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Canadians deploying to AFG (early days, merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Spr Earl
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Spr Earl

On the new‘s showing our people living in RECCE. TENT‘s say‘s it all and bumming rat‘s from the yank‘s , all this just for Petite Jean‘s EGO.
As the saying goes beware what you wish for !

Were are our Wheather Haven‘s ?
Were is the support this element need‘s coming from? YANK‘S?

I was choked when I saw our folk‘s being issued M.R.E.‘s ,I feel let down by the poletician‘s seeing this on the NEW‘S . What are we the military BUM‘S
of the world ?

I‘AM F@#$^ CHOKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. We have Air Field Engineer‘s who could have been flown in and prepared a camp for the use of our Battle Group ( minus)and here is the kicker no comm‘s between all elemnent‘s of our command!!!

The above post was made with out due thought and one to many Hic* and in the heat of the moment and I will leave the post as written as a reminder to myself to engage brain first then my finger‘s :)

If I have offended any one I apologise. :o
Spr Earl, if you don‘t know what is going on...you had better not talk about it because you do not know what you are talking about. Consider the following:

a. the deployment has only begun, hence not all the kit is on the ground.

b. canadians are on a US base, is it that unreasonable to eat US MREs? Do it make logistic sense to bring in two types of rations?

c. all support for Qandahar is airlifted in ... does this leave room for the nice to haves?

d. Weather havens? You have done one to many tours of Bosnia buddy. Qandahar is a forward operating base. I would be surprised if they didn‘t sleep in tents the remainder of the tour.

Now if you were complaining about the lack of Canadian Strategic Lift, we can talk.


This deployment was decided when?

Ergo the logistic‘s should have been in place!

Ergo the Puzzle Palace is letting down our side
as we are under U.S. Command ergo should not the accomadation‘s have been ready to except said troop‘s !

Ergo welcome the G.D.!!!

And This is my opinion as to Little John‘s last kick at the Politicle bag and I don‘t want to see my fellow comrade‘s in arm‘s used as cannon fodder for political gain‘s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake Up we are Being USED!!!!!!!!!

P.S. We have Air Field Engineer‘s who are trained in rapid deployment for setting up a camp and running a air field and camp, now you tell me why these pers. werent deployed as we all know it was
a given we would be in Kandaha.

Question ? How do leave this COUNTRY ON OUR OWN?
AND still remain CANADIAN‘S?

As I see it now we have become combatent‘s!
We have lost our nuetraltiy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woah, Saper, slow down.. and use spell check!

Weather Havens?? Uh? The Yanks are in tents, why the **** shouldn‘t we be? What‘s wrong with MRE‘s? When your loading up the C-17 do you say "no, wait, leave the Coyotes, we need to bring IMP‘s - otherwise we‘ve given away our national soverignty"

Air Field preparation team? They were already there... it‘s called a MEU(SOC). Do we really need to send an advance party to set up tents??

What irked me was watching CBC interview a bunch of middle-aged females today at the airport, sitting around like it was an office whining about how cold it was and saying that they were in the Air Force and this is their first time in the field or in a tent. WTF??!! I found that disturbing.
>Ergo the logistic‘s should have been in place!

Where? If you mean at home, they were, except for our obvious lack of hvy lift transport. If you mean over there, well WTF, the Marines are supposed to make our beds for us?

>Ergo the Puzzle Palace is letting down our side
>as we are under U.S. Command ergo should not >the accomadation‘s have been ready to except >said troop‘s !

NO! Who is going to set them up??? Zoinks, Scooby! Again, what are we going to do? Ask the USMC to set up hoochies for us? There was no advance accomidation party for Op Overlord either (ha, bad comparison I know but I couldn‘t resist)

> Ergo welcome the G.D.!!!

Who has long been the staple of any army. Remember the old 90% waiting, 10% fighting rule of thumb? Doing GDs is the given in any army, much less any war.

> And This is my opinion as to Little John‘s last >kick at the Politicle bag and I don‘t want to see >my fellow comrade‘s in arm‘s used as cannon >fodder for political gain‘s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don‘t agree with that assesment at all, for reasons too lengthy to ramble about here. And loyalty prevents with me from agreeing about your comments on the PM ;) Ahem, cough, cough

>Wake Up we are Being USED!!!!!!!!!

That‘s the gov‘ts perogative. You don‘t like how they use you, fine, get out. But if you‘re in, it isn‘t a volunteer org anymore, you do what they (the Gov‘t and your higher) say. Period.

