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Cap Badges & CF Regimental Insignias - Searching for a Complete Image Collection

>:(Just to give those people who want info on WW2 regiments cap badges the present day Hastings and Prince Edward cap badge has been changed and is not current.  The original design which the regiment has used during the war seems to have been changed and not implimented throught out the Regiment.  The antlers have been moved to face forward not seperated as you would see it on the soldiers cap badge today.  This was changed over 10 years prior and well as things usually go no one told the soldiers and none of the badges and the colours have been changed.  Dont change what works I say.
jranrose said:
I am looking for CF regimental badge images. I know there is the badge archive on the DIN at http://dgpa-dgap.mil.ca/badge%20site/index_e.htm. Does anyone have access that can send me any of the regiments badges? If any one can help it would be much appreciated. You can email me or if you could put up a post.

If you want an image of the ORIGINAL RCEME CAP BADGE, I have, thanks to my deceased father, two of them that I can try to scan for you. This is the cap badge when the RCEME was formed and the mechanics, who were formerly in the Ordinance Corps were transferred to it.
MOOO! said:
>:(Just to give those people who want info on WW2 regiments cap badges the present day Hastings and Prince Edward cap badge has been changed and is not current.   The original design which the regiment has used during the war seems to have been changed and not implimented throught out the Regiment.   The antlers have been moved to face forward not seperated as you would see it on the soldiers cap badge today.   This was changed over 10 years prior and well as things usually go no one told the soldiers and none of the badges and the colours have been changed.   Dont change what works I say.

The supplier in Pakistan probably got the pictures mixed up.  Can't pass up a bargain these days! ;D
I know this is a little old, but it's stickied so I assume it's alright to post.

We just got a bunch of WWI cap badges from the CEF for various units that are on display now at our school, I'll try and make a list of them and if anyone needs I can take some pictures and upload them for any that are interested.  If any are interest of course. We have about 20-30.
Hi thought I would try here,cant seem to find it out anywhere else.My grandfather served with the royal artillery NFLD during ww2 for 4 years.I have two pictures of him and only one can you see his capbadge.It doesnt look like the arty badge and am wondering if nfld had a differnt arty capbadge as we were our own country at the time. any help would be appericiated.
might be a Royal Artillery cap badge.....
The Canadian Artillery "Gun" is most distinct (and better looking)
cadettrooper said:
does anyone know if they have chosen a design fro the new CSOR cap badge?    :salute: :cdn:

Lets see, we've got almost 10000 registered members, some of whom would drop their grandmothers down the stairs to race and be the first to post something here.  If it appears anywehere on the net, it'll show up here soon enough.
Anyone know if a metal cap badge exists for Public Affairs Officers? It'd make a great gift for a friend of mine, should I be able to acquire one...

Hello all!

I am writing regarding an art project that I am working on for the True Patriot Love Foundation which pays tribute to the quiet dedication and sacrifices of Canadian soldiers and their families. The cornerstone of the annual True Patriot Love Tribute Dinner is the auction of replica Canadian army helmets that are painted, sculpted and transformed by Canadian artists to raise money to support initiatives to benefit service personnel.

I am pursuing several concepts, one of which involves using the insignias of all the regiments that have participated in the Afghanistan conflict. I'm not having much luck sifting through various archives that I have been directed to by Gov't offices. The search engines want specifics of information I don't yet know.

In a nutshell, I need a list of which regiments have participated to date in Afghan., and more importantly, a visual archive of regimental insignias for me to match up to, preferably rendered in a common style.

Does anyone have a handle on such a resource? Is there somewhere that these insignias are available for purchase? Any help would be appreciated as I am getting tight on time.

Thanks in advance

If I understand correctly, you are asking for representations of cap badges for all the regiments (and I would hope Branches, Corps, and Arms), that have participated in the Afghanistan campaign.

There's no single reference that will give you the information you seek. In addition, it's something of a monumental task. Virtually every unit in Canada has had a member participate. Certainly every Regular Force unit, and I would guess well north of 90% of Militia units as well as some NAVRES and ARAF folks.

Someone else may have access to something. There was a publication put out by DHH, but it's under review and no longer available.
It's not Afghanistan specific, but maybe a start for you visually...

HelmetHead99 said:
In a nutshell, I need a list of which regiments have participated to date in Afghan., and more importantly, a visual archive of regimental insignias for me to match up to, preferably rendered in a common style.

