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Canadian troops begin major combat operation -Sept 2007- Operation Khar Khowhai

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Canadian troops begin major combat operation

"This is likely the largest operation that we've seen this summer," CTV's Steve Chao told Newsnet from Afghanistan on Saturday.

"We're told by Canadian commanders that it involves the entire Canadian battle group. It involves tanks, light armoured vehicles, hundreds of infantry soldiers supported by American air power.

"We're also told that at the front of the pack is the Afghan army, who has so far taken the brunt of enemy fire."

Zhari district is located about 20 to 30 kilometres west of Kandahar city.

In September 2006, the Canadian military carried out Operation Medusa in Zhari and Panjwai districts. That operation saw Canadian troops plunged into some of the fiercest combat since the Korean War.

Canada's forces prevailed, but Chao said the Afghan police haven't been able to keep the Taliban from returning.

"What it seems they're trying to do is regain this ground and then teach the Afghan police how to keep the Taliban out," he said.

Afghan police only get about 10 days of training and earn far less than the Taliban. They have poor access to weaponry and no armoured vehicles. "So they've consistently been the target of Taliban attacks in recent months, especially since the Taliban have learned they can't take on NATO forces directly," Chao said.

Canadian commanders are only saying the operation -- also known as Operation Khar Khowhai -- has been going on for about 24 hours and could continue for a few days. Training the police will be a longer-term task, he said.

Since Quebec's Royal 22nd Regiment came to Afghanistan in late July, it has lost three soldiers. All three died in Zhari district, and all three died from roadside blasts.
        Good luck and a safe return to our troops involved .
May God have mercy on the enemies because R22R won't.

Give em Hell!
And I predict they will have no major engagements, as Timmy has learned not to take on a Cdn cbt team.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
And I predict they will have no major engagements, as Timmy has learned not to take on a Cdn cbt team.

While the TB have demonstrated an aversion to taking on any NATO troops in a head on fight, once they go to ground, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

To my friends from TF 3/07... "Allons y!"
Since Quebec's Royal 22nd Regiment came to Afghanistan in late July, it has lost three soldiers. All three died in Zhari district, and all three died from roadside blasts.

I am getting pretty goddamn fed up with this. There has been media advisories released by DND to correct the MSM, but they ignore and roll along with making their own facts. I don't know if it's because they want to make people think the R22eR is taking more casualties because of how well known they are, or whether it is just a lack of effort to report the truth, either way they are showing no respect to the individual, and all deployed on thie ROTO.

"Master Corporal Christian Duchesne belonged to the 5th Field Ambulance, part of the 4th Health Service Group"

uncle-midget-boyd said:
I am getting pretty goddamn fed up with this. There has been media advisories released by DND to correct the MSM, but they ignore and roll along with making their own facts. I don't know if it's because they want to make people think the R22eR is taking more casualties because of how well known they are, or whether it is just a lack of effort to report the truth, either way they are showing no respect to the individual, and all deployed on thie ROTO.


They don't really care.... everyone on this roto is referred to as belong to the Vandoos, even though I work for a unit out of Kingston, Ontario.\

PS. Sandfleas suck, but the weather's getting cooler here! Many of you will be happy to note that there is now a memorial erected on the spot where MWO Mercier and MCpl Duchesne fell, quite a somber moment when you enter the FOB.
SuperSlug said:
They don't really care.... everyone on this roto is referred to as belong to the Vandoos, even though I work for a unit out of Kingston, Ontario.\

PS. Sandfleas suck, but the weather's getting cooler here! Many of you will be happy to note that there is now a memorial erected on the spot where MWO Mercier and MCpl Duchesne fell, quite a somber moment when you enter the FOB.

Sandfleas, yuck, are they like earwigs, I hate those little suckers. Thank goodness Alberta is rat and earwig free!

A memorial sounds excellent, keep safe, and go get the bad guys.

you wouldn't happen to have a photo of the memorial... some of us haven't gotten out to the FOBs....yet but would like to see what it looks like. 

Of topic...they are sandflys...and use your DEET!!! (I am sick of them too...nobody using their DEET and complain to the PMeds....)
While the troops in Kandahar & province are not all members of the R22R, they are part of the R22R Battle Group...
The MsM have small minds and have difficulty capturing the nuance of who and what we are....

eg:  APCs are TANKS.... etc
God bless them all and keep them safe. Hopefully this is the last time we have to take this ground. I hope the gars wounded this morning are doing ok and back to duty soon.  :salute: (I really need a blessing smiley....any buddy know of one?)
No quarter drawn or given.

Time for some serious payback, and KILL as many of the eneny as you can.

Good luck!

Gen Georges Armstrong Custer... "A good indian is a dead indian" saying comes to mind at present.
geo said:
Gen Georges Armstrong Custer... "A good indian is a dead indian" saying comes to mind at present.

I think Wesley has seen the face of the enemy and they are a vicious bunch.