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So... Am I reading into this right? If I made $100 000, I would be getting $1750 before taxes?
Pusser said:
Now I'm curious as to whether I can combine my reserve service (way back in the stone age) in with my regular force service to max out entitlement.

Good question.  The new CBI 240.40 has yet to be posted; hopefully it will clarify that point.  One possible hiccup in your otherwise cunning plan may be the CF's (mis)management of Component Transfers - did you transfer directly from the Reserve Force into the Regular Force, or did you release and then re-enrol?  Breaks in service can have damaging effects on individuals in some circumstances.
HULK_011 said:
So... Am I reading into this right? If I made $100 000, I would be getting $1750 before taxes?

Yes.  That's the same economic increase received by the public service (well, PSAC at least). 
The other "disqualifier" for severance is any time you were paid out a RFRG for.  Can't remember the exact para, but saw it in the CBI this morning (which makes perfect sense).
HULK_011 said:
So... Am I reading into this right? If I made $100 000, I would be getting $1750 before taxes?

Plus 1.5% of any environmental allowances, etc you received IAW 3(b) of the CANFORGEN.
dapaterson said:
Good question.  The new CBI 240.40 has yet to be posted; hopefully it will clarify that point.  One possible hiccup in your otherwise cunning plan may be the CF's (mis)management of Component Transfers - did you transfer directly from the Reserve Force into the Regular Force, or did you release and then re-enrol?  Breaks in service can have damaging effects on individuals in some circumstances.

Good point.  I did it back in the day (1985) when you had to release and then re-enroll.  Mine was back to back (i.e. released 21 Jun 85 and re-enrolled on 22 Jun 85), but we'll have to see.  The end result will be a difference of three week's pay - hardly something worth losing sleep over, but I'll still push for it if there's an opening.

I don't have to worry about RFRG.  It didn't exist when I joined the Reg Force.
Eye In The Sky said:
The other "disqualifier" for severance is any time you were paid out a RFRG for.  Can't remember the exact para, but saw it in the CBI this morning (which makes perfect sense).

Pusser is sufficiently old ancient decrepit experienced that I suspect his service predates the RFRG (which came into force in the late 90s).
dapaterson said:
Pusser is sufficiently old ancient decrepit experienced that I suspect his service predates the RFRG (which came into force in the late 90s).

I was mentioning it more for "common knowledge"  ;D  Just so people like me who CTd and got the RFRG don't start seeing $$ in their eyes that shouldn't be there and then get all  >:( - like. 
Journeyman said:
Hopefully it's enough to keep a hypothetical 4-year Cpl, whose personal choices have left him, wife and multiple kids oppressively tied to PMQs in another thread, off of suicide watch.


Know your troops promote their welfare.

200 dollars is a lot to a young NCM a month. If your that disconnected from that reality; that's a topic on it's own.
Just for a benchmark, using Cpl, Standard, IPC 4 (probably the most common rank, pay cat and IPC), here's some rough figures for what the actual pay increases look like. 

2010:  $4733

2011:  $4816

2012:  $4888

2013:  $4986  ($253 increase/month - $3036/year from 2010)
dogger1936 said:
Know your troops promote their welfare.

200 dollars is a lot to a young NCM a month. If your that disconnected from that reality; that's a topic on it's own.
If a troop chooses to have more children than he can afford to support without living penny-by-penny, from one payday to another, then there's only so much 'welfare promotion' any leader can provide.

I guess I could post a more sympathetic "there, there muffin; you're right -- that mean ol' government is picking on you because you're too fucking stupid to wear a condom."  ::)

But thanks for the lecture; by the time I was a Cpl, I'd already learned to be responsible for my own behaviour.

Oh, and look, according to Eye in the Sky, your 'hypothetical' friend is actually making more money; guess you can wipe away those self-righteous tears now.
Journeyman said:
If a troop chooses to have more children than he can afford to support without living penny-by-penny, from one payday to another, then there's only so much 'welfare promotion' any leader can provide.

