideHarold said:
I heard that you can't get outta there with your shirt on.

I managed to make it out of there with my shirt on the one time I visited.  ;)

Not sure about any males that I was there with though. I was DDing (NOT by choice), so I was completely sober and took it all in. Too freaking hilarious. I'd go back in a heartbeat ... but I sure as hell am not DDing the next time I manage to make my way there.
