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Technoviking said:
True story:
Once upon a time, in the field in Gagetown, some troops were found with narcotics.  The Military Police (LDA unit) were called by the School (Non-LDA unit) to come to Blissville or Petersville or whereeverville to conduct the on-scene investigation.  The MPs replied that they wouldn't be able to come to the field. 

Now, I know that it's not "field pay", but... the current situation is pure bullshit.

There; fixed that for you.

Thanks, Vern.  I guess it is true that you women can read minds ;D
I keep seeing that abbreviation and wondering why we need to backdate "Leadership in a Diverse Army".

Another true story:
Once upon a time, the members of the Infantry School were scheduled by the base clothing people for their turn of the mass issue of the CADPAT raingear.  On the date in question, the majority of members of that non-LDA unit were unable to make their school appointed time.  Why?  They were all in the field.
Twenty four posns (Sig Op Trg), have been identified in CFSCE...the Army has bought into it but the problem is selling it to the Treasury Board.
Technoviking said:
Another true story:
Once upon a time, the members of the Infantry School were scheduled by the base clothing people for their turn of the mass issue of the CADPAT raingear.  On the date in question, the majority of members of that non-LDA unit were unable to make their school appointed time.  Why?  They were all in the field... where they really could have used that new raingear & the FDA too!

There; fixed that one for you too. Would you just hurry up & get a grip on yourself already Sir?  >:(
ArmyVern said:
There; fixed that one for you too. Would you just hurry up & get a grip on yourself already Sir?  >:(
I'd rather just let others get a grip on me, it's much more....er...wait a minute.  This is a PM, right?  >:D

Situation- Prior to starting parental leave in Nov 09 , I was briefed by the MATA/PATA clerk. She informed me that a recent  CANFORGEN stated that pers going on LWOP would be keeping their LDA. She stated in the briefing that currently there was no way to enter the LDA into the LWOP pay system, however I would be able to collect it retroactively upon my return to work. I said that my plan would be to use the retro LDA to pay my pension arrears when I got back. The MATA/PATA clerk said that it was definitely an option.

My return to work day is now 01 May 10, and the MATA/PATA clerk has informed me that she was in fact wrong, and I will not be entitled to retroactive LDA.

Any thoughts on a course of action?

To answer the question on most of your minds, no i did not save any extra money to pay back my pension, I thought that a pay briefing would be based on fact.

From CBI 205.33

205.33(6) (Start and End Dates) Entitlement to Land Duty Allowance starts on the day on which the member reports for duty and ends on the earliest day on which the member:
(a) departs the unit as defined in CBI 205.015 (Interpretation);
(b) is assigned a permanent medical category with medical employment limitation indicating unfit field environment;
(c) begins retirement leave;
(d) is posted to the Service Personnel Holding List;
(e) sick leave is extended for more than 180
(f) is subject to paragraph 3, attach posted in excess of 6 months.

And for (a) at 205.015

“departs the unit” means the date on which a
member reports for duty for the last time at the
losing unit before undertaking the move to report
for duty at the gaining unit irrespective of the
change of strength date. (date de départ)

I don`t see anything about LWOP or parental/maternal leave. You can ask the clerk to show you where it is written that
you`re not entitled to it.
Leave without pay is leave WITHOUT pay.  LDA is pay.  Is this really that difficult to understand?

The clerk was out to lunch and if she really said that, she needs a good stern talking to by her supervisor.
Pusser said:
Leave without pay is leave WITHOUT pay.  LDA is pay.  Is this really that difficult to understand?

Yes you are right about LWOP being that, GUNNER2RCR should be rec'd Parental Allowance. His Leave pass, just like mine was Parental Leave...

(2) (Definition) In this article, “parental leave” means a period of leave without pay and allowances granted to an officer or non-commissioned member for parental or paternity purposes relating to one or more new-born or adopted children or children to be adopted.

I have yet to find the CANFORGEN that says that it's entitled under LWOP.
Jingo said:
I have yet to find the CANFORGEN that says that it's entitled under LWOP.

I suspect that the clerk may have misread the CANFORGEN. As set out below, the details of who "earned LDA points" while posted where. Because this member "had not left the Unit" (and was on LWOP) - he would still continue to earn/accumulate LDA points for the time period of his leave. But not be "paid LDA" for that LWOP.
Well, that makes sense.  Why should someone get LDA when they're not even working?
PMedMoe said:
Well, that makes sense.  Why should someone get LDA when they're not even working?

Exactly; Imagine too the revolt at CTC should people at `entitled`Units be found to be receiving LDA for 4 months of LWOP ... while they at CTC continue to be fucked out of receiving a single cent of LDA despite their actually working in the field on an ongoing and routine basis.
Another way to look at it, when I was on my parental, PLD was factored into my top up pay, and PLD is an allowance. So shouldn't his parental pay be calculated with the LDA factored in?
IMHO, no.

PLD is for living in a certain area.  LDA is for the "inconvenience" of possibly having to go in the field from time to time.

When one is on MATA/PATA leave, they still live in the area.  They don't go in the field.
PMedMoe said:
IMHO, no.

PLD is for living in a certain area.  LDA is for the "inconvenience" of possibly having to go in the field from time to time.

When one is on MATA/PATA leave, they still live in the area.  They don't go in the field.
Neither do the base Gagetown MPs, but they get LDA.  I say ALL units should get LDA, less CTC of course, because, I mean, hey, just because our lads spend more time in the training area than the average moose doesn't mean that they should get anything.  I mean, heck, nothing's too good for them, and that's exactly what they are getting, so they should be thankful!  ::)

(Yes, I'm being sarcastic!)
Moe, yes but he will not be getting the LDA on his parental, when they calculate it, they would look at what he will make a month with the allowances and then top you up to 93%. LDA is a monthly allowance that one gets by being posted to a field unit and the only way it stops by falling into the categories I posted above.
meni0n said:
Moe, yes but he will not be getting the LDA on his parental, when they calculate it, they would look at what he will make a month with the allowances and then top you up to 93%. LDA is a monthly allowance that one gets by being posted to a field unit and the only way it stops by falling into the categories I posted above.

I understand what LDA is.  You compared it to PLD.  I just posted my opinion of the difference between the two.