I guess I could post a more sympathetic "there, there muffin; you're right -- that mean ol' government is picking on you because you're too ******* stupid to wear a condom."  ::)

But thanks for the lecture; by the time I was a Cpl, I'd already learned to be responsible for my own behaviour.

Oh, and look, according to Eye in the Sky, your 'hypothetical' friend is actually making more money; guess you can wipe away those self-righteous tears now.

Except that people make life decisions based upon what they are told they are making (note I did not say what they are GOING to make) . Then you take a fair chunk out of it.

For ranks which have a lot of incentives, it's a non issue since most will increase in incentive and it should cover the increase in pension payments, however, for a CPL that has been a CPL for 4 years, he will essentially taking a pay cut for no added benefits. It may not be because he did bad financial planning, but because his salary was essentially cut.  That's not taking into account inflation.
Halifax Tar said:
What is RFRG ?

Not to be an echo, but it is called "Paying Attention to Detail".

CANFORGEN 062/12 CMP 029/12 301516Z MAR 12




In military writing, it is proper to always write out the long form of something first, followed by the abbreviation in brackets; as in the example above.

SupersonicMax said:
Except that people make life decisions based upon what they are told they are making (note I did not say what they are GOING to make) . Then you take a fair chunk out of it.

For ranks which have a lot of incentives, it's a non issue since most will increase in incentive and it should cover the increase in pension payments, however, for a CPL that has been a CPL for 4 years, he will essentially taking a pay cut for no added benefits. It may not be because he did bad financial planning, but because his salary was essentially cut.  That's not taking into account inflation.
Thank you. I understand the theory of heartache; my experience is actually a bit more than RMC and a first engagement in Cold Lake.

The reality is, the CF isn't hurting near as much as some other elements of society. The fact that some hypothetical Cpl has decided to have a houseful of kids that he apparently can't support is simple whininess.

I will now bow out to let the agony aunts wring their hands together and moan.
SupersonicMax said:
Except that people make life decisions based upon what they are told they are making (note I did not say what they are GOING to make) . Then you take a fair chunk out of it.

For ranks which have a lot of incentives, it's a non issue since most will increase in incentive and it should cover the increase in pension payments, however, for a CPL that has been a CPL for 4 years, he will essentially taking a pay cut for no added benefits. It may not be because he did bad financial planning, but because his salary was essentially cut.  That's not taking into account inflation.

Ummmm...I might have missed something but, what pay cut? 

Even us oar-puller Jnr Ranks are getting a pay raise in '11, '12 and '13.  ???

I don't know, maybe I am too grateful/thankful, but a $3k pay increase from '10-'13 doesn't look that bad; sure beats the days of pay freezes.

I know I'll loose some of that towards higher pension contributions, but heck I'll still have a pension at the end of the day, and that is not something everyone can say.  Unless I am as stupid as my ex said I was (which is possible) I'll retire with zero debt, a house paid for, and a pension.  I already know I am losing severance, but I can plan for that over the next 19 years.  I also know next year, I am getting 0.5% pay raise to help offset that.

Things could be alot worse.  But that is just me, I look at the whole picture:  5 weeks Ann Lve, Stat Holidays, Specials, med/dental benefits, SBD/OGTI that will look after my family, education benefits etc.  Add a $4k'ish raise between now and 01 Apr 13, and I like to think the grass is pretty green.

SupersonicMax said:
Except that people make life decisions based upon what they are told they are making (note I did not say what they are GOING to make) . Then you take a fair chunk out of it.

The problem with that is that sometimes people make the wrong decisions about what they spend their money on.  Money gets tight?  You take a cut?  then you have to look at what you are actually spending on.  Down the street from where I live, there is a subsidised housing complex.  Every unit has a satelitte dish and in some cases two.  And almost everyone walking in and out has a smartphone of some time.  Same with university students that complain about tuition and eco-passes.  Just about all of them have an i-phone or blackberry.  I know someone who is in debt, three kids, two dogs etc etc.  Makes a good salary but likely would have problems if his salary were to drop 5%.  I can garantee he would not give up his premium cable package.

You are paid for the job you do not how many kids or ex-wives you have.  When things get a little tough, like now, if you are not ready to make life adjustments then that's your problem.