You might as well get a list of every Regiment/ unit across Canada as I'm sure there has been at least one soldier from each that has gone.

The 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, formed the Battle Group that deployed in 2006. Here is the list of units, as published in the regimental journal, of all the units of the CF that contributed to that one Battle Group:

1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment
Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)
2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
2 Combat Engineer Regiment
2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
The Royal Canadian Dragoons
5e Regiment d'Artillerie Legere du Canada
Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific)
Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic)
The Queen's York Rangers (1st American Regiment) (RCAC)
1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
7th Toronto Regiment, RCA
11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
49th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
56th Field Artillery Regiment RCA
1st Air Defence Regiment (Lanark and Renfrew Scottish), RCA
4th Air Defence Regiment, RCA
Field Artillery School, RCA
1 Combat Engineer Regiment
2 Field Engineer Regiment
31 Combat Engineer Regiment (The Elgins)
3 Field Engineer Squadron
4 Field Engineer Squadron
5 Field Engineer Squadron
6 Field Engineer Squadron
2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signal Squadron
5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Headquarters and Signals Squadron
2 Electronic Warfare Squadron
731 Communication Squadron
746 (Calgary) Communication Squadron
3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment
1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Governor General's Foot Guards
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
The Royal Regiment of Canada
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment)
The Princess of Wales Own Regiment
The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment
The Lincoln and Welland Regiment
4th Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment
Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada
The Grey and Simcoe Foresters
Le Régiment De Maisonneuve
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa
The Algonquin Regiment
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's)
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders
2nd Battalion, Irish Regiment of Canada
The Toronto Scottish Regiment
1 Canadian Air Division Headquarters
403 Helicopter Operational Training Squadron
21 (Windsor) Service Battalion
1 Field Ambulance
2 Field Ambulance
23 (Hamilton) Field Ambulance
28 (Ottawa) Field Ambulance
33 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre
41 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre
Canadian Forces Health Services Centre Ottawa
1 Field Ambulance Detachment Shilo
Deputy Judge Advocate Comox
2 Intelligence Company
4 Intelligence Company
Joint Task Force (Central) Headquarters
Land Force Western Area Headquarters
36 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters
Area Support Unit Toronto
Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg
Mapping and Charting Establishment
The Canadian Forces Integrated Undersea Surveillance Centre

Note that is is just for the Battle Group - one component of one rotational cycle - other units will also have contributed to remaining Canadian elements in Afghanistan during that tour. And each tour will be equally diverse in its representation of CF units.
Obviously The RCR is contracting out their writing - I can not imagine any true member of The RCR issuing a list with such blatant disregard for precedence.

Infantry before armour! Horse Artillery mixed and jumbled in the list!  Naval units following Army units!  Subunits and units mixed!

Once you figure out which units you're going to include, here are some sources for graphics:

Directorate of History and Heritage > Badges
A pretty broad gallery, however this doen't include combat support or combat service support branches/units.

A listing of CF Land units (with their insignia).

A limited selection, but includes scaleable file formats.
dapaterson said:
Obviously The RCR is contracting out their writing - I can not imagine any true member of The RCR issuing a list with such blatant disregard for precedence.

Infantry before armour! Horse Artillery mixed and jumbled in the list!  Naval units following Army units!  Subunits and units mixed!

I don't have a copy of the original spreadsheet, but if I recall correctly, it was sorted by number of contributed personnel.

EDIT to add:, Nope, that wasn't it (found a copy of the spreadsheet file) - this is closer: parent unit, providers of formed sub-units, providers of formed sub-sub-units, and then somewhat "order of precedentish".

Please feel free to edit and resubmit in the format that least offends your staffish sensibilities.    ;D
Thanks for the responses everyone... rheostatic's 2nd link is right on the money for what I was thinking of but as many of you have stated (O'Leary etc) the list of participating units is surprising and I may have to rethink. But this is what I was after and I appreciate your input.
HelmetHead99 said:
Thanks for the responses everyone... rheostatic's 2nd link is right on the money for what I was thinking of but as many of you have stated (O'Leary etc) the list of participating units is surprising and I may have to rethink. But this is what I was after and I appreciate your input.

Keep in mind that is the list of contributing unit to one battle group during one tour - it is not the full list of contributing units during that operational cycle - and it certainly is not a complete list of units which have had personnel deployed to Afghanistan,