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Canadian soldiers return to Kandahar

KevinB said:
Some SR mission combined with precision and low key DA's from the resultant int.   Act like the Israeli's pick up your brass and admit nothing...

I like that.  Deploying large forces is a double edged-sword, as our big footprint can act to piss off the locals.  These foes will infiltrate our society and hit us from the dark, so we should do the same.
Infanteer - all the US Gov't did with Gray Fox is allow CAG guys to go hunting with a very deniable footprint - taken of the Israeli 'blueprint'.   I had a chance enounter with a Israeli SF officer a few years through a friend of mine down south - at the time both of us though they where on the extreme side of paranoid - that was prior to 911.

All we need to to is insert some climbing cell guys into the moutains east of Afghan... to do so SR work - then bring in an element for one of the Sqn's - perhaps with 031 paticipation if the tgt is large - insert via freefall (and clown can land a square chute - even me) do the business - sanitise the site and extra to a point where the 160th elements can withdraw you...

I'd bet CAG is already doing it since the US have assets in Pakistan for FID and that give the others a cover...

SR - Strategic Recon
DA- Direct Action - raids and more...
CAG - Combined Action Group -- just think Delta. with sprinkling of Rangers into workable Task Forces (i.e. TF Ranger from BHD/Battle of the Black Sea infamy)
Gray Fox - CAG guys who get to play outside the box (and put people in them quite well)
FID - Foreign Internal Defence - essential ETT pers - but unlike our ETT's they acutaly train and FIGHT beside the locals.

T'was not for you - but the others reading  ;)

After I wrote it I realised that those out of the loop might miss what I was refering too.
KevinB said:
Infanteer - all the US Gov't did with Gray Fox is allow CAG guys to go hunting with a very deniable footprint - taken of the Israeli 'blueprint'.   I had a chance enounter with a Israeli SF officer a few years through a friend of mine down south - at the time both of us though they where on the extreme side of paranoid - that was prior to 911.

All we need to to is insert some climbing cell guys into the moutains east of Afghan... to do so SR work - then bring in an element for one of the Sqn's - perhaps with 031 paticipation if the tgt is large - insert via freefall (and clown can land a square chute - even me) do the business - sanitise the site and extra to a point where the 160th elements can withdraw you...

I'd bet CAG is already doing it since the US have assets in Pakistan for FID and that give the others a cover...

SR - Strategic Recon
DA- Direct Action - raids and more...
CAG - Combined Action Group -- just think Delta. with sprinkling of Rangers into workable Task Forces (i.e. TF Ranger from BHD/Battle of the Black Sea infamy)
Gray Fox - CAG guys who get to play outside the box (and put people in them quite well)
FID - Foreign Internal Defence - essential ETT pers - but unlike our ETT's they acutaly train and FIGHT beside the locals.
BWAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! I just imagined the reactions of the various PONTIs in Parliament reading this.
Well look at the bright side - with the London bombing I doubt the spineless asshats are going to try to waterdown 1-06
Unfortunately, I don't have your confidence Kevin, maybe because it wasn't London, Ontario (thankfully).

The horro stories I've heard about budget bunfights would curl your hair. If the TB needs to get $10 mil from somewhere in a few months, you can be assured that 1-06 is not a sacred cow.

Well it better be - or 1VP may be planning an OP near Rideau... ;)
Well, my guess (and it's only a guess) is that we've committed the TF and Bde HQ to NATO and the US already - time is growing short and we've announced the deployment publicly.  We're taking over an entire sector and that's not something you back out of without huge angst internationally.
And you'd pretty much lose your Infantry Corps -- many guys re-signed contracts just to get on this tour -- if it went south you have a lot of angry folk.
A few things...

a) I don't think the Liberals would allow the mission to be pulled. Otherwise, people might start to think Canada was not as much of a world player as it once was, and the PM won't get to visit Bono as often. ;)

b) I like your thinking KevinB, re: the pick the brass and admit nothing.

c) thanks for the legend, I was lost.

d)YOU actually WANT to go to Afganistan?!?!?!?
MCG said:
It is the place to be if you want to do your job.

And to think I avoid the US because their Customs and Immigration has become unpleasant. You guys need to be paid more... or given stronger medication.
couchcommander said:
d)YOU actually WANT to go BACK to Afganistan?!?!?!?

fixed it  ;)

I'd rather go to Iraq honestly.  I'd much rather take the fight to them, than have it come here to my family and friends.  Afghanistan's my second choice  ;D
Because he/she is a University student, who to his/her credit is at least asking and not just condemning us like most students without ever hearing the answers to that question.
couchcommander said:
d)YOU actually WANT to go to Afganistan?!?!?!?

(Just because I can't resist - these guys don't want to go to "Afganistan", they want to go to Afghanistan.)


Although recently retired (Jan 04) perhaps I can attempt to clarify this desire for you - others will no doubt pile on with their own opinions.

First - you've got to understand that being a soldier is not a "job", it is not a "career", it is a way of life and a mindset.  In my opinion, this holds true for all "emergency response/service" jobs, Police Officer, Fire Fighter, EMTs, medical professionals, etcetera.  This does not mean that all these types of service are "equal" - another discussion we won't get into here - but that the motivation for serving in them, and the culture surrounding them are, basically, similar.

Most soldiers join and/or stay in because they strongly believe in what they are doing - they're doing their part to preserve and protect our way of life, amongst MANY other motivations, all of which are (IMHO) basically grounded in service to and for their country and fellow citizens.

This is not to deny that some young recruits have visions of "Rambo" and personal glory dancing in their heads - these types either mature after being in for a while, or get out after discovering what's REALLY going on.

Now - given all that, an oft used analogy (imperfect as it is) is that of a sports team which does not belong to a league.  The team trains and trains and trains, but never gets to "play" another team.  Many members of the team leave out of boredom, those remaining continue honing their skills, just itching for a chance to play another team.  When a rare chance to use their skills as a team DOES occur, you can bet they're all itchin' for it - it is, after all, what they've been training for.

As I said - others will jump in with their own opinions - soldiers are no more homogeneous a group than any other collection of human beings - but watch how often the concept of "service" comes up.

Good luck in your studies - two of my sons are alumni of U of A, the third is still a student there.