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Canadian's in Vietnam

Quote from Nate C,
I've been searching the web for the last hour, [/i

Nate, your young and sometimes you get called on things, your post was good untill you went on the attack with your "google"  and "16 year old" crack.
Hey, everyone is wrong sometimes, life is a learning process, instead of blaming someone else just suck it up and learn.
Maybe you owe Wes something.........[hint]
I am not bullshitting you. You can believe what you want, I really don't give a ****. I do not like it when people call me a liar, and when that happens I become very offensive. Whatever man, just cool off. I believe I made a mistake within my estimation of his capture.
NateC said:
I am not bullshitting you. You can believe what you want, I really don't give a ****. I do not like it when people call me a liar, and when that happens I become very offensive. Whatever man, just cool off. I believe I made a mistake within my estimation of his capture.
I think you are the one who needs to cool off, PAL! I am not the one getting all agro and excited.

Bruce, I think one can only expect more flak from this boy. I just find an uncle with 3 combat tours in VN with the same unit at the same loc rather hard to beleive, along with a great uncle captured in Italy at the end of the campaign, and sent to a Jewish Death Camp when nothing but utter pandamonium reined upon the Germans as the left in haste from Italy, not including the offensive from the Allies in the west and the Russians in the east . With Nate's attitude and posture, I smell some serious fresh BS, ripe and steaming.

Nate, calling me pathetic is a rather spinless comeback, and does nothing for your character here. Remember, you are the one who searched the INet for an hour not me. I have been collecting info on the VN war for a long time, and anything I have said has not been dragged off the INet, and even if it was, so what.

I work hard here in Australia after going on 11 yrs in the Australian Army, and over 18yrs service in the CF before that. I enjoy this site very much as its my only link to the CF now, and one of a few to Canada, and if you are NOT going to contribute to this thread in a positive manner, then find somewhere else to troll, bullshit, flame and waste band width.

Facts are facts and bullshitters are simply that!
It would help if you could post your references

EG like this

BOOK TITLE, BOOK AUTHOR, BOOK PUBLISHER: CITY PUBLISHED IN, DATE  -then we could all get one from www.Abebooks.ca or Chapters or similar

Canadians supported US policy in Vietnam until the late 60s and the last term of PM Lester Pearson who got in a shoving match with Pres Lyndon Johnson over speeches Pearson made at Villanova University in Philadelphia. Johnson  is supposed to have grabbed him by the lapels and said - I don't appreciate you coming down here and pi$$ing on the carpet.  :o

And what did we get in return? The Autopact is supposed to have been a spinoff of a joint USA - CDN World views.

Then Dirty Pierre came in and it all went down hill.

Sources - See Granatstein, J. L. Yankee Go Home?: Canadians and Anti-Americanism
Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: Harpercollins, 1996 ISBN: 0002553015

I read it about 2 years back - and its quite the eye opener.

Also your can read
Hellyer, Paul DAMN THE TORPEDOES My Fight to Unify Canada's Armed Forces Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1990 ISBN: 077104061X

We were once dancing cheek to cheek on things military - mind you we had a large Armed Forces and big commitments to NATO in Germany

And then 1989 came!

Hope this post of use to you.

These books and more like them are available on-line USED via the web at www.abebooks.ca and are VERY reasonably priced -0 and almost free shipping vs a comparable copy at Chapters

I am not a sales agent for ABEbooks! But they have a good service record as far as I can tell.

Better reign it in Mr NateC - you are treading on thin ice.
Wesley H. Allen said:
13 May 75:   USAF 25 killed, 14 May 75: 14 USMC, 2 USN, 2 USAF killed, 08 Nov 75: 1 US Army killed.

Although the CF's invlovment in the Italian (Sicily 10 Jul - 06   Aug 43 Italy 03 Sep 43 - 25 Feb 45) campaign ended in Feb 45, I find it hard to phathom that a Canadian PoW would be transported all the way from Italy to to a Jewish Death camp at Buchenwald so late in the war, thru areas where indeed the war was being lost by the Germans.   Buchenwald was liberated on 11 Apr 45, and I have NEVER heard of generic CF pers being held there.

I recall something about it. A number of service pers ended up in various concentration camps, usually after doing something to PO the Nazis, like multiple escape attempts. Many of the camps had different sections for different "types" of prisoners. For example Auschwitz was a truly massive camp, with only a segment devoted to being a death camp.

PWs from Italy would have been transported to Germany fairly quickly.

All from memory though, so not details. I'll see if I can dig up some refs.

I can't beleive I accidently deleted an important post on here. Sorry, and I appologise for doing so..

However, WRT Allied PWs in German Death camps, there was a small group of Allied Airmen from UK, Australia, NZ, Canada and South Africa who did end up in Buchenwald in the late summer of 1944. All had been shot down over western Europe, and taken prisoner. However no Cdn Army pers captured late in the Italian campaign just before it ended in Feb 1945 were transported to this camp.

Buchenwald was liberated by US Forces in Apr of 45, less than a month before the Germans surrendered.
Oh boy!

I'm toast. The grey thing has really caught up to me!! I thought the title read "Canadians in Vietnam",
& I'm reading about the 2nd big Scheme. My geography has also left me.

I'm definitely have very limited knowledge of the pow camps in Europe as my studies were more focussed on tactics.

The 1 thing I know for sure, Wes you are correct about the early salvos in what we came to know as the "Vietnam war".  The Allies did not deem the French double dealing the indigenous people & Japanese as important. Thus they stayed out of there, save for some roving patrols opting for Burma as tactically more important.  At the end of the Second war, the internal conflict started routing out the French & history was made.

Sorry I still have not unpacked my books so I can't give references.

tomahawk6 said:

Some 40,000 Canadians served in the US Army from 1959 - 75 [a fact I wasnt aware of until I saw web site].
This web site was sent to me in an email today from a vet of the 4/23d Infantry Reg [the first unit I served with]
informing others of ceremonies in Windsor on July 2d that will honor the memory/service of those Canadians that served in Vietnam. This was new to me and I am sure that most of you knew this already but I thought it was worth a post.

The border and immigration matters were pretty relaxed during the late 1960 anbd 70s = not like today. I don't think anyone knows the exact figure of CDNs who served during the Viet Nam conflict, but those factors helped make it a reality.