>As I see it now we have become combatent‘s!
>We have lost our nuetraltiy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is another way of saying we stand for something. Thank God. And we were never neutral, we just didn‘t have leadership that chose to committ us to battle. If you think Canada is a neutral country you have some reading to do.

God D*amn I hate this sh*t - This is the kind of thing that takes all the fun out of soldiering.
And it‘s why I usually never try to talk people out of releasing.
Hmmm.. let‘s see...

Sleeping in tents... eating rations... open-air washing facilities... digging latrines... gee, sounds like the army to me!

My god... it IS the army... imagine that!
Yes, that CBC report bugged me too. I guess they feel it‘s more important to talk to support soldiers then combat ones even when everyone at home people have been going ape**** about what those combat troops are going to be doing over there.

More then likely they didn‘t care or don‘t know the difference. But the media always has to include at least one or two females whenever they report on a combat unit.
Come on... people have lived in Afghanistan for centuries, surely some Canadian soldiers can spend 6 months there. This is not the first time Army pers deploy to an inhospitable area of the world... and remember, they are replacing someone over there, meaning there are already installations in place. Surely, it will not be an easy mission, but I think they can manage... now, what is all this about this one being the first combat mission in decades... as far as I know, this is under chapter 7 of the UN charter, just like a number of other missions we have been on. The problem is, in the CF we go on 2 kinds of missions: peacekeeping or war. Other countries have more descriptions for ops: the aussies called the INTERFET mission "WARLIKE CONDITIONS". Our govt called it peacekeeping, but we still sent platoons after pro-indon militia groups when they were reported burning villages and killing people. Now we were going after them with guns AND ammo, certainly a combat mission (or search and d... oups,can‘t use this word!!!) :cdn:
Not to mention that if you are expecting the reception to be a little unfriendly, you want to be sleeping as close to ground level as possible, if not in a hole.

I wish I had taken pictures of a certain 5/4 that got hit by a 105 round. Serves to show why trucks don‘t make good sleeping quarters and why a high pile of sandbags is always worth the effort.

As for logisitics being in place - funny how people always want logistics when they do it fo real, but don‘t want to give up the budget or manpower to keep it ready in peaccetime. (pet peeve, sorry)
If Canadian forces are being supplied with American supplies like food, tents,beer etc. I would say they are fortunate.During the last combat action...Korea ...we were U.S. supplied even our vehicles...Compared to what the Brits. and the other forces had we were thankful. So using U.S. ordinance is not new...
We had American weapons in Korea because our troops traded Canadian beer for US caribines. Canadian‘s were issued World War 1 quality Lee-Enfields, and WW 2 helmets. These were all Brithish kit from Canadian war stockes. Don‘t forget, we served as part of a British Comonwealth Division and so our higher level support was British, not American.

:cool: Yard Ape
The Commonwealth Brigade used a mixture of British and American equipment. Since Canada had virtually no military stores in 1950, the Brigade was sent to FT. Lewis and got most of their gear and weapons from American stocks there.
I woudl expect that the situation was similar for Aus and NZ forces.
The French in Indochina fought with American gear and weapons as well.

Spomething interesting comments from Desmond Morton‘s "Military History of Canada" re: Korea
The annoyance of the Cdn gov‘t that Canadian troop had been used to quell a prison riot without consulting Ottawa first, and how a war waged far away by regular soldiers produced little emotional response at home.

Oh, and when Korea started, what did Canada first send? The RCAF‘s only transport squadron and three ships.... sound familiar???
They won‘t be drinking US beer. The yanks have been dry on deployment (including exercises) since Nam.
True enough. It was always a great thing to invite them into the field mess for a beer - and to watch their faces.

Probably a good policy for us to adopt, but I don‘t see it happening any time soon.

Not sure what policy you think is good to adopt: drinking or no drinking on exercises/deployments.
"to adopt" implies a new policy, doesn‘t it?

But for clarity - "no drinking on ex". Ex should be more field inensive, with longer stretches of manouevres, etc - not just heading to Wainwright and setting up a field base. All unit level training should be done before heading for formation level.
Who thinks we should stay til the job is over?

Canada to pull troops out of ground war against terrorism in Afghanistan

Canada will pull most of its ground troops out of Afghanistan this summer, leaving a few planes, ships and a handful of special forces soldiers in place, Defence Minister Art Eggleton announced Tuesday.
What‘s the criteria for the job being over? Will it ever be achieved?