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recceguy said:
I retired in July 13. I was told last week, by the team, not to expect a cheque until at least Sept 14.

That was before I mentioned all the mistakes they had in my audit letter. Now they are in the process of requesting all of my paperwork and records from the archives again, to review and reaudit.

That has pushed my payout further. I'll be lucky to get it now in 2014.
Let the audits of the audits begin  ;D, I have been stuck in that cycle before. Good luck hope you get it sooner rather than later.
I retired this month.
I suspect that I'll be lucky to see my PIL by 2020. 
kratz said:
I retired this month.
I suspect that I'll be lucky to see my PIL by 2020.

Did you elect PiL, or are you taking severance?  If it's severance, not PiL, you can roll over $2K per year into RRSPs above your limit for each year orpartial year of service prior to 1996.

Just got mine today, credited with 12.25 years of servance and was taxed at 22%...not too bad....
I have the OR take more taxes out than I really need to cover for extended Class B time so according to them I should be OK.
NFLD Sapper said:
I have the OR take more taxes out than I really need to cover for extended Class B time so according to them I should be OK.

According to the OR, I had them take out extra taxes while I was on MATA leave, and they said it would be plenty. Funny thing, I ended up owing four grand come tax time. That stung with a new baby!

Someday, my PIL will come....  :P
NFLD Sapper said:
I have the OR take more taxes out than I really need to cover for extended Class B time so according to them I should be OK.
I would go to the CRA website or an accountant to see how much taxes need to be deducted, rather than rely on the OR, no offence to any OR, but taxes are not their specialty.

And someday I might get my PIL it's only been 14 months I don't want to rush things.  :-\
Petawawa told their people to expect 45 to 50 % withheld to prevent people having to owe come tax time.
I am still waiting for the usual "Your Cheque is in the Mail", so I guess I have even longer to wait.
As of March 4, 2014, the PIL Team has received over 45,500 files to be audited. Audits have been completed on 35,818 files or 78.6% comprised of both Regular Force and Reserve Force.

Files are being audited based on the date the file has been received by the PIL Team in Ottawa, not the date the member submits the application to the support unit. Currently the team is auditing files received on 19 April 2013. The majority of the files that were received prior to this date have been audited and returned for payment. Those requiring additional information from either units and/or archives are put on hold until the information comes in.

Sparkplugs said:
According to the OR, I had them take out extra taxes while I was on MATA leave, and they said it would be plenty. Funny thing, I ended up owing four grand come tax time. That stung with a new baby!

Someday, my PIL will come....  :P

Just saw this - given that a good chunk of your income was EI, I suspect that's why you took the hit - the tax held back from your EI wouldn't have considered your military pay in the calendar years you received it, so they withheld too little - even the extra tax from the top-up wasn't enough.
vandoos283 said:
As of March 4, 2014, the PIL Team has received over 45,500 files to be audited. Audits have been completed on 35,818 files or 78.6% comprised of both Regular Force and Reserve Force.

Files are being audited based on the date the file has been received by the PIL Team in Ottawa, not the date the member submits the application to the support unit. Currently the team is auditing files received on 19 April 2013. The majority of the files that were received prior to this date have been audited and returned for payment. Those requiring additional information from either units and/or archives are put on hold until the information comes in.

I took the full amount payable on retirement.

I released in July 13. I've already been audited....twice. My paperwork is totally complete, except for the payout.

My last call to them, they indicated that I would probably receive payment in Sept 14, however, because of the second audit, that may get pushed back even further. :rofl:

The ridiculousness of the whole fiasco amazes me and makes me giggle.

.............and apparently, according to my source there, all the Reservists that were supposed to work at Christmas to clear the Reserve backlog, didn't materialize. :dunno:

Funny dat.
  .............and apparently, according to my source there, all the Reservists that were supposed to work at Christmas to clear the Reserve backlog, didn't materialize. :dunno:

Shocking!!! I feel you pain.
vandoos283 said:
  .............and apparently, according to my source there, all the Reservists that were supposed to work at Christmas to clear the Reserve backlog, didn't materialize. :dunno:

Shocking!!! I feel you pain.

No worries. I don't have any pain, at least from this clusterfuck. I've also learned, long ago, that dealing with the CAF financial bureaucracy is like pushing a string up a sandy hill. It's even worse when you are no longer in uniform. No one is going to move any faster, so there's no sense getting upset about it.
dapaterson said:
Just saw this - given that a good chunk of your income was EI, I suspect that's why you took the hit - the tax held back from your EI wouldn't have considered your military pay in the calendar years you received it, so they withheld too little - even the extra tax from the top-up wasn't enough.

I had them take off an extra few hundred on top of what they suggested, because I knew EI was only taxed at 10%. Still wasn't enough, obviously! Bah well, you live, you learn, and one kid is enough for me, so I won't have to go through that again!
recceguy said:
I took the full amount payable on retirement.

I released in July 13. I've already been audited....twice. My paperwork is totally complete, except for the payout.

My last call to them, they indicated that I would probably receive payment in Sept 14, however, because of the second audit, that may get pushed back even further. :rofl:

The ridiculousness of the whole fiasco amazes me and makes me giggle.

.............and apparently, according to my source there, all the Reservists that were supposed to work at Christmas to clear the Reserve backlog, didn't materialize. :dunno:

Funny dat.

I wonder if you and I will receive those $.01 cheques from Supply and Services two years after the PIL is paid out......  >:D
George Wallace said:
I wonder if you and I will receive those $.01 cheques from Supply and Services two years after the PIL is paid out......  >:D

They found a $2000 dollar severance, for 11 years served, that they gave me when I got out in '83. I was looking at 23 years Reserve x MWO(3), so around $31,000. However, as you may not exceed 30 years of severance they docked my Reserve time.

They reduced my 23 years Res down to 19 (+ 11 = 30 years).

So, 11 years Reg service grossed me a grand total of $2000 in severance.

The reduction from 23 down to 19 has cost me $5370

11 years was worth $2000, now 4 years is worth $5370. Even with inflation it's comical :facepalm:

C'est la vie, c'est la guerre, c'est la pomme de terre  :dunno:

