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I just arrived at this thread due to a crackbook linking to it (else I'd have never found my way to this site  ;)) ... Prepare yourselves.

GAP: Hold steady on the camera dammit. :P
For reservists : all the release clerks (including myself) are going to the Release seminar in a couple weeks. We'll know a lot more then on how this will work for the interim period for people releasing between March 1st 2012 and the time they send the letters at the end of the year.

The canforgen says that the RFRG stops being accumulated on March 1st 2012. What happens with all the release files that we have with people whose release date is between March 1st and the start of the election period this Fall? The way I understand it, if you were not released on March 1st then you are eligible for the new RFDRG calculations, which would make a LOT of people very very happy.

Kind of the same thing when the RFRG was first implemented. People whose release date was even a single day after RFRG started were eligible for it.
Hopefully some people are better at math than I am.  How much should a Cpl 4 expect to get in back pay in mid May?
stellarpanther said:
Hopefully some people are better at math than I am.  How much should a Cpl 4 expect to get in back pay in mid May?

Umm.  It's really not that difficult.  Take your new rate of pay, subtract the old rate of pay, multiply the difference by the the number of months you were paid at the old rate and voila!  This number is the amount of back pay to which you're entitled. 

Now, apply the taxes and write a cheque to the government! ;D
Right, so approx $950 minus taxes means...

Cpl 4 should get about $2.59 clear.  >:D  (only for those of us in lovely NS)
Eye In The Sky said:
Cpl 4 should get about $2.59 clear.  >:D  (only for those of us in lovely NS)

Here in the centre of the universe, it will pay for the health premium i am forced to shell out even though i do not use the provincial system, do not even get a provincial card or even have dependants who use the provincial system.
Depending on how much that is, I'd trade it for the difference in income tax (approx. $3100 more a year in NS than Ont based on a $60k/year income).

Is this premium above and beyond income tax?  Never heard of it.
Eye In The Sky said:
Is this premium above and beyond income tax?  Never heard of it.

$750 based on my current pay and yes, it is over and above my taxes. Anyone living in this sh*thole province and making $20k or more must pay. CF members not exempt.

Not quite the tax a**f**k of living in NS (I'm  familiar with that one as well) but it sure came as a surprise.
CDN Aviator said:
Here in the centre of the universe, it will pay for the health premium i am forced to shell out even though i do not use the provincial system, do not even get a provincial card or even have dependants who use the provincial system.

Oh, don't open that can of worms again.  Several of us got slapped down for complaining about it: 

PMedMoe said:
Oh, don't open that can of worms again.  Several of us got slapped down for complaining about it: 


Oh, why not? I pay an annual health care premium which I am NOT ALLOWED to use unless it is an emergency. Further, if I read the Blue Cross thing correct, anytime I do use provincial health care the CF covers the costs. It is a fact that I pay $600 Ontario Health Care premium on my annual income tax return.

(I have no problem at all paying my share of services I receive... But paying for something I am not allowed to receive is horrifically wrong on so many levels.)
Teeps74 said:
Oh, why not? I pay an annual health care premium which I am NOT ALLOWED to use unless it is an emergency. Further, if I read the Blue Cross thing correct, anytime I do use provincial health care the CF covers the costs. It is a fact that I pay $600 Ontario Health Care premium on my annual income tax return.

(I have no problem at all paying my share of services I receive... But paying for something I am not allowed to receive is horrifically wrong on so many levels.)

And I completely agree with you.  It seems that others don't.  And we don't use the premium in an emergency either.  Any time a CF member goes to a civilian hospital, clinic, etc, the CF pays for it in full.
It's no different in my eyes than paying EI premiums.  Something I cannot qualify to use, but it does go towards the greater good my fellow citizens.  I may not be keen on it, but it's something I have no say in either like many of our deductions.
jollyjacktar said:
but it does go towards the greater good my fellow citizens.

The current state of Ontario's health care system says otherwise.

Doesn't matter much to me now anyways, i'm out of here this summer. I think of it as my "welcome and goodbye tax" for 10 months in the province.

F**k you very much.
I was thinking more of the EI per se.  I cannot speak on the ON health care system, seeing as I am busy getting raped along with my fellow NS by Dexter and crew.
Teeps74 said:
Oh, why not? I pay an annual health care premium which I am NOT ALLOWED to use unless it is an emergency. Further, if I read the Blue Cross thing correct, anytime I do use provincial health care the CF covers the costs. It is a fact that I pay $600 Ontario Health Care premium on my annual income tax return.

(I have no problem at all paying my share of services I receive... But paying for something I am not allowed to receive is horrifically wrong on so many levels.)

Someone really needs to sort this out...  It is one of the easier fixes (in the grand scheme of problems to be fixed) I suspect and would not only increase CF member satisfaction but could make some young MP look good in the media